.TH "libnvme" 9 "enum nvme_status_field" "October 2024" "API Manual" LINUX .SH NAME enum nvme_status_field \- Defines all parts of the nvme status field: status code, status code type, and additional flags. .SH SYNOPSIS enum nvme_status_field { .br .BI " NVME_SCT_GENERIC" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SCT_CMD_SPECIFIC" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SCT_MEDIA" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SCT_PATH" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SCT_VS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SCT_MASK" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SCT_SHIFT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_MASK" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_SHIFT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_SUCCESS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_OPCODE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_FIELD" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CMDID_CONFLICT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_DATA_XFER_ERROR" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_POWER_LOSS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INTERNAL" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ABORT_REQ" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ABORT_QUEUE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FUSED_FAIL" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FUSED_MISSING" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_NS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CMD_SEQ_ERROR" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_LAST" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_COUNT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_DATA" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_METADATA" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_TYPE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CMB_INVALID_USE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_PRP_INVALID_OFFSET" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_AWU_EXCEEDED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_OP_DENIED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_OFFSET" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_HOSTID_FORMAT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_KAT_EXPIRED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_KAT_INVALID" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CMD_ABORTED_PREMEPT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_SANITIZE_FAILED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_SANITIZE_IN_PROGRESS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_GRANULARITY" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CMD_IN_CMBQ_NOT_SUPP" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_NS_WRITE_PROTECTED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CMD_INTERRUPTED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_TRAN_TPORT_ERROR" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_PROHIBITED_BY_CMD_AND_FEAT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ADMIN_CMD_MEDIA_NOT_READY" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FDP_DISABLED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_PLACEMENT_HANDLE_LIST" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_LBA_RANGE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CAP_EXCEEDED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_NS_NOT_READY" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_RESERVATION_CONFLICT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FORMAT_IN_PROGRESS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CQ_INVALID" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_QID_INVALID" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_QUEUE_SIZE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ABORT_LIMIT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ABORT_MISSING" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ASYNC_LIMIT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FIRMWARE_SLOT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FIRMWARE_IMAGE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_VECTOR" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_LOG_PAGE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_FORMAT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FW_NEEDS_CONV_RESET" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_QUEUE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FEATURE_NOT_SAVEABLE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FEATURE_NOT_CHANGEABLE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FEATURE_NOT_PER_NS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FW_NEEDS_SUBSYS_RESET" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FW_NEEDS_RESET" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FW_NEEDS_MAX_TIME" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FW_ACTIVATE_PROHIBITED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_OVERLAPPING_RANGE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_NS_INSUFFICIENT_CAP" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_NS_ID_UNAVAILABLE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_NS_ALREADY_ATTACHED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_NS_IS_PRIVATE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_NS_NOT_ATTACHED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_THIN_PROV_NOT_SUPP" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CTRL_LIST_INVALID" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_SELF_TEST_IN_PROGRESS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_BP_WRITE_PROHIBITED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_CTRL_ID" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_SEC_CTRL_STATE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_CTRL_RESOURCES" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_RESOURCE_ID" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_PMR_SAN_PROHIBITED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ANA_GROUP_ID_INVALID" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ANA_ATTACH_FAILED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INSUFFICIENT_CAP" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_NS_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_PROHIBIT_CMD_EXEC_NOT_SUPPORTED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_IOCS_NOT_SUPPORTED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_IOCS_NOT_ENABLED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_IOCS_COMBINATION_REJECTED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_IOCS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ID_UNAVAILABLE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_DISCOVERY_INFO" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ZONING_DATA_STRUCT_LOCKED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ZONING_DATA_STRUCT_NOTFND" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INSUFFICIENT_DISC_RES" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_REQSTD_FUNCTION_DISABLED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ZONEGRP_ORIGINATOR_INVLD" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_CONTROLER_DATA_QUEUE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CONTROLLER_SUSPENDED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CONTROLLER_NOT_SUSPENDED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CONTROLLER_DATA_QUEUE_FULL" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_BAD_ATTRIBUTES" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INVALID_PI" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_READ_ONLY" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CMD_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INCOMPATIBLE_NS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_FAST_COPY_NOT_POSSIBLE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_OVERLAPPING_IO_RANGE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CONNECT_FORMAT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CONNECT_CTRL_BUSY" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CONNECT_INVALID_PARAM" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CONNECT_RESTART_DISC" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CONNECT_INVALID_HOST" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_DISCONNECT_INVALID_QTYPE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_DISCOVERY_RESTART" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_AUTH_REQUIRED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ZNS_INVALID_OP_REQUEST" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ZNS_ZRWA_RESOURCES_UNAVAILABLE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ZNS_BOUNDARY_ERROR" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ZNS_FULL" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ZNS_READ_ONLY" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ZNS_OFFLINE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ZNS_INVALID_WRITE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ZNS_TOO_MANY_ACTIVE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ZNS_TOO_MANY_OPENS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ZNS_INVAL_TRANSITION" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_WRITE_FAULT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_READ_ERROR" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_GUARD_CHECK" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