.TH "libnvme" 9 "struct nvme_mi_admin_resp_hdr" "November 2024" "API Manual" LINUX .SH NAME struct nvme_mi_admin_resp_hdr \- Admin command response header. .SH SYNOPSIS struct nvme_mi_admin_resp_hdr { .br .BI " struct nvme_mi_msg_hdr hdr;" .br .BI " __u8 status;" .br .BI " __u8 rsvd0[3];" .br .BI " __le32 cdw0, cdw1, cdw3;" .br .BI " }; .br .SH Members .IP "hdr" 12 Generic MI message header .IP "status" 12 Generic response code, non-zero on failure .IP "rsvd0" 12 Reserved .IP "cdw0" 12 Completion Queue Entry doubleword 0 .IP "cdw1" 12 Completion Queue Entry doubleword 1 .IP "cdw3" 12 Completion Queue Entry doubleword 3 .SH "Description" This is the generic response format with the three doublewords of completion queue data, plus optional response data.