/* Lziprecover - Data recovery tool for the lzip format Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Antonio Diaz Diaz. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lzip.h" #include "md5.h" #include "fec.h" namespace { void xinit_mutex( pthread_mutex_t * const mutex ) { const int errcode = pthread_mutex_init( mutex, 0 ); if( errcode ) { show_error( "pthread_mutex_init", errcode ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } } void xinit_cond( pthread_cond_t * const cond ) { const int errcode = pthread_cond_init( cond, 0 ); if( errcode ) { show_error( "pthread_cond_init", errcode ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } } void xdestroy_mutex( pthread_mutex_t * const mutex ) { const int errcode = pthread_mutex_destroy( mutex ); if( errcode ) { show_error( "pthread_mutex_destroy", errcode ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } } void xdestroy_cond( pthread_cond_t * const cond ) { const int errcode = pthread_cond_destroy( cond ); if( errcode ) { show_error( "pthread_cond_destroy", errcode ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } } void xlock( pthread_mutex_t * const mutex ) { const int errcode = pthread_mutex_lock( mutex ); if( errcode ) { show_error( "pthread_mutex_lock", errcode ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } } void xunlock( pthread_mutex_t * const mutex ) { const int errcode = pthread_mutex_unlock( mutex ); if( errcode ) { show_error( "pthread_mutex_unlock", errcode ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } } void xwait( pthread_cond_t * const cond, pthread_mutex_t * const mutex ) { const int errcode = pthread_cond_wait( cond, mutex ); if( errcode ) { show_error( "pthread_cond_wait", errcode ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } } void xsignal( pthread_cond_t * const cond ) { const int errcode = pthread_cond_signal( cond ); if( errcode ) { show_error( "pthread_cond_signal", errcode ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } } unsigned long out_size; unsigned deliver_id; // id of worker writing fec packets to outfd unsigned check_counter; unsigned wait_counter; pthread_mutex_t omutex; std::vector< pthread_cond_t > may_deliver; // worker[i] may write pthread_mutex_t cmutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; // cleanup mutex struct Worker_arg { const uint8_t * prodata; const uint8_t * lastbuf; unsigned fec_blocks; unsigned k; unsigned num_workers; unsigned worker_id; Coded_fbs coded_fbs; bool gf16; }; // write a fec packet and pass the token to the next thread extern "C" void * worker( void * arg ) { const Worker_arg & tmp = *(const Worker_arg *)arg; const uint8_t * const prodata = tmp.prodata; const uint8_t * const lastbuf = tmp.lastbuf; const unsigned fec_blocks = tmp.fec_blocks; const unsigned k = tmp.k; const unsigned num_workers = tmp.num_workers; const unsigned worker_id = tmp.worker_id; const Coded_fbs coded_fbs = tmp.coded_fbs; const bool gf16 = tmp.gf16; for( unsigned fbn = worker_id; fbn < fec_blocks; fbn += num_workers ) { const Fec_packet fec_packet( prodata, lastbuf, fbn, k, coded_fbs, gf16 ); const long packet_size = fec_packet.packet_size(); xlock( &omutex ); ++check_counter; while( worker_id != deliver_id ) { ++wait_counter; xwait( &may_deliver[worker_id], &omutex ); } xlock( &cmutex ); // because of cleanup_and_fail if( writeblock( outfd, fec_packet.image(), packet_size ) != packet_size ) { xunlock( &cmutex ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } xunlock( &cmutex ); out_size += packet_size; if( ++deliver_id >= num_workers ) deliver_id = 0; xsignal( &may_deliver[deliver_id] ); // allow next worker to write xunlock( &omutex ); } return 0; } // start the workers and wait for them to finish. bool write_fec_mt( const uint8_t * const prodata, const uint8_t * const lastbuf, const unsigned fec_blocks, const unsigned k, const unsigned num_workers, const Coded_fbs coded_fbs, const char debug_level, const bool gf16 ) { if( debug_level & 2 ) std::fputs( "write_fec_mt.