_APPTAG_CHECK" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_REFTAG_CHECK" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_COMPARE_FAILED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ACCESS_DENIED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_UNWRITTEN_BLOCK" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_STORAGE_TAG_CHECK" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ANA_INTERNAL_PATH_ERROR" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ANA_PERSISTENT_LOSS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ANA_INACCESSIBLE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_ANA_TRANSITION" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CTRL_PATH_ERROR" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_HOST_PATH_ERROR" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CMD_ABORTED_BY_HOST" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_CRD" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_MORE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_SC_DNR" }; .SH Constants .IP "NVME_SCT_GENERIC" 12 Generic errors applicable to multiple opcodes .IP "NVME_SCT_CMD_SPECIFIC" 12 Errors associated to a specific opcode .IP "NVME_SCT_MEDIA" 12 Errors associated with media and data integrity .IP "NVME_SCT_PATH" 12 Errors associated with the paths connection .IP "NVME_SCT_VS" 12 Vendor specific errors .IP "NVME_SCT_MASK" 12 Mask to get the value of the Status Code Type .IP "NVME_SCT_SHIFT" 12 Shift value to get the value of the Status Code Type .IP "NVME_SC_MASK" 12 Mask to get the value of the status code. .IP "NVME_SC_SHIFT" 12 Shift value to get the value of the status code. .IP "NVME_SC_SUCCESS" 12 Successful Completion: The command completed without error. .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_OPCODE" 12 Invalid Command Opcode: A reserved coded value or an unsupported value in the command opcode field. .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_FIELD" 12 Invalid Field in Command: A reserved coded value or an unsupported value in a defined field. .IP "NVME_SC_CMDID_CONFLICT" 12 Command ID Conflict: The command identifier is already in use. .IP "NVME_SC_DATA_XFER_ERROR" 12 Data Transfer Error: Transferring the data or metadata associated with a command experienced an error. .IP "NVME_SC_POWER_LOSS" 12 Commands Aborted due to Power Loss Notification: Indicates that the command was aborted due to a power loss notification. .IP "NVME_SC_INTERNAL" 12 Internal Error: The command was not completed successfully due to an internal error. .IP "NVME_SC_ABORT_REQ" 12 Command Abort Requested: The command was aborted due to an Abort command being received that specified the Submission Queue Identifier and Command Identifier of this command. .IP "NVME_SC_ABORT_QUEUE" 12 Command Aborted due to SQ Deletion: The command was aborted due to a Delete I/O Submission Queue request received for the Submission Queue to which the command was submitted. .IP "NVME_SC_FUSED_FAIL" 12 Command Aborted due to Failed Fused Command: The command was aborted due to the other command in a fused operation failing. .IP "NVME_SC_FUSED_MISSING" 12 Aborted due to Missing Fused Command: The fused command was aborted due to the adjacent submission queue entry not containing a fused command that is the other command. .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_NS" 12 Invalid Namespace or Format: The namespace or the format of that namespace is invalid. .IP "NVME_SC_CMD_SEQ_ERROR" 12 Command Sequence Error: The command was aborted due to a protocol violation in a multi-command sequence. .IP "NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_LAST" 12 Invalid SGL Segment Descriptor: The command includes an invalid SGL Last Segment or SGL Segment descriptor. .IP "NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_COUNT" 12 Invalid Number of SGL Descriptors: There is an SGL Last Segment descriptor or an SGL Segment descriptor in a location other than the last descriptor of a segment based on the length indicated. .IP "NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_DATA" 12 Data SGL Length Invalid: This may occur if the length of a Data SGL is too short. This may occur if the length of a Data SGL is too long and the controller does not support SGL transfers longer than the amount of data to be transferred as indicated in the SGL Support field of the Identify Controller data structure. .IP "NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_METADATA" 12 Metadata SGL Length Invalid: This may occur if the length of a Metadata SGL is too short. This may occur if the length of a Metadata SGL is too long and the controller does not support SGL transfers longer than the amount of