Submits an NVMe Set Feature admin command and returns the applicable results\&. This may be the feature\(cqs value, or may also include a feature structure if the feature requires it (ex: LBA Range Type)\&.
The <device> parameter is mandatory and may be either the NVMe character device (ex: /dev/nvme0), or a namespace block device (ex: /dev/nvme0n1)\&.
On success, the value sent to the device is displayed
\-n <nsid>, \-\-namespace\-id=<nsid>
Sets the feature for the given nsid\&. This is optional and most features do not use this value\&.
\-f <fid>, \-\-feature\-id=<fid>
The feature id to send with the command\&. Value provided should be in hex\&.
\-l <data\-len>, \-\-data\-len=<data\-len>
The data length for the buffer submitted for this feature\&. Most known features do not use this value\&. The exceptions are LBA Range Type and host identifier\&.
\-d <data\-file>, \-\-data=<data\-file>
The data file for the buffer submitted for this feature\&. Most known features do not use this value\&. The exceptions is LBA Range Type and host identifier\&. This defaults to STDIN so files and echo can be piped\&.