This command prints NAND information (Total bytes written, Bad block count and Erase failures etc) for the given micron device if its of 2200 model controller\&. For OCP complaint controllers this command print extended SMART health data along with NAND information (if available)
The <device> parameter is mandatory and may be either the NVMe character device (ex: /dev/nvme0), or a namespace block device (ex: /dev/nvme0n1)\&.
The \fI\-f\fR option controls the displayed output data format based on the option value\&. If the option value is \fIjson\fR (which is enabled by default), output data is printed in JSON format\&. If option value is \fInormal\fR the output is displayed in non\-JSON format\&.
This will only work on Micron devices devices of model numbers 54XX and OCP complaint controllers\&. Support for new devices may be added subsequently\&.
\-f <json|normal> controls the format of displayed output\&.
Retrieve NAND/extended SMART data and display in json format
# nvme micron vs\-nand\-stats /dev/nvme0
* Retrieve NAND/extended SMART data and display in non\-json format
# nvme micron vs\-nand\-stats /dev/nvme0 \-f normal