data to be transferred as indicated in the SGL Support field of the Identify Controller data structure. .IP "NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_TYPE" 12 SGL Descriptor Type Invalid: The type of an SGL Descriptor is a type that is not supported by the controller. .IP "NVME_SC_CMB_INVALID_USE" 12 Invalid Use of Controller Memory Buffer: The attempted use of the Controller Memory Buffer is not supported by the controller. .IP "NVME_SC_PRP_INVALID_OFFSET" 12 PRP Offset Invalid: The Offset field for a PRP entry is invalid. .IP "NVME_SC_AWU_EXCEEDED" 12 Atomic Write Unit Exceeded: The length specified exceeds the atomic write unit size. .IP "NVME_SC_OP_DENIED" 12 Operation Denied: The command was denied due to lack of access rights. Refer to the appropriate security specification. .IP "NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_OFFSET" 12 SGL Offset Invalid: The offset specified in a descriptor is invalid. This may occur when using capsules for data transfers in NVMe over Fabrics implementations and an invalid offset in the capsule is specified. .IP "NVME_SC_HOSTID_FORMAT" 12 Host Identifier Inconsistent Format: The NVM subsystem detected the simultaneous use of 64- bit and 128-bit Host Identifier values on different controllers. .IP "NVME_SC_KAT_EXPIRED" 12 Keep Alive Timer Expired: The Keep Alive Timer expired. .IP "NVME_SC_KAT_INVALID" 12 Keep Alive Timeout Invalid: The Keep Alive Timeout value specified is invalid. .IP "NVME_SC_CMD_ABORTED_PREMEPT" 12 Command Aborted due to Preempt and Abort: The command was aborted due to a Reservation Acquire command. .IP "NVME_SC_SANITIZE_FAILED" 12 Sanitize Failed: The most recent sanitize operation failed and no recovery action has been successfully completed. .IP "NVME_SC_SANITIZE_IN_PROGRESS" 12 Sanitize In Progress: The requested function (e.g., command) is prohibited while a sanitize operation is in progress. .IP "NVME_SC_SGL_INVALID_GRANULARITY" 12 SGL Data Block Granularity Invalid: The Address alignment or Length granularity for an SGL Data Block descriptor is invalid. .IP "NVME_SC_CMD_IN_CMBQ_NOT_SUPP" 12 Command Not Supported for Queue in CMB: The implementation does not support submission of the command to a Submission Queue in the Controller Memory Buffer or command completion to a Completion Queue in the Controller Memory Buffer. .IP "NVME_SC_NS_WRITE_PROTECTED" 12 Namespace is Write Protected: The command is prohibited while the namespace is write protected as a result of a change in the namespace write protection state as defined by the Namespace Write Protection State Machine. .IP "NVME_SC_CMD_INTERRUPTED" 12 Command Interrupted: Command processing was interrupted and the controller is unable to successfully complete the command. The host should retry the command. .IP "NVME_SC_TRAN_TPORT_ERROR" 12 Transient Transport Error: A transient transport error was detected. If the command is retried on the same controller, the command is likely to succeed. A command that fails with a transient transport error four or more times should be treated as a persistent transport error that is not likely to succeed if retried on the same controller. .IP "NVME_SC_PROHIBITED_BY_CMD_AND_FEAT" 12 Command Prohibited by Command and Feature Lockdown: The command was aborted due to command execution being prohibited by the Command and Feature Lockdown. .IP "NVME_SC_ADMIN_CMD_MEDIA_NOT_READY" 12 Admin Command Media Not Ready: The Admin command requires access to media and the media is not ready. .IP "NVME_SC_FDP_DISABLED" 12 Command is not allowed when Flexible Data Placement is disabled. .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_PLACEMENT_HANDLE_LIST" 12 The Placement Handle List is invalid due to invalid Reclaim Unit Handle Identifier or valid Reclaim Unit Handle Identifier but restricted or the Placement Handle List number of entries exceeded the maximum number allowed. .IP "NVME_SC_LBA_RANGE" 12 LBA Out of Range: The command references an LBA that exceeds the size of the namespace. .IP "NVME_SC_CAP_EXCEEDED" 12 Capacity Exceeded: Execution of the command has caused the capacity of the namespace to be exceeded. .IP "NVME_SC_NS_NOT_READY" 12 Namespace Not Ready: The namespace is not ready to be accessed as a result of a condition other than a condition that is reported as an Asymmetric Namespace Access condition. .IP "NVME_SC_RESERVATION_CONFLICT" 12 Reservation Conflict: The command was aborted due to a conflict with a reservation held on the accessed namespace. .IP "NVME_SC_FORMAT_IN_PROGRESS" 12 Format In Progress: A Format NVM command is in progress on the namespace. .IP "NVME_SC_CQ_INVALID" 12 Completion Queue Invalid: The Completion Queue identifier specified in the command does