For the NVMe device given, retrieve the telemetry log error reason id field for either the host generated or controller initiated log\&. The controller initiated telemetry log page option must be enabled to retrieve the error reason id for that log page id\&.
The <device> parameter is mandatory and must be the NVMe character device (ex: /dev/nvme0)\&.
This will only work on WDC devices supporting this feature\&. Results for any other device are undefined\&.
On success it returns 0, error code otherwise\&.
\-i <id>, \-\-log\-id=<id>
Specifies the telemetry log id of the error reason identifier to retrieve\&. Use id 7 for the host generated log page\&. Use id 8 for the controller initiated log page\&. The default is 7/host generated
\-o <FILE>, \-\-output\-file=<FILE>
Output file; defaults to "<device serial number>_error_reason_identifier_host_<date>_<time>\&.bin" for the host generated log or "<device serial number>_error_reason_identifier_ctlr_<date>_<time>\&.bin" for the controller initiated log\&.
Retrieves the host generated error reason identifier field and save it in file host_gen_error_reason_id\&.bin\&.