.TH "nvme_mi_status_to_string" 9 "nvme_mi_status_to_string" "August 2024" "libnvme API manual" LINUX .SH NAME nvme_mi_status_to_string \- return a string representation of the MI status. .SH SYNOPSIS .B "const char *" nvme_mi_status_to_string .BI "(int status " ");" .SH ARGUMENTS .IP "status" 12 MI response status .SH "DESCRIPTION" Gives a string description of \fIstatus\fP, as per section 4.1.2 of the NVMe-MI spec. The status value should be of type NVME_STATUS_MI, and extracted from the return value using \fBnvme_status_get_value\fP. Returned string is const, and should not be \fBfree\fPed. .SH "RETURN" A string representing the status value