not exist. .IP "NVME_SC_QID_INVALID" 12 Invalid Queue Identifier: The creation of the I/O Completion Queue failed due to an invalid queue identifier specified as part of the command. An invalid queue identifier is one that is currently in use or one that is outside the range supported by the controller. .IP "NVME_SC_QUEUE_SIZE" 12 Invalid Queue Size: The host attempted to create an I/O Completion Queue with an invalid number of entries. .IP "NVME_SC_ABORT_LIMIT" 12 Abort Command Limit Exceeded: The number of concurrently outstanding Abort commands has exceeded the limit indicated in the Identify Controller data structure. .IP "NVME_SC_ABORT_MISSING" 12 Abort Command is missing: The abort command is missing. .IP "NVME_SC_ASYNC_LIMIT" 12 Asynchronous Event Request Limit Exceeded: The number of concurrently outstanding Asynchronous Event Request commands has been exceeded. .IP "NVME_SC_FIRMWARE_SLOT" 12 Invalid Firmware Slot: The firmware slot indicated is invalid or read only. This error is indicated if the firmware slot exceeds the number supported. .IP "NVME_SC_FIRMWARE_IMAGE" 12 Invalid Firmware Image: The firmware image specified for activation is invalid and not loaded by the controller. .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_VECTOR" 12 Invalid Interrupt Vector: The creation of the I/O Completion Queue failed due to an invalid interrupt vector specified as part of the command. .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_LOG_PAGE" 12 Invalid Log Page: The log page indicated is invalid. This error condition is also returned if a reserved log page is requested. .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_FORMAT" 12 Invalid Format: The LBA Format specified is not supported. .IP "NVME_SC_FW_NEEDS_CONV_RESET" 12 Firmware Activation Requires Conventional Reset: The firmware commit was successful, however, activation of the firmware image requires a conventional reset. .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_QUEUE" 12 Invalid Queue Deletion: Invalid I/O Completion Queue specified to delete. .IP "NVME_SC_FEATURE_NOT_SAVEABLE" 12 Feature Identifier Not Saveable: The Feature Identifier specified does not support a saveable value. .IP "NVME_SC_FEATURE_NOT_CHANGEABLE" 12 Feature Not Changeable: The Feature Identifier is not able to be changed. .IP "NVME_SC_FEATURE_NOT_PER_NS" 12 Feature Not Namespace Specific: The Feature Identifier specified is not namespace specific. The Feature Identifier settings apply across all namespaces. .IP "NVME_SC_FW_NEEDS_SUBSYS_RESET" 12 Firmware Activation Requires NVM Subsystem Reset: The firmware commit was successful, however, activation of the firmware image requires an NVM Subsystem. .IP "NVME_SC_FW_NEEDS_RESET" 12 Firmware Activation Requires Controller Level Reset: The firmware commit was successful; however, the image specified does not support being activated without a reset. .IP "NVME_SC_FW_NEEDS_MAX_TIME" 12 Firmware Activation Requires Maximum Time Violation: The image specified if activated immediately would exceed the Maximum Time for Firmware Activation (MTFA) value reported in Identify Controller. .IP "NVME_SC_FW_ACTIVATE_PROHIBITED" 12 Firmware Activation Prohibited: The image specified is being prohibited from activation by the controller for vendor specific reasons. .IP "NVME_SC_OVERLAPPING_RANGE" 12 Overlapping Range: The downloaded firmware image has overlapping ranges. .IP "NVME_SC_NS_INSUFFICIENT_CAP" 12 Namespace Insufficient Capacity: Creating the namespace requires more free space than is currently available. .IP "NVME_SC_NS_ID_UNAVAILABLE" 12 Namespace Identifier Unavailable: The number of namespaces supported has been exceeded. .IP "NVME_SC_NS_ALREADY_ATTACHED" 12 Namespace Already Attached: The controller is already attached to the namespace specified. .IP "NVME_SC_NS_IS_PRIVATE" 12 Namespace Is Private: The namespace is private and is already attached to one controller. .IP "NVME_SC_NS_NOT_ATTACHED" 12 Namespace Not Attached: The request to detach the controller could not be completed because the controller is not attached to the namespace. .IP "NVME_SC_THIN_PROV_NOT_SUPP" 12 Thin Provisioning Not Supported: Thin provisioning is not supported by the controller. .IP "NVME_SC_CTRL_LIST_INVALID" 12 Controller List Invalid: The controller list provided contains invalid controller ids. .IP "NVME_SC_SELF_TEST_IN_PROGRESS" 12 Device Self-test In Progress: The controller or NVM subsystem already has a device self-test operation in process. .IP "NVME_SC_BP_WRITE_PROHIBITED" 12 Boot Partition Write Prohibited: The command is trying to modify a locked Boot Partition. .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_CTRL_ID" 12 Invalid Controller Identifier: .