.TH "nvme_mi_control" 9 "nvme_mi_control" "November 2024" "libnvme API manual" LINUX .SH NAME nvme_mi_control \- Perform a Control Primitive command .SH SYNOPSIS .B "int" nvme_mi_control .BI "(nvme_mi_ep_t ep " "," .BI "__u8 opcode " "," .BI "__u16 cpsp " "," .BI "__u16 *result_cpsr " ");" .SH ARGUMENTS .IP "ep" 12 endpoint for MI communication .IP "opcode" 12 Control Primitive opcode (using \fIenum nvme_mi_control_opcode\fP) .IP "cpsp" 12 Control Primitive Specific Parameter .IP "result_cpsr" 12 Optional field to return the result from the CPSR field .SH "DESCRIPTION" Perform a Control Primitive command, using the opcode specified in \fIopcode\fP Stores the result from the CPSR field in \fIresult_cpsr\fP if set. See: \fIenum nvme_mi_control_opcode\fP .SH "RETURN" 0 on success, non-zero on failure