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/* Lziprecover - Data recovery tool for the lzip format
Copyright (C) 2023-2025 Antonio Diaz Diaz.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
struct le32
enum { size = 4 };
uint8_t data[size];
le32 & operator=( unsigned n )
{ for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i ) { data[i] = (uint8_t)n; n >>= 8; }
return *this; }
unsigned val() const
{ unsigned n = 0;
for( int i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { n <<= 8; n += data[i]; }
return n; }
bool operator==( const le32 & b ) const
{ return std::memcmp( data, b.data, size ) == 0; }
bool operator!=( const le32 & b ) const { return !( *this == b ); }
inline unsigned long long get_le( const uint8_t * const buf, int size )
{ unsigned long long n = 0;
while( --size >= 0 ) { n <<= 8; n += buf[size]; } return n; }
inline unsigned long long ceil_divide( const unsigned long long size,
const unsigned long block_size )
{ return size / block_size + ( size % block_size > 0 ); }
inline unsigned long ceil_divide( const unsigned long size,
const unsigned long block_size )
{ return size / block_size + ( size % block_size > 0 ); }
inline uint8_t * set_lastbuf( const uint8_t * const prodata,
const unsigned long prodata_size, const unsigned long fbs,
const bool last_is_missing = false )
const unsigned long rest = prodata_size % fbs;
if( rest == 0 ) return 0; // last data block is complete
uint8_t * const lastbuf = new uint8_t[fbs];
if( last_is_missing ) return lastbuf; // uninitialized buffer
std::memcpy( lastbuf, prodata + ( prodata_size - rest ), rest );
std::memset( lastbuf + rest, 0, fbs - rest );
return lastbuf; // copy of last data block padded to fbs bytes
enum { min_fbs = 512, max_unit_fbs = 1 << 30 }; // 1 GiB
const unsigned long long max_fbs = 1ULL << 47; // 128 TiB
inline bool isvalid_fbs( const unsigned long long fbs )
{ return fbs >= min_fbs && fbs <= max_fbs && fbs % min_fbs == 0; }
struct Coded_fbs // fec_block_size
enum { size = 2 };
uint8_t data[size]; // 11-bit mantissa, 5-bit exponent
Coded_fbs() {} // default constructor
Coded_fbs( const unsigned long long fbs, const unsigned unit_fbs )
unsigned long long m = fbs;
int e = 0;
while( m > 2047 || ( m > 1 && e < 9 ) ) { m >>= 1; ++e; }
if( m << e < fbs && ++m > 2047 ) { m >>= 1; ++e; }
while( ( m << e ) % unit_fbs != 0 ) if( ++m > 2047 ) { m >>= 1; ++e; }
if( m == 0 || m > 2047 || e < 9 || e > 40 || m << e < fbs ||
!isvalid_fbs( m << e ) || !isvalid_fbs( fbs ) )
internal_error( "Coded_fbs: can't fit fec_block_size in packet." );
data[0] = m;
data[1] = ( e - 9 ) << 3 | m >> 8;
void copy( uint8_t * const buf ) const
{ buf[0] = data[0]; buf[1] = data[1]; }
unsigned long long val() const
unsigned long long m = ( ( data[1] & 7 ) << 8 ) | data[0];
const int e = ( data[1] >> 3 ) + 9;
return m << e;
enum { fec_magic_l = 4, crc32_l = le32::size };
const uint8_t fec_magic[4] = { 0xB3, 0xA5, 0xB6, 0xAF }; // ~"LZIP"
const uint8_t fec_packet_magic[4] = { fec_magic[0], 'F', 'E', 'C' };
inline bool check_fec_magic( const uint8_t * const image_buffer )
{ return std::memcmp( image_buffer, fec_magic, 4 ) == 0; }
class Packet_base
// the packet trailer contains the CRC32 of the payload
enum Lengths { trailer_size = crc32_l };
// header_size must be a multiple of 4 for uint32_t alignment in mul_add
const uint8_t * image_; // header + payload + trailer
bool image_is_external;
Packet_base() : image_is_external( false ) {}
explicit Packet_base( const uint8_t * const image_buffer )
