.TH "libnvme" 9 "enum nvme_id_ns_flbas" "August 2024" "API Manual" LINUX .SH NAME enum nvme_id_ns_flbas \- This field indicates the LBA data size & metadata size combination that the namespace has been formatted with .SH SYNOPSIS enum nvme_id_ns_flbas { .br .BI " NVME_NS_FLBAS_LOWER_MASK" , .br .br .BI " NVME_NS_FLBAS_META_EXT" , .br .br .BI " NVME_NS_FLBAS_HIGHER_MASK" }; .SH Constants .IP "NVME_NS_FLBAS_LOWER_MASK" 12 Mask to get the index of one of the supported LBA Formats's least significant 4bits indicated in :c:type:`struct nvme_id_ns `.lbaf. .IP "NVME_NS_FLBAS_META_EXT" 12 Applicable only if format contains metadata. If this bit is set, indicates that the metadata is transferred at the end of the data LBA, creating an extended data LBA. If cleared, indicates that all of the metadata for a command is transferred as a separate contiguous buffer of data. .IP "NVME_NS_FLBAS_HIGHER_MASK" 12 Mask to get the index of one of the supported LBA Formats's most significant 2bits indicated in :c:type:`struct nvme_id_ns `.lbaf.