.. _util.h: **util.h** libnvme utility functions .. c:enum:: nvme_connect_err nvme connect error codes **Constants** ``ENVME_CONNECT_RESOLVE`` failed to resolve host ``ENVME_CONNECT_ADDRFAM`` unrecognized address family ``ENVME_CONNECT_TRADDR`` failed to get traddr ``ENVME_CONNECT_TARG`` need a transport (-t) argument ``ENVME_CONNECT_AARG`` need a address (-a) argument ``ENVME_CONNECT_OPEN`` failed to open nvme-fabrics device ``ENVME_CONNECT_WRITE`` failed to write to nvme-fabrics device ``ENVME_CONNECT_READ`` failed to read from nvme-fabrics device ``ENVME_CONNECT_PARSE`` failed to parse ctrl info ``ENVME_CONNECT_INVAL_TR`` invalid transport type ``ENVME_CONNECT_LOOKUP_SUBSYS_NAME`` failed to lookup subsystem name ``ENVME_CONNECT_LOOKUP_SUBSYS`` failed to lookup subsystem ``ENVME_CONNECT_ALREADY`` the connect attempt failed, already connected ``ENVME_CONNECT_INVAL`` invalid arguments/configuration ``ENVME_CONNECT_ADDRINUSE`` hostnqn already in use ``ENVME_CONNECT_NODEV`` invalid interface ``ENVME_CONNECT_OPNOTSUPP`` not supported ``ENVME_CONNECT_CONNREFUSED`` connection refused ``ENVME_CONNECT_ADDRNOTAVAIL`` cannot assign requested address ``ENVME_CONNECT_IGNORED`` connect attempt is ignored due to configuration .. c:function:: __u8 nvme_status_to_errno (int status, bool fabrics) Converts nvme return status to errno **Parameters** ``int status`` Return status from an nvme passthrough command ``bool fabrics`` Set to true if :c:type:`status` is to a fabrics target. **Return** An errno representing the nvme status if it is an nvme status field, or unchanged status is < 0 since errno is already set. .. c:function:: const char * nvme_status_to_string (int status, bool fabrics) Returns string describing nvme return status. **Parameters** ``int status`` Return status from an nvme passthrough command ``bool fabrics`` Set to true if :c:type:`status` is to a fabrics target. **Return** String representation of the nvme status if it is an nvme status field, or a standard errno string if status is < 0. .. c:function:: const char * nvme_errno_to_string (int err) Returns string describing nvme connect failures **Parameters** ``int err`` Returned error code from nvme_add_ctrl() **Return** String representation of the nvme connect error codes .. c:function:: void nvme_init_ctrl_list (struct nvme_ctrl_list *cntlist, __u16 num_ctrls, __u16 *ctrlist) Initialize an nvme_ctrl_list structure from an array. **Parameters** ``struct nvme_ctrl_list *cntlist`` The controller list structure to initialize ``__u16 num_ctrls`` The number of controllers in the array, :c:type:`ctrlist`. ``__u16 *ctrlist`` An array of controller identifiers in CPU native endian. **Description** This is intended to be used with any command that takes a controller list argument. See nvme_ns_attach_ctrls() and nvme_ns_detach(). .. c:function:: void nvme_init_dsm_range (struct nvme_dsm_range *dsm, __u32 *ctx_attrs, __u32 *llbas, __u64 *slbas, __u16 nr_ranges) Constructs a data set range structure **Parameters** ``struct nvme_dsm_range *dsm`` DSM range array ``__u32 *ctx_attrs`` Array of context attributes ``__u32 *llbas`` Array of length in logical blocks ``__u64 *slbas`` Array of starting logical blocks ``__u16 nr_ranges`` The size of the dsm arrays **Description** Each array must be the same size of size 'nr_ranges'. This is intended to be used with constructing a payload for nvme_dsm(). **Return** The nvme command status if a response was received or -errno otherwise. .. c:function:: void nvme_init_copy_range (struct nvme_copy_range *copy, __u16 *nlbs, __u64 *slbas, __u32 *eilbrts, __u32 *elbatms, __u32 *elbats, __u16 nr) Constructs a copy range structure **Parameters** ``struct nvme_copy_range *copy`` Copy range array ``__u16 *nlbs`` Number of logical blocks ``__u64 *slbas`` Starting LBA ``__u32 *eilbrts`` Expected initial logical block reference tag ``__u32 *elbatms`` Expected logical block application tag mask ``__u32 *elbats`` Expected logical block application tag ``__u16 nr`` Number of descriptors to construct .. c:function:: void nvme_init_copy_range_f1 (struct nvme_copy_range_f1 *copy, __u16 *nlbs, __u64 *slbas, __u64 *eilbrts, __u32 *elbatms, __u32 *elbats, __u16 nr) Constructs a copy range f1 structure **Parameters** ``struct nvme_copy_range_f1 *copy`` Copy range array ``__u16 *nlbs`` Number of logical blocks ``__u64 *slbas`` Starting LBA ``__u64 *eilbrts`` Expected