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_SEC_CTRL_STATE" 12 Invalid Secondary Controller State .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_CTRL_RESOURCES" 12 Invalid Number of Controller Resources .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_RESOURCE_ID" 12 Invalid Resource Identifier .IP "NVME_SC_PMR_SAN_PROHIBITED" 12 Sanitize Prohibited While Persistent Memory Region is Enabled .IP "NVME_SC_ANA_GROUP_ID_INVALID" 12 ANA Group Identifier Invalid: The specified ANA Group Identifier (ANAGRPID) is not supported in the submitted command. .IP "NVME_SC_ANA_ATTACH_FAILED" 12 ANA Attach Failed: The controller is not attached to the namespace as a result of an ANA condition. .IP "NVME_SC_INSUFFICIENT_CAP" 12 Insufficient Capacity: Requested operation requires more free space than is currently available. .IP "NVME_SC_NS_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" 12 Namespace Attachment Limit Exceeded: Attaching the ns to a controller causes max number of ns attachments allowed to be exceeded. .IP "NVME_SC_PROHIBIT_CMD_EXEC_NOT_SUPPORTED" 12 Prohibition of Command Execution Not Supported .IP "NVME_SC_IOCS_NOT_SUPPORTED" 12 I/O Command Set Not Supported .IP "NVME_SC_IOCS_NOT_ENABLED" 12 I/O Command Set Not Enabled .IP "NVME_SC_IOCS_COMBINATION_REJECTED" 12 I/O Command Set Combination Rejected .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_IOCS" 12 Invalid I/O Command Set .IP "NVME_SC_ID_UNAVAILABLE" 12 Identifier Unavailable .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_DISCOVERY_INFO" 12 The discovery information provided in one or more extended discovery information entries is not applicable for the type of entity selected in the Entity Type (ETYPE) field of the Discovery Information Management command data portion’s header. .IP "NVME_SC_ZONING_DATA_STRUCT_LOCKED" 12 The requested Zoning data structure is locked on the CDC. .IP "NVME_SC_ZONING_DATA_STRUCT_NOTFND" 12 The requested Zoning data structure does not exist on the CDC. .IP "NVME_SC_INSUFFICIENT_DISC_RES" 12 The number of discover information entries provided in the data portion of the Discovery Information Management command for a registration task (i.e., TAS field cleared to 0h) exceeds the available capacity for new discovery information entries on the CDC or DDC. This may be a transient condition. .IP "NVME_SC_REQSTD_FUNCTION_DISABLED" 12 Fabric Zoning is not enabled on the CDC .IP "NVME_SC_ZONEGRP_ORIGINATOR_INVLD" 12 The NQN contained in the ZoneGroup Originator field does not match the Host NQN used by the DDC to connect to the CDC. .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_CONTROLER_DATA_QUEUE" 12 This error indicates that the specified Controller Data Queue Identifier is invalid for the controller processing the command. .IP "NVME_SC_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES" 12 This error indicates that there is not enough resources in the controller to process the command. .IP "NVME_SC_CONTROLLER_SUSPENDED" 12 The operation requested is not allowed if the specified controller is suspended. .IP "NVME_SC_CONTROLLER_NOT_SUSPENDED" 12 The operation requested is not allowed if the specified controller is not suspended. .IP "NVME_SC_CONTROLLER_DATA_QUEUE_FULL" 12 The controller detected that a Controller Data Queue became full. .IP "NVME_SC_BAD_ATTRIBUTES" 12 Conflicting Dataset Management Attributes .IP "NVME_SC_INVALID_PI" 12 Invalid Protection Information .IP "NVME_SC_READ_ONLY" 12 Attempted Write to Read Only Range .IP "NVME_SC_CMD_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" 12 Command Size Limit Exceeded .IP "NVME_SC_INCOMPATIBLE_NS" 12 Incompatible Namespace or Format: At least one source namespace and the destination namespace have incompatible formats. .IP "NVME_SC_FAST_COPY_NOT_POSSIBLE" 12 Fast Copy Not Possible: The Fast Copy Only (FCO) bit was set to ‘1’ in a Source Range entry and the controller was not able to use fast copy operations to copy the specified data. .IP "NVME_SC_OVERLAPPING_IO_RANGE" 12 Overlapping I/O Range: A source logical block range overlaps the destination logical block range. .IP "NVME_SC_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES" 12 Insufficient Resources: A resource shortage prevented the controller from performing the requested copy. .IP "NVME_SC_CONNECT_FORMAT" 12 Incompatible Format: The NVM subsystem does not support the record format specified by the host. .IP "NVME_SC_CONNECT_CTRL_BUSY" 12 Controller Busy: The controller is already associated with a host. .IP "NVME_SC_CONNECT_INVALID_PARAM" 12 Connect Invalid Parameters: One or more of the command parameters. .IP "NVME_SC_CONNECT_RESTART_DISC" 12 Connect Restart Discovery: The NVM subsystem