.TH "libnvme" 9 "struct nbft_info_discovery" "September 2023" "API Manual" LINUX .SH NAME struct nbft_info_discovery \- Discovery Descriptor .SH SYNOPSIS struct nbft_info_discovery { .br .BI " int index;" .br .BI " struct nbft_info_security *security;" .br .BI " struct nbft_info_hfi *hfi;" .br .BI " char *uri;" .br .BI " char *nqn;" .br .BI " }; .br .SH Members .IP "index" 12 The number of this Discovery Descriptor in the Discovery Descriptor List. .IP "security" 12 The Security Profile Descriptor, see \fIstruct nbft_info_security\fP. .IP "hfi" 12 The HFI Descriptor associated with this Discovery Descriptor. See \fIstruct nbft_info_hfi\fP. .IP "uri" 12 A URI which indicates an NVMe Discovery controller associated with this Discovery Descriptor. .IP "nqn" 12 An NVMe Discovery controller NQN.