# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english # team # # If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask # debian-l10n-english@lists.debian.org for advice. # # Even minor modifications require translation updates and such # changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers. Template: mdadm/init-system-not-systemd Type: note _Description: no systemd init-system detected The root filesystem of this system was detected to be on a RAID device, so mdadm might be required to run during boot to properly start your system. . Beginning with newer versions of the mdadm package, init-system integration is available for systemd only. This system seems to use an alternative init-system which might or might not leave your system unbootable and will not run any of the maintenance jobs automatically. Template: mdadm/autocheck Type: boolean Default: true _Description: Should mdadm run monthly redundancy checks of the MD arrays? If the kernel supports it (versions greater than 2.6.14), mdadm can periodically check the redundancy of MD arrays (RAIDs). This may be a resource-intensive process, depending on the local setup, but it could help prevent rare cases of data loss. Note that this is a read-only check unless errors are found; if errors are found, mdadm will try to correct them, which may result in write access to the media. . The default, if turned on, is to check on the first Sunday of every month at 01:06. Template: mdadm/autoscan Type: boolean Default: true _Description: Should mdadm check once a day for degraded arrays? mdadm can check once a day for degraded arrays and missing spares to ensure that such events don't go unnoticed. Template: mdadm/start_daemon Type: boolean Default: true _Description: Do you want to start the MD monitoring daemon? The MD (RAID) monitor daemon sends email notifications in response to important MD events (such as a disk failure). . Enabling this option is recommended. Template: mdadm/mail_to Type: string Default: root _Description: Recipient for email notifications: Please enter the email address of the user who should get the email notifications for important MD events.