requested is not available. .IP "NVME_SC_CONNECT_INVALID_HOST" 12 Connect Invalid Host: The host is either not allowed to establish an association to any controller in the NVM subsystem or the host is not allowed to establish an association to the specified controller .IP "NVME_SC_DISCONNECT_INVALID_QTYPE" 12 Invalid Queue Type: The command was sent on the wrong queue type. .IP "NVME_SC_DISCOVERY_RESTART" 12 Discover Restart: The snapshot of the records is now invalid or out of date. .IP "NVME_SC_AUTH_REQUIRED" 12 Authentication Required: NVMe in-band authentication is required and the queue has not yet been authenticated. .IP "NVME_SC_ZNS_INVALID_OP_REQUEST" 12 Invalid Zone Operation Request: The operation requested is invalid. This may be due to various conditions, including: attempting to allocate a ZRWA when a zone is not in the ZSE:Empty state; or invalid Flush Explicit ZRWA Range Send Zone Action operation. .IP "NVME_SC_ZNS_ZRWA_RESOURCES_UNAVAILABLE" 12 ZRWA Resources Unavailable: No ZRWAs are available. .IP "NVME_SC_ZNS_BOUNDARY_ERROR" 12 Zone Boundary Error: The command specifies logical blocks in more than one zone. .IP "NVME_SC_ZNS_FULL" 12 Zone Is Full: The accessed zone is in the ZSF:Full state. .IP "NVME_SC_ZNS_READ_ONLY" 12 Zone Is Read Only: The accessed zone is in the ZSRO:Read Only state. .IP "NVME_SC_ZNS_OFFLINE" 12 Zone Is Offline: The accessed zone is in the ZSO:Offline state. .IP "NVME_SC_ZNS_INVALID_WRITE" 12 Zone Invalid Write: The write to a zone was not at the write pointer. .IP "NVME_SC_ZNS_TOO_MANY_ACTIVE" 12 Too Many Active Zones: The controller does not allow additional active zones. .IP "NVME_SC_ZNS_TOO_MANY_OPENS" 12 Too Many Open Zones: The controller does not allow additional open zones. .IP "NVME_SC_ZNS_INVAL_TRANSITION" 12 Invalid Zone State Transition: The request is not a valid zone state transition. .IP "NVME_SC_WRITE_FAULT" 12 Write Fault: The write data could not be committed to the media. .IP "NVME_SC_READ_ERROR" 12 Unrecovered Read Error: The read data could not be recovered from the media. .IP "NVME_SC_GUARD_CHECK" 12 End-to-end Guard Check Error: The command was aborted due to an end-to-end guard check failure. .IP "NVME_SC_APPTAG_CHECK" 12 End-to-end Application Tag Check Error: The command was aborted due to an end-to-end application tag check failure. .IP "NVME_SC_REFTAG_CHECK" 12 End-to-end Reference Tag Check Error: The command was aborted due to an end-to-end reference tag check failure. .IP "NVME_SC_COMPARE_FAILED" 12 Compare Failure: The command failed due to a miscompare during a Compare command. .IP "NVME_SC_ACCESS_DENIED" 12 Access Denied: Access to the namespace and/or LBA range is denied due to lack of access rights. .IP "NVME_SC_UNWRITTEN_BLOCK" 12 Deallocated or Unwritten Logical Block: The command failed due to an attempt to read from or verify an LBA range containing a deallocated or unwritten logical block. .IP "NVME_SC_STORAGE_TAG_CHECK" 12 End-to-End Storage Tag Check Error: The command was aborted due to an end-to-end storage tag check failure. .IP "NVME_SC_ANA_INTERNAL_PATH_ERROR" 12 Internal Path Error: The command was not completed as the result of a controller internal error that is specific to the controller processing the command. .IP "NVME_SC_ANA_PERSISTENT_LOSS" 12 Asymmetric Access Persistent Loss: The requested function (e.g., command) is not able to be performed as a result of the relationship between the controller and the namespace being in the ANA Persistent Loss state. .IP "NVME_SC_ANA_INACCESSIBLE" 12 Asymmetric Access Inaccessible: The requested function (e.g., command) is not able to be performed as a result of the relationship between the controller and the namespace being in the ANA Inaccessible state. .IP "NVME_SC_ANA_TRANSITION" 12 Asymmetric Access Transition: The requested function (e.g., command) is not able to be performed as a result of the relationship between the controller and the namespace transitioning between Asymmetric Namespace Access states. .IP "NVME_SC_CTRL_PATH_ERROR" 12 Controller Pathing Error: A pathing error was detected by the controller. .IP "NVME_SC_HOST_PATH_ERROR" 12 Host Pathing Error: A pathing error was detected by the host. .IP "NVME_SC_CMD_ABORTED_BY_HOST" 12 Command Aborted By Host: The command was aborted as a result of host action. .IP "NVME_SC_CRD" 12 Mask to get value of Command Retry Delay index .IP "NVME_SC_MORE" 12 More bit. If set, more status information for this command as part of the Error Information log that may be retrieved with the Get Log Page command. .IP "NVME_SC_DNR" 12 Do Not Retry bit. If set, if the same command is re-submitted to any controller in the NVM subsystem, then that re-submitted command is expected to fail.