For the NVMe device given, sends a namespace management command to create the namespace with the requested settings\&. On success, the namespace identifier assigned by the controller is returned\&.
The <device> parameter is mandatory and may be either the NVMe character device (ex: /dev/nvme0), or a namespace block device (ex: /dev/nvme0n1)\&.
Number of Placement Handle included in the Placement Handle List\&. If the Flexible Data Placement capability is not supported or not enabled in specified Endurance Group, then the controller shall ignore this field\&.
Target block size the new namespace should be formatted as\&. Potential FLBAS values will be values will be scanned and the lowest numbered will be selected for the create\-ns operation\&. Conflicts with \-\-flbas argument\&.
The namespace size (NSZE) in standard SI units\&. The value SI suffixed is divided by the namespace LBA size to set as NSZE\&. If the value not suffixed it is set as same with the nsze option\&.
\-C, \-\-ncap\-si
The namespace capacity (NCAP) in standard SI units\&. The value SI suffixed is divided by the namespace LBA size to set as NCAP\&. If the value not suffixed it is set as same with the ncap option\&.
Allocate ZRWA Resources\&. If set to 1, then the namespace is to be created with the number of ZRWA resource specified in the RNUMZRWA field of this data structure\&. If cleared to 0, then no ZRWA resources are allocated to the namespace to be created\&.
\-r <rar>, \-\-rar=<rar>
Requested Active Resources\&. This field specifies the number of active resources to be allocated to the created namespace\&.
\-o <ror>, \-\-ror=<ror>
Requested Open Resources\&. This field specifies the number of open resources to be allocated to the created namespace\&.
\-u <rnumzrwa>, \-\-rnumzrwa=<rnumzrwa>
Requested Number of ZRWA Resources\&. This field specifies the number of ZRWA resources to be allocated to the created namespace\&.