initial logical block reference tag ``__u32 *elbatms`` Expected logical block application tag mask ``__u32 *elbats`` Expected logical block application tag ``__u16 nr`` Number of descriptors to construct .. c:function:: int nvme_get_feature_length (int fid, __u32 cdw11, __u32 *len) Retreive the command payload length for a specific feature identifier **Parameters** ``int fid`` Feature identifier, see :c:type:`enum nvme_features_id `. ``__u32 cdw11`` The cdw11 value may affect the transfer (only known fid is ``NVME_FEAT_FID_HOST_ID``) ``__u32 *len`` On success, set to this features payload length in bytes. **Return** 0 on success, -1 with errno set to EINVAL if the function did not recognize :c:type:`fid`. .. c:function:: int nvme_get_feature_length2 (int fid, __u32 cdw11, enum nvme_data_tfr dir, __u32 *len) Retreive the command payload length for a specific feature identifier **Parameters** ``int fid`` Feature identifier, see :c:type:`enum nvme_features_id `. ``__u32 cdw11`` The cdw11 value may affect the transfer (only known fid is ``NVME_FEAT_FID_HOST_ID``) ``enum nvme_data_tfr dir`` Data transfer direction: false - host to controller, true - controller to host may affect the transfer (only known fid is ``NVME_FEAT_FID_HOST_MEM_BUF``). ``__u32 *len`` On success, set to this features payload length in bytes. **Return** 0 on success, -1 with errno set to EINVAL if the function did not recognize :c:type:`fid`. .. c:function:: int nvme_get_directive_receive_length (enum nvme_directive_dtype dtype, enum nvme_directive_receive_doper doper, __u32 *len) Get directive receive length **Parameters** ``enum nvme_directive_dtype dtype`` Directive type, see :c:type:`enum nvme_directive_dtype ` ``enum nvme_directive_receive_doper doper`` Directive receive operation, see :c:type:`enum nvme_directive_receive_doper ` ``__u32 *len`` On success, set to this directives payload length in bytes. **Return** 0 on success, -1 with errno set to EINVAL if the function did not recognize :c:type:`dtype` or :c:type:`doper`. .. c:function:: size_t get_entity_name (char *buffer, size_t bufsz) Get Entity Name (ENAME). **Parameters** ``char *buffer`` The buffer where the ENAME will be saved as an ASCII string. ``size_t bufsz`` The size of **buffer**. **Description** Per TP8010, ENAME is defined as the name associated with the host (i.e. hostname). **Return** Number of characters copied to **buffer**. .. c:function:: size_t get_entity_version (char *buffer, size_t bufsz) Get Entity Version (EVER). **Parameters** ``char *buffer`` The buffer where the EVER will be saved as an ASCII string. ``size_t bufsz`` The size of **buffer**. **Description** EVER is defined as the operating system name and version as an ASCII string. This function reads different files from the file system and builds a string as follows: [os type] [os release] [distro release] E.g. "Linux 5.17.0-rc1 SLES 15.4" **Return** Number of characters copied to **buffer**. .. c:function:: char * kv_strip (char *kv) Strip blanks from key value string **Parameters** ``char *kv`` The key-value string to strip **Description** Strip leading/trailing blanks as well as trailing comments from the Key=Value string pointed to by **kv**. **Return** A pointer to the stripped string. Note that the original string, **kv**, gets modified. .. c:function:: char * kv_keymatch (const char *kv, const char *key) Look for key in key value string **Parameters** ``const char *kv`` The key=value string to search for the presence of **key** ``const char *key`` The key to look for **Description** Look for **key** in the Key=Value pair pointed to by **k** and return a pointer to the Value if **key** is found. Check if **kv** starts with **key**. If it does then make sure that we have a whole-word match on the **key**, and if we do, return a pointer to the first character of value (i.e. skip leading spaces, tabs, and equal sign) **Return** A pointer to the first character of "value" if a match is found. NULL otherwise. .. c:function:: char * startswith (const char *s, const char *prefix) Checks that a string starts with a given prefix. **Parameters** ``const char *s`` The string to check ``const char *prefix`` A string that **s** could be starting with **Return** If **s** starts with **prefix**, then return a pointer within **s** at the first character after the matched **prefix**. NULL otherwise. .. c:macro:: round_up ``round_up (val, mult)`` Round a value **val** to the next multiple specified by **mult**. **Parameters** ``val`` Value to round ``mult`` Multiple to round to. **Description** usage: int x = round_up(13, sizeof(__u32)); // 13 -> 16 .. c:function:: __u16 nvmf_exat_len (size_t val_len) Return length rounded up by 4 **Parameters** ``size_t val_len`` Value length **Description** Return the size in bytes, rounded to a multiple of 4 (e.g., size of __u32), of the buffer needed to hold the exat value of size **val_len**. **Return** Length rounded up by 4 .. c:function:: __u16 nvmf_exat_size (size_t val_len) Return min aligned size to hold value **Parameters** ``size_t val_len`` This is the length of the data to be copied to the "exatval" field of a "struct nvmf_ext_attr". **Description** Return the size of the "struct nvmf_ext_attr" needed to hold a value of size **val_len**. **Return** The size in bytes, rounded to a multiple of 4 (i.e. size of __u32), of the "struct nvmf_ext_attr" required to hold a string of length **val_len**. .. c:function:: struct nvmf_ext_attr * nvmf_exat_ptr_next (struct nvmf_ext_attr *p) Increment **p** to the next element in the array. **Parameters** ``struct nvmf_ext_attr *p`` Pointer to an element of an array of "struct nvmf_ext_attr". **Description** Extended attributes are saved to an array of "struct nvmf_ext_attr" where each element of the array is of variable size. In order to move to the next element in the array one must increment the pointer to the current element (**p**) by the size of the current element. **Return** Pointer to the next element in the array. .. c:enum:: nvme_version Selector for version to be returned by **nvme_get_version** **Constants** ``NVME_VERSION_PROJECT`` Project release version ``NVME_VERSION_GIT`` Git reference .. c:function:: const char * nvme_get_version (enum nvme_version type) Return version libnvme string **Parameters** ``enum nvme_version type`` Selects which version type (see **struct** nvme_version) **Return** Returns version string for known types or else "n/a" .. c:function:: int nvme_uuid_to_string (unsigned char uuid[NVME_UUID_LEN], char *str) Return string represenation of encoded UUID **Parameters** ``unsigned char uuid[NVME_UUID_LEN]`` Binary encoded input UUID ``char *str`` Output string represenation of UUID **Return** Returns error code if type conversion fails. .. c:function:: int nvme_uuid_from_string (const char *str, unsigned char uuid[NVME_UUID_LEN]) Return encoded UUID represenation of string UUID **Parameters** ``const char *str`` Output string represenation of UUID ``unsigned char uuid[NVME_UUID_LEN]`` Binary encoded input UUID **Return** Returns error code if type conversion fails. .. c:function:: int nvme_uuid_random (unsigned char uuid[NVME_UUID_LEN]) Generate random UUID **Parameters** ``unsigned char uuid[NVME_UUID_LEN]`` Generated random UUID **Description** Generate random number according https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4122#section-4.4 **Return** Returns error code if generating of random number fails. .. c:function:: bool nvme_ipaddrs_eq (const char *addr1, const char *addr2) Check if 2 IP addresses are equal. **Parameters** ``const char *addr1`` IP address (can be IPv4 or IPv6) ``const char *addr2`` IP address (can be IPv4 or IPv6) **Return** true if addr1 == addr2. false otherwise. .. c:function:: const char * nvme_iface_matching_addr (const struct ifaddrs *iface_list, const char *addr) Get interface matching **addr** **Parameters** ``const struct ifaddrs *iface_list`` Interface list returned by getifaddrs() ``const char *addr`` Address to match **Description** Parse the interface list pointed to by **iface_list** looking for the interface that has **addr** as one of its assigned addresses. **Return** The name of the interface that owns **addr** or NULL. .. c:function:: bool nvme_iface_primary_addr_matches (const struct ifaddrs *iface_list, const char *iface, const char *addr) Check that interface's primary address matches **Parameters** ``const struct ifaddrs *iface_list`` Interface list returned by getifaddrs() ``const char *iface`` Interface to match ``const char *addr`` Address to match **Description** Parse the interface list pointed to by **iface_list** and looking for interface **iface**. The get its primary address and check if it matches **addr**. **Return** true if a match is found, false otherwise.