: image_( image_buffer ), image_is_external( true ) {}
~Packet_base() { if( !image_is_external ) delete[] image_; }
const uint8_t * image() const { return image_; }
class Chksum_packet : public Packet_base
enum { current_version = 0 };
enum Lengths { version_l = 1, flags_l = 1, prodata_size_l = 8,
prodata_md5_l = 16 };
enum Offsets { version_o = fec_magic_l,
flags_o = version_o + version_l,
fbs_o = flags_o + flags_l,
prodata_size_o = fbs_o + Coded_fbs::size,
prodata_md5_o = prodata_size_o + prodata_size_l,
header_crc_o = prodata_md5_o + prodata_md5_l,
header_size = header_crc_o + crc32_l,
crc_array_o = header_size };
static unsigned compute_header_crc( const uint8_t * const image_buffer )
{ return crc32.compute_crc( image_buffer, header_crc_o ); }
// check image_buffer with check_image before calling this constructor
explicit Chksum_packet( const uint8_t * const image_buffer )
: Packet_base( image_buffer ) {}
Chksum_packet( const uint8_t * const prodata,
const unsigned long prodata_size,
const md5_type & prodata_md5, const Coded_fbs coded_fbs,
const bool gf16_, const bool is_crc_c_ );
unsigned long long packet_size() const
{ return ceil_divide( prodata_size(), fec_block_size() ) *
sizeof crc_array()[0] + header_size + trailer_size; }
unsigned long long prodata_size() const
{ return get_le( image_ + prodata_size_o, prodata_size_l ); }
const md5_type & prodata_md5() const
{ return *(md5_type *)(image_ + prodata_md5_o); }
unsigned long long fec_block_size() const
{ return ((Coded_fbs *)(image_ + fbs_o))->val(); }
static bool check_flags( const uint8_t * const image_buffer )
{ return image_buffer[flags_o] <= 3; }
bool gf16() const { return image_[flags_o] & 2; }
bool is_crc_c() const { return image_[flags_o] & 1; }
// crc_array contains one CRC32 or one CRC32-C per protected data block
const le32 * crc_array() const
{ return (const le32 *)(image_ + crc_array_o); }
static unsigned min_packet_size()
{ return header_size + le32::size + trailer_size; }
static uint8_t version( const uint8_t * const image_buffer )
{ return image_buffer[version_o]; }
static bool check_version( const uint8_t * const image_buffer )
{ return image_buffer[version_o] == current_version; }
static unsigned check_image( const uint8_t * const image_buffer,
const unsigned long max_size );
bool check_payload_crc() const
const unsigned paysize = packet_size() - header_size - trailer_size;
const unsigned payload_crc_o = crc_array_o + paysize;
const unsigned payload_crc = get_le( image_ + payload_crc_o, crc32_l );
return crc32.compute_crc( image_ + crc_array_o, paysize ) == payload_crc;
class Fec_packet : public Packet_base
enum Lengths { fbn_l = 2 };
enum Offsets { fbn_o = fec_magic_l,
fbs_o = fbn_o + fbn_l,
header_crc_o = fbs_o + Coded_fbs::size,
header_size = header_crc_o + crc32_l,
fec_block_o = header_size };
static unsigned compute_header_crc( const uint8_t * const image_buffer )
{ return crc32.compute_crc( image_buffer, header_crc_o ); }
// check image_buffer with check_image before calling this constructor
explicit Fec_packet( const uint8_t * const image_buffer )
: Packet_base( image_buffer ) {}
Fec_packet( const uint8_t * const prodata, const uint8_t * const lastbuf,
const unsigned fbn, const unsigned k,
const Coded_fbs coded_fbs, const bool gf16 );
unsigned long long packet_size() const
{ return header_size + fec_block_size() + trailer_size; }
unsigned fec_block_number() const
{ return get_le( image_ + fbn_o, fbn_l ); }
unsigned long long fec_block_size() const // number of fec bytes
{ return ((Coded_fbs *)(image_ + fbs_o))->val(); }