\n", stderr ); out_size = 0; deliver_id = 0; check_counter = 0; wait_counter = 0; xinit_mutex( &omutex ); may_deliver.resize( num_workers ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < may_deliver.size(); ++i ) xinit_cond( &may_deliver[i] ); std::vector< Worker_arg > worker_args( num_workers ); std::vector< pthread_t > worker_threads( num_workers ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_workers; ++i ) { worker_args[i].prodata = prodata; worker_args[i].lastbuf = lastbuf; worker_args[i].fec_blocks = fec_blocks; worker_args[i].k = k; worker_args[i].num_workers = num_workers; worker_args[i].worker_id = i; worker_args[i].coded_fbs = coded_fbs; worker_args[i].gf16 = gf16; const int errcode = pthread_create( &worker_threads[i], 0, worker, &worker_args[i] ); if( errcode ) { show_error( "Can't create worker threads", errcode ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } } for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_workers; ++i ) { const int errcode = pthread_join( worker_threads[i], 0 ); if( errcode ) { show_error( "Can't join worker threads", errcode ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } } for( unsigned i = 0; i < may_deliver.size(); ++i ) xdestroy_cond( &may_deliver[i] ); xdestroy_mutex( &omutex ); if( debug_level & 1 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "workers started %8u\n" "any worker tried to write a packet %8u times\n" "any worker had to wait %8u times\n", num_workers, check_counter, wait_counter ); return true; } inline void set_le( uint8_t * const buf, const int size, unsigned long n ) { for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i ) { buf[i] = (uint8_t)n; n >>= 8; } } unsigned compute_unit_fbs( const unsigned long prodata_size ) { unsigned bs = min_fbs; while( bs < 65536 && 4ULL * bs * bs < prodata_size ) bs <<= 1; return bs; } unsigned long divide_fbs( const unsigned long size, const unsigned blocks, const unsigned unit_fbs ) { unsigned long long fbs = ceil_divide( size, blocks ); // ULL as max_fbs if( fbs < min_fbs ) fbs = min_fbs; else if( fbs > max_fbs ) fbs = max_fbs; return ceil_divide( fbs, unit_fbs ); } Coded_fbs compute_fbs( const unsigned long prodata_size, const unsigned cl_block_size, const char fec_level ) { const unsigned unit_fbs = isvalid_fbs( cl_block_size ) ? cl_block_size : compute_unit_fbs( prodata_size ); const unsigned long max_k = ( fec_level == 0 ) ? max_k8 : max_k16; const unsigned k9 = std::min( ceil_divide( prodata_size, unit_fbs ), max_k ); const unsigned long fbsu9 = divide_fbs( prodata_size, k9, unit_fbs ); const unsigned long fbsu0 = divide_fbs( prodata_size, max_k8, unit_fbs ); const unsigned long a = std::min( (10 - fec_level) * fbsu9, fbsu0 ); // lin const unsigned long b = fbsu0 >> fec_level; // exp const unsigned long fbsu = std::max( a, b ); // join linear and exponential return Coded_fbs( fbsu * unit_fbs, unit_fbs ); } unsigned compute_fec_blocks( const unsigned long prodata_size, const unsigned long fb_or_pct, const char fctype, const char fec_level, const Coded_fbs coded_fbs ) { const unsigned long fbs = coded_fbs.val(); const unsigned prodata_blocks = ceil_divide( prodata_size, fbs ); const unsigned long max_k = ( fec_level == 0 ) ? max_k8 : max_k16; if( !isvalid_fbs( fbs ) || prodata_blocks > max_k ) return 0; const unsigned long max_nk = ( fec_level == 0 ) ? max_k8 : max_nk16; unsigned fec_blocks; if( fctype == fc_blocks ) fec_blocks = std::min( max_nk, fb_or_pct ); else { unsigned long fec_bytes; if( fctype == fc_percent ) { const double pct = std::max( 1UL, std::min( 100000UL, fb_or_pct ) ); fec_bytes = (unsigned long)std::ceil( prodata_size * pct / 100000 ); } else if( fctype == fc_bytes ) fec_bytes = std::min( fb_or_pct, prodata_size ); else return 0; // unknown fctype, must not happen fec_blocks = std::min( ceil_divide( fec_bytes, fbs ), max_nk ); } if( fec_blocks > prodata_blocks ) fec_blocks = prodata_blocks; return fec_blocks; } // return random number between 0 and 32767 unsigned my_rand( unsigned long & state ) { state = state * 1103515245 + 12345; return ( state / 65536 ) % 32768; } void random_fbn_vector( const unsigned fec_blocks, const bool gf16, std::vector< unsigned > & fbn_vector ) { struct timespec ts; clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts ); unsigned long state = ts.tv_nsec; while( state != 0 && ( state & 1 ) == 0 ) state >>= 1; if( state != 0 ) state *= ts.tv_sec; else state = ts.tv_sec; for( unsigned i = 0; i < fec_blocks; ++i ) { again: const unsigned fbn = gf16 ? my_rand( state ) : my_rand( state ) % 128; for( unsigned j = 0; j < fbn_vector.size(); ++j ) if( fbn == fbn_vector[j] ) goto again; fbn_vector.push_back( fbn ); } } bool write_fec( const char * const input_filename, const uint8_t * const prodata, const unsigned long prodata_size, const unsigned long fb_or_pct, const unsigned cl_block_size, unsigned num_workers, const char debug_level, const char fctype, const char fec_level, const bool cl_gf16, const bool fec_random ) { const Coded_fbs coded_fbs = compute_fbs( prodata_size, cl_block_size, fec_level ); const unsigned fec_blocks = compute_fec_blocks( prodata_size, fb_or_pct, fctype, fec_level, coded_fbs ); if( fec_blocks == 0 ) { show_file_error( input_filename, "Input