Retrieves the NVMe persistent event log page from an NVMe device and provides the returned structure\&.
The <device> parameter is mandatory and may be either the NVMe character device (ex: /dev/nvme0), or a namespace block device (ex: /dev/nvme0n1)\&.
On success, the returned persistent event log structure may be returned in one of several ways depending on the option flags; the structure may parsed by the program and printed in a readable format or the raw buffer may be printed to stdout for another program to parse\&.
\-a <action>, \-\-action=<action>
While try to retrieve this log action the controller shall take during processing this persistent log page command\&. This mandatory field, based on the value issued it may Read Log Data, Establish Context and Read Log Data or Release Context can occur\&. For More details see NVM Express 1\&.4 Spec\&. Section 5\&.14\&.1\&.13 Persistent Event Log (Log Identifier 0Dh)
\-l <log\-len>, \-\-log\-len=<log\-len>
Allocates a buffer of <log\-len> bytes size and requests this many bytes be returned in the constructed NVMe command\&. This param is mandatory\&. If <log\-len> given is 0 and action is 0, it will read the Total Log Length(TLL) of the page\&.
\-b, \-\-raw\-binary
Print the raw persistent event log buffer to stdout\&.