const uint8_t * fec_block() const { return image_ + fec_block_o; }
static unsigned min_packet_size()
{ return header_size + min_fbs + trailer_size; }
static unsigned long check_image( const uint8_t * const image_buffer,
const unsigned long max_size );
enum { max_k8 = 128, max_k16 = 32768, max_nk16 = 2048 };
const char * const fec_extension = ".fec";
inline void prot_stdin()
{ show_file_error( "(stdin)", "Can't read protected data from standard input." ); }
// defined in fec_create.cc
enum { fc_percent, fc_blocks, fc_bytes };
void cleanup_mutex_lock();
int gf_check( const unsigned k, const bool cl_gf16, const bool fec_random );
void extract_dirname( const std::string & name, std::string & srcdir );
void replace_dirname( const std::string & name, const std::string & srcdir,
const std::string & destdir, std::string & outname );
bool has_fec_extension( const std::string & name );
int fec_create( const std::vector< std::string > & filenames,
const std::string & default_output_filename,
const unsigned long fb_or_pct, const unsigned cl_block_size,
const unsigned num_workers, const char debug_level,
const char fctype, const char fec_level, const char recursive,
const bool cl_gf16, const bool fec_random, const bool force,
const bool to_stdout );
// defined in fec_repair.cc
int fec_test( const std::vector< std::string > & filenames,
const std::string & cl_fec_filename,
const std::string & default_output_filename,
const char recursive, const bool force, const bool ignore_errors,
const bool repair, const bool to_stdout );
int fec_list( const std::vector< std::string > & filenames,
const bool ignore_errors );
int fec_dc( const std::string & input_filename,
const std::string & cl_fec_filename, const unsigned cblocks );
int fec_dz( const std::string & input_filename,
const std::string & cl_fec_filename,
std::vector< Block > & range_vector );
int fec_dZ( const std::string & input_filename,
const std::string & cl_fec_filename,
const unsigned delta, const int sector_size );
// defined in recursive.cc
bool next_filename( std::list< std::string > & filelist,
std::string & input_filename, int & retval,
const char recursive );
// defined in gf8.cc, gf16.cc
void gf8_init();
void gf16_init();
bool gf8_check( const std::vector< unsigned > & fbn_vector, const unsigned k );
bool gf16_check( const std::vector< unsigned > & fbn_vector, const unsigned k );
/* buffer, lastbuf: k blocks of input data, last one possibly padded to fbs.
fbn: number of the fec block to be created (fbn < max_k).
void rs8_encode( const uint8_t * const buffer, const uint8_t * const lastbuf,
uint8_t * const fec_block, const unsigned long fbs,
const unsigned fbn, const unsigned k );
void rs16_encode( const uint8_t * const buffer, const uint8_t * const lastbuf,
uint8_t * const fec_block, const unsigned long fbs,
const unsigned fbn, const unsigned k );
/* buffer, lastbuf: k data blocks, those in bb_vector are missing.
fecbuf: as many fec blocks as missing data blocks in the order of fbn_vector.
The repaired data blocks are written in their place in buffer and lastbuf.
void rs8_decode( uint8_t * const buffer, uint8_t * const lastbuf,
const std::vector< unsigned > & bb_vector,
const std::vector< unsigned > & fbn_vector,
uint8_t * const fecbuf, const unsigned long fbs,
const unsigned k );
void rs16_decode( uint8_t * const buffer, uint8_t * const lastbuf,
const std::vector< unsigned > & bb_vector,
const std::vector< unsigned > & fbn_vector,
uint8_t * const fecbuf, const unsigned long fbs,
const unsigned k );