.TH "libnvme" 9 "enum nvme_id_ctrl_mec" "November 2024" "API Manual" LINUX .SH NAME enum nvme_id_ctrl_mec \- Flags indicating the capabilities of the Management Endpoint in the Controller, &struct nvme_id_ctrl.mec. .SH SYNOPSIS enum nvme_id_ctrl_mec { .br .BI " NVME_CTRL_MEC_SMBUSME" , .br .br .BI " NVME_CTRL_MEC_PCIEME" }; .SH Constants .IP "NVME_CTRL_MEC_SMBUSME" 12 If set, then the NVM Subsystem contains a Management Endpoint on an SMBus/I2C port. .IP "NVME_CTRL_MEC_PCIEME" 12 If set, then the NVM Subsystem contains a Management Endpoint on a PCIe port.