.TH "libnvme" 9 "struct nbft_host" "November 2024" "API Manual" LINUX .SH NAME struct nbft_host \- Host Descriptor (Figure 9) .SH SYNOPSIS struct nbft_host { .br .BI " __u8 structure_id;" .br .BI " __u8 flags;" .br .BI " __u8 host_id[16];" .br .BI " struct nbft_heap_obj host_nqn_obj;" .br .BI " __u8 reserved[8];" .br .BI " }; .br .SH Members .IP "structure_id" 12 Structure ID: This field shall be set to 2h (i.e., Host Descriptor; #NBFT_DESC_HOST). .IP "flags" 12 Host Flags, see \fIenum nbft_host_flags\fP. .IP "host_id" 12 Host ID: This field shall be set to the Host Identifier. This field shall not be empty if the NBFT and NVMe Boot are supported by the Platform. .IP "host_nqn_obj" 12 Host NQN Heap Object Reference: this field indicates a heap object containing a Host NQN. This object shall not be empty if the NBFT and NVMe Boot are supported by the Platform. .IP "reserved" 12 Reserved.