.TH "libnvme" 9 "enum nvme_constants" "November 2024" "API Manual" LINUX .SH NAME enum nvme_constants \- A place to stash various constant nvme values .SH SYNOPSIS enum nvme_constants { .br .BI " NVME_NSID_ALL" , .br .br .BI " NVME_NSID_NONE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_UUID_NONE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_CNTLID_NONE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_CNSSPECID_NONE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_LOG_LSP_NONE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_LOG_LSI_NONE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_LOG_LPO_NONE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_IDENTIFY_DATA_SIZE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_LOG_SUPPORTED_LOG_PAGES_MAX" , .br .br .BI " NVME_ID_NVMSET_LIST_MAX" , .br .br .BI " NVME_ID_UUID_LIST_MAX" , .br .br .BI " NVME_ID_CTRL_LIST_MAX" , .br .br .BI " NVME_ID_NS_LIST_MAX" , .br .br .BI " NVME_ID_SECONDARY_CTRL_MAX" , .br .br .BI " NVME_ID_DOMAIN_LIST_MAX" , .br .br .BI " NVME_ID_ENDURANCE_GROUP_LIST_MAX" , .br .br .BI " NVME_ID_ND_DESCRIPTOR_MAX" , .br .br .BI " NVME_FEAT_LBA_RANGE_MAX" , .br .br .BI " NVME_LOG_ST_MAX_RESULTS" , .br .br .BI " NVME_LOG_TELEM_BLOCK_SIZE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_LOG_FID_SUPPORTED_EFFECTS_MAX" , .br .br .BI " NVME_LOG_MI_CMD_SUPPORTED_EFFECTS_MAX" , .br .br .BI " NVME_LOG_MI_CMD_SUPPORTED_EFFECTS_RESERVED" , .br .br .BI " NVME_DSM_MAX_RANGES" , .br .br .BI " NVME_NQN_LENGTH" , .br .br .BI " NVMF_TRADDR_SIZE" , .br .br .BI " NVMF_TSAS_SIZE" , .br .br .BI " NVME_ZNS_CHANGED_ZONES_MAX" }; .SH Constants .IP "NVME_NSID_ALL" 12 A broadcast value that is used to specify all namespaces .IP "NVME_NSID_NONE" 12 The invalid namespace id, for when the nsid parameter is not used in a command .IP "NVME_UUID_NONE" 12 Use to omit a uuid command parameter .IP "NVME_CNTLID_NONE" 12 Use to omit a cntlid command parameter .IP "NVME_CNSSPECID_NONE" 12 Use to omit a cns_specific_id command parameter .IP "NVME_LOG_LSP_NONE" 12 Use to omit a log lsp command parameter .IP "NVME_LOG_LSI_NONE" 12 Use to omit a log lsi command parameter .IP "NVME_LOG_LPO_NONE" 12 Use to omit a log lpo command parameter .IP "NVME_IDENTIFY_DATA_SIZE" 12 The transfer size for nvme identify commands .IP "NVME_LOG_SUPPORTED_LOG_PAGES_MAX" 12 The largest possible index in the supported log pages log. .IP "NVME_ID_NVMSET_LIST_MAX" 12 The largest possible nvmset index in identify nvmeset .IP "NVME_ID_UUID_LIST_MAX" 12 The largest possible uuid index in identify uuid list .IP "NVME_ID_CTRL_LIST_MAX" 12 The largest possible controller index in identify controller list .IP "NVME_ID_NS_LIST_MAX" 12 The largest possible namespace index in identify namespace list .IP "NVME_ID_SECONDARY_CTRL_MAX" 12 The largest possible secondary controller index in identify secondary controller .IP "NVME_ID_DOMAIN_LIST_MAX" 12 The largest possible domain index in the in domain list .IP "NVME_ID_ENDURANCE_GROUP_LIST_MAX" 12 The largest possible endurance group index in the endurance group list .IP "NVME_ID_ND_DESCRIPTOR_MAX" 12 The largest possible namespace granularity index in the namespace granularity descriptor list .IP "NVME_FEAT_LBA_RANGE_MAX" 12 The largest possible LBA range index in feature lba range type .IP "NVME_LOG_ST_MAX_RESULTS" 12 The largest possible self test result index in the device self test log .IP "NVME_LOG_TELEM_BLOCK_SIZE" 12 Specification defined size of Telemetry Data Blocks .IP "NVME_LOG_FID_SUPPORTED_EFFECTS_MAX" 12 The largest possible FID index in the feature identifiers effects log. .IP "NVME_LOG_MI_CMD_SUPPORTED_EFFECTS_MAX" 12 The largest possible MI Command index in the MI Command effects log. .IP "NVME_LOG_MI_CMD_SUPPORTED_EFFECTS_RESERVED" 12 The reserved space in the MI Command effects log. .IP "NVME_DSM_MAX_RANGES" 12 The largest possible range index in a data-set management command .IP "NVME_NQN_LENGTH" 12 Max length for NVMe Qualified Name .IP "NVMF_TRADDR_SIZE" 12 Max Transport Address size .IP "NVMF_TSAS_SIZE" 12 Max Transport Specific Address Subtype size .IP "NVME_ZNS_CHANGED_ZONES_MAX" 12 Max number of zones in the changed zones log page