.TH "libnvme" 9 "enum nvme_id_ctrl_lpa" "August 2024" "API Manual" LINUX .SH NAME enum nvme_id_ctrl_lpa \- Flags indicating optional attributes for log pages that are accessed via the Get Log Page command. .SH SYNOPSIS enum nvme_id_ctrl_lpa { .br .BI " NVME_CTRL_LPA_SMART_PER_NS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_CTRL_LPA_CMD_EFFECTS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_CTRL_LPA_EXTENDED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_CTRL_LPA_TELEMETRY" , .br .br .BI " NVME_CTRL_LPA_PERSETENT_EVENT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_CTRL_LPA_LI0_LI5_LI12_LI13" , .br .br .BI " NVME_CTRL_LPA_DA4_TELEMETRY" }; .SH Constants .IP "NVME_CTRL_LPA_SMART_PER_NS" 12 If set, controller supports SMART/Health log page on a per namespace basis. .IP "NVME_CTRL_LPA_CMD_EFFECTS" 12 If Set, the controller supports the commands supported and effects log page. .IP "NVME_CTRL_LPA_EXTENDED" 12 If set, the controller supports extended data for log page command including extended number of dwords and log page offset fields. .IP "NVME_CTRL_LPA_TELEMETRY" 12 If set, the controller supports the telemetry host-initiated and telemetry controller-initiated log pages and sending telemetry log notices. .IP "NVME_CTRL_LPA_PERSETENT_EVENT" 12 If set, the controller supports persistent event log. .IP "NVME_CTRL_LPA_LI0_LI5_LI12_LI13" 12 If set, the controller supports - log pages log page. - returning scope of each command in commands supported and effects log page. - feature identifiers supported and effects log page. - NVMe-MI commands supported and effects log page. .IP "NVME_CTRL_LPA_DA4_TELEMETRY" 12 If set, the controller supports data area 4 for telemetry host-initiated and telemetry.