.TH "nvme_host_is_pdc_enabled" 9 "nvme_host_is_pdc_enabled" "August 2024" "libnvme API manual" LINUX .SH NAME nvme_host_is_pdc_enabled \- Is Persistenct Discovery Controller enabled .SH SYNOPSIS .B "bool" nvme_host_is_pdc_enabled .BI "(nvme_host_t h " "," .BI "bool fallback " ");" .SH ARGUMENTS .IP "h" 12 Host which to check if PDC is enabled .IP "fallback" 12 The fallback default value of the flag when \fInvme_host_set_pdc_enabled\fP has not be used to set the flag. .SH "RETURN" true if PDC is enabled for \fIh\fP, else false