For the NVMe device given, sends a Sanitize command and provides the result\&.
The <device> parameter is mandatory NVMe character device (ex: /dev/nvme0)\&.
On success it returns 0, error code otherwise\&.
\-d, \-\-no\-delloc
No Deallocate After Sanitize: If set, then the controller shall not deallocate any logical blocks as a result of successfully completing the sanitize operation\&. If cleared, then the controller should deallocate logical blocks as a result of successfully completing the sanitize operation\&. This bit shall be ignored if the Sanitize Action field is set to 001b (i\&.e\&., Exit Failure Mode)\&.
\-i, \-\-oipbp
Overwrite Invert Pattern Between Passes: If set, then the Overwrite Pattern shall be inverted between passes\&. If cleared, then the overwrite pattern shall not be inverted between passes\&. This bit shall be ignored unless the Sanitize Action field is set to 011b (i\&.e\&., Overwrite)\&.
Overwrite Pass Count: This field specifies the number of overwrite passes (i\&.e\&., how many times the media is to be overwritten) using the data from the Overwrite Pattern field of this command\&. A value of 0 specifies 16 overwrite passes\&. This field shall be ignored unless the Sanitize Action field is set to 011b (i\&.e\&., Overwrite)\&.
\-u, \-\-ause
Allow Unrestricted Sanitize Exit: If set, then the sanitize operation is performed in unrestricted completion mode\&. If cleared then the sanitize operation is performed in restricted completion mode\&. This bit shall be ignored if the Sanitize Action field is set to 001b (i\&.e\&., Exit Failure Mode)\&.
Overwrite Pattern: This field is ignored unless the Sanitize Action field in Command Dword 10 is set to 011b (i\&.e\&., Overwrite)\&. This field specifies a 32\-bit pattern that is used for the Overwrite sanitize operation\&.