.TH "nvme_nbft_read" 9 "nvme_nbft_read" "November 2024" "libnvme API manual" LINUX .SH NAME nvme_nbft_read \- Read and parse contents of an ACPI NBFT table .SH SYNOPSIS .B "int" nvme_nbft_read .BI "(struct nbft_info **nbft " "," .BI "const char *filename " ");" .SH ARGUMENTS .IP "nbft" 12 Parsed NBFT table data. .IP "filename" 12 Filename of the raw NBFT table to read. .SH "DESCRIPTION" Read and parse the specified NBFT file into a struct nbft_info. Free with \fBnvme_nbft_free\fP. .SH "RETURN" 0 on success, errno otherwise.