.TH "nvme_init_default_logging" 9 "nvme_init_default_logging" "August 2024" "libnvme API manual" LINUX .SH NAME nvme_init_default_logging \- Initialize default (fallback) logging .SH SYNOPSIS .B "void" nvme_init_default_logging .BI "(FILE *fp " "," .BI "int lvl " "," .BI "bool log_pid " "," .BI "bool log_tstamp " ");" .SH ARGUMENTS .IP "fp" 12 File descriptor for logging messages .IP "lvl" 12 Logging level to set .IP "log_pid" 12 Boolean to enable logging of the PID .IP "log_tstamp" 12 Boolean to enable logging of the timestamp .SH "DESCRIPTION" Sets the default logging settings for the library in case the root object is absent.