.TH "nvmf_get_discovery_wargs" 9 "nvmf_get_discovery_wargs" "September 2023" "libnvme API manual" LINUX .SH NAME nvmf_get_discovery_wargs \- Get the discovery log page with args .SH SYNOPSIS .B "struct nvmf_discovery_log *" nvmf_get_discovery_wargs .BI "(struct nvme_get_discovery_args *args " ");" .SH ARGUMENTS .IP "args" 12 Argument structure .SH "DESCRIPTION" This function is similar to \fBnvmf_get_discovery_log\fP, but takes an extensible \fIargs\fP parameter. \fIargs\fP provides more options than \fBnvmf_get_discovery_log\fP. This function performs a get discovery log page (DLP) command and returns the DLP. The memory allocated for the returned DLP must be freed by the caller using \fBfree\fP. .SH "RETURN" Pointer to the discovery log page (to be freed). NULL on failure and errno is set.