#!/bin/bash set -e usage() { echo "Usage: build.sh [-b [release|debug]] " echo " [-c [gcc|clang]]" echo " [-m [meson|muon]" echo " [config]" echo "" echo "CI build script." echo "" echo " -b [release]|debug build type" echo " -c [gcc]|clang compiler to use" echo " -m [meson]|muon use meson or muon" echo " -t [armhf]|ppc64le|s390x cross compile target" echo "" echo "configs with meson:" echo " [default] default settings" echo " libdbus build with libdbus" echo " fallback download all dependencies" echo " and build them as shared libaries" echo " cross use cross toolchain to build" echo " coverage build coverage report" echo "" echo "configs with muon:" echo " [default] minimal static build" } BUILDTOOL=meson MESON=meson BUILDTYPE=release CROSS_TARGET=armhf CC=${CC:-"gcc"} while getopts "b:c:m:t:" o; do case "${o}" in b) BUILDTYPE="${OPTARG}" ;; c) CC="${OPTARG}" ;; m) BUILDTOOL="${OPTARG}" ;; t) CROSS_TARGET="${OPTARG}" ;; *) usage exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) CONFIG=${1:-"default"} cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit 1 BUILDDIR="$(pwd)/.build-ci" fn_exists() { declare -F "$1" > /dev/null; } config_meson_default() { CC="${CC}" "${MESON}" setup \ --werror \ --buildtype="${BUILDTYPE}" \ "${BUILDDIR}" } config_meson_libdbus() { CC="${CC}" "${MESON}" setup \ --werror \ --buildtype="${BUILDTYPE}" \ -Dlibdbus=enabled \ --prefix=/ \ "${BUILDDIR}" } config_meson_fallback() { CC="${CC}" "${MESON}" setup \ --werror \ --buildtype="${BUILDTYPE}" \ --wrap-mode=forcefallback \ -Dlibdbus=enabled \ -Ddbus:werror=false \ -Dopenssl:werror=false \ "${BUILDDIR}" } config_meson_cross() { CC="${CC}" "${MESON}" setup \ --werror \ --buildtype="${BUILDTYPE}" \ --cross-file=.github/cross/ubuntu-cross-"${CROSS_TARGET}".txt \ -Dpython=disabled \ -Dopenssl=disabled \ "${BUILDDIR}" } config_meson_coverage() { CC="${CC}" "${MESON}" setup \ --werror \ --buildtype="${BUILDTYPE}" \ --wrap-mode=nofallback \ -Dlibdbus=enabled \ -Db_coverage=true \ "${BUILDDIR}" } build_meson() { "${MESON}" compile \ -C "${BUILDDIR}" } test_meson() { "${MESON}" test \ -C "${BUILDDIR}" } test_meson_coverage() { "${MESON}" test \ -C "${BUILDDIR}" ninja -C "${BUILDDIR}" coverage --verbose } tools_build_samurai() { mkdir -p "${BUILDDIR}"/build-tools git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/michaelforney/samurai.git \ "${BUILDDIR}/build-tools/samurai" pushd "${BUILDDIR}/build-tools/samurai" || exit 1 CC="${CC}" make SAMU="${BUILDDIR}/build-tools/samurai/samu" popd || exit 1 } tools_build_muon() { mkdir -p "${BUILDDIR}"/build-tools git clone --depth 1 https://git.sr.ht/~lattis/muon \ "${BUILDDIR}/build-tools/muon" pushd "${BUILDDIR}/build-tools/muon" || exit 1 CC="${CC}" ninja="${SAMU}" ./bootstrap.sh stage1 CC="${CC}" ninja="${SAMU}" stage1/muon setup \ -Dprefix="${BUILDDIR}/build-tools" \ -Dlibcurl=enabled \ -Dlibarchive=enabled \ -Dlibpkgconf=enabled \ -Ddocs=disabled \ -Dsamurai=disabled \ "${BUILDDIR}/build-tools/.build-muon" "${SAMU}" -C "${BUILDDIR}/build-tools/.build-muon" MUON="${BUILDDIR}/build-tools/.build-muon/muon" # "${MUON}" -C "${BUILDDIR}/build-tools/.build-muon" test popd || exit 1 } config_muon_default() { CC="${CC}" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -static" \ ninja="${SAMU}" "${MUON}" setup \ -Ddefault_library=static \ -Djson-c=disabled \ -Dopenssl=disabled \ -Dkeyutils=disabled \ -Dpython=disabled \ -Dpython=disabled \ "${BUILDDIR}" } build_muon() { "${SAMU}" -C "${BUILDDIR}" } test_muon() { ninja="${SAMU}" "${MUON}" -C "${BUILDDIR}" test } rm -rf "${BUILDDIR}" if [[ "${BUILDTOOL}" == "muon" ]]; then if ! which samu ; then tools_build_samurai else SAMU="$(which samu)" fi if ! which muon ; then tools_build_muon else MUON="$(which muon)" fi fi config_"${BUILDTOOL}"_"${CONFIG}" fn_exists "build_${BUILDTOOL}_${CONFIG}" && "build_${BUILDTOOL}_${CONFIG}" || build_"${BUILDTOOL}" fn_exists "test_${BUILDTOOL}_${CONFIG}" && "test_${BUILDTOOL}_${CONFIG}" || test_"${BUILDTOOL}"