nvme solidigm workload-tracker <device> [--enable | -e] [--disable | -d] [--sample-time=<time> | -s <time>] [--type=<type> | -t <type>] [--run-time=<seconds> | -r <seconds>] [--flush-freq=<count> | -f <count>] [--wall-clock | -w] [--trigger-field=<field> | -T <field>] [--trigger-threshold=<value> | -V <value>] [--trigger-on-delta | -D] [--trigger-on-latency | -L] [--verbose | -v]
Captures and displays real-time workload tracker samples for the given Solidigm NVMe device. This command allows for monitoring and analysis of the device’s workload characteristics.
The <device> parameter is mandatory and may be either the NVMe character device (ex: /dev/nvme0), or a namespace block device (ex: /dev/nvme0n1).
- -e, --enable
Enable the workload tracker before capturing samples.
- -d, --disable
Disable the workload tracker after capturing samples.
- -s <time>, --sample-time=<time>
Set the sample interval. Valid values are: default, 1ms, 5ms, 10ms, 50ms, 100ms, 500ms, 1s, 5s, 10s, 30s, 1m, 5m, 10m, 30m, 1h.
- -t <type>, --type=<type>
Set the tracker type. Valid types are: Base, CmdQ, Pattern, RandSeq, Throttle, Power, Defrag.
- -r <seconds>, --run-time=<seconds>
Limit runtime capture time in seconds.
- -f <count>, --flush-freq=<count>
Number of samples (1 to 126) to wait before extracting data. Default is 100 samples.
- -w, --wall-clock
Log current wall timestamp when entry was retrieved.
- -T <field>, --trigger-field=<field>
Field name to stop trigger on.
- -V <value>, --trigger-threshold=<value>
Field value to trigger stop sampling.
- -D, --trigger-on-delta
Trigger on delta to stop sampling.
- -L, --trigger-on-latency
Use latency tracker to trigger stop sampling.
- -v, --verbose
Increase logging verbosity. Can be used multiple times.
Enable the workload tracker and capture samples:
# nvme solidigm workload-tracker /dev/nvme0 --enable
Capture workload tracker samples with a 1ms interval for 60 seconds:
# nvme solidigm workload-tracker /dev/nvme0 --enable --sample-time=1ms --run-time=60
Disable the workload tracker:
# nvme solidigm workload-tracker /dev/nvme0 --disable
Enable the workload tracker and capture samples with a specific sample time and type:
# nvme solidigm workload-tracker /dev/nvme0 --enable --sample-time=1ms --type=Base
Capture Power tracker samples with a 10-second interval for 5 minutes:
# nvme solidigm workload-tracker /dev/nvme0 --enable --type=Power --sample-time=10s --run-time=300
Part of the nvme-user suite