file is too large for fec protection." ); return false; } if( num_workers > fec_blocks ) num_workers = fec_blocks; const unsigned long fbs = coded_fbs.val(); const unsigned prodata_blocks = ceil_divide( prodata_size, fbs ); md5_type prodata_md5; compute_md5( prodata, prodata_size, prodata_md5 ); unsigned chksum_packet_size; const bool gf16 = cl_gf16 || prodata_blocks > max_k8 || fec_blocks > max_k8; { const Chksum_packet chksum_packet( prodata, prodata_size, prodata_md5, coded_fbs, gf16, false ); // CRC32 array const long packet_size = chksum_packet.packet_size(); if( writeblock( outfd, chksum_packet.image(), packet_size ) != packet_size ) goto fail; chksum_packet_size = packet_size; } { unsigned long fecdata_size = chksum_packet_size; const uint8_t * const lastbuf = set_lastbuf( prodata, prodata_size, fbs ); gf16 ? gf16_init() : gf8_init(); // initialize Galois tables if( fec_random ) { std::vector< unsigned > fbn_vector; random_fbn_vector( fec_blocks, gf16, fbn_vector ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < fbn_vector.size(); ++i ) { const unsigned fbn = fbn_vector[i]; const Fec_packet fec_packet( prodata, lastbuf, fbn, prodata_blocks, coded_fbs, gf16 ); const long packet_size = fec_packet.packet_size(); if( writeblock( outfd, fec_packet.image(), packet_size ) != packet_size ) { delete[] lastbuf; goto fail; } fecdata_size += packet_size; } } else if( num_workers > 1 ) { if( !write_fec_mt( prodata, lastbuf, fec_blocks, prodata_blocks, num_workers, coded_fbs, debug_level, gf16 ) ) { delete[] lastbuf; goto fail; } fecdata_size += out_size; } else for( unsigned fbn = 0; fbn < fec_blocks; ++fbn ) { const Fec_packet fec_packet( prodata, lastbuf, fbn, prodata_blocks, coded_fbs, gf16 ); const long packet_size = fec_packet.packet_size(); if( writeblock( outfd, fec_packet.image(), packet_size ) != packet_size ) { delete[] lastbuf; goto fail; } fecdata_size += packet_size; } delete[] lastbuf; if( ( fecdata_size + chksum_packet_size ) / 2 <= fec_blocks * fbs && fec_blocks > 1 ) // write the second chksum packet { const Chksum_packet chksum_packet( prodata, prodata_size, prodata_md5, coded_fbs, gf16, true ); // CRC32-C array const long packet_size = chksum_packet.packet_size(); if( writeblock( outfd, chksum_packet.image(), packet_size ) != packet_size ) goto fail; fecdata_size += packet_size; } if( fecdata_size % 4 != 0 ) internal_error( "fecdata_size % 4 != 0" ); if( verbosity >= 1 ) std::fprintf( stderr, " %s: %s bytes, %s fec bytes, %u blocks\n", printable_name( output_filename, false ), format_num3( fecdata_size ), format_num3( fec_blocks * fbs ), fec_blocks ); return true; } fail: show_file_error( input_filename, "Write error", errno ); return false; } int open_instream2( const std::string & name, struct stat * const in_statsp ) { if( !has_fec_extension( name ) ) return open_instream( name.c_str(), in_statsp, false, true ); if( verbosity >= 0 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s: Input file already has '%s' suffix, ignored.\n", program_name, name.c_str(), fec_extension ); return -1; } } // end namespace Chksum_packet::Chksum_packet( const uint8_t * const prodata, const unsigned long prodata_size, const md5_type & prodata_md5, const Coded_fbs coded_fbs, const bool gf16_, const bool is_crc_c_ ) { const unsigned long fbs = coded_fbs.val(); const unsigned prodata_blocks = ceil_divide( prodata_size, fbs ); if( prodata_blocks * fbs < prodata_size ) internal_error( "prodata_blocks * fec_block_size < prodata_size" ); const unsigned paysize = prodata_blocks * sizeof crc_array()[0]; const unsigned packet_size = header_size + paysize + trailer_size; if( paysize <= prodata_blocks || packet_size <= paysize ) throw std::bad_alloc(); uint8_t * const ip = new uint8_t[packet_size]; // writable image ptr image_ = ip; std::memcpy( ip, fec_magic, fec_magic_l ); ip[version_o] = current_version; ip[flags_o] = ( gf16_ << 1 ) | is_crc_c_; set_le( ip + prodata_size_o, prodata_size_l, prodata_size ); *(md5_type *)(ip + prodata_md5_o) = prodata_md5; coded_fbs.copy( ip + fbs_o ); set_le( ip + header_crc_o, crc32_l, compute_header_crc( image_ ) ); le32 * const crc_arr = (le32 *)(ip + crc_array_o); // fill crc array unsigned i = 0; if( !is_crc_c_ ) // CRC32 for( unsigned long pos = 0; pos < prodata_size; pos += fbs, ++i ) crc_arr[i] = crc32.compute_crc( prodata + pos, std::min( fbs, prodata_size - pos ) ); else { // CRC32-C const CRC32 crc32c( true ); for( unsigned long pos = 0; pos < prodata_size; pos += fbs, ++i ) crc_arr[i] = crc32c.compute_crc( prodata + pos, std::min( fbs, prodata_size - pos ) ); } if( i != prodata_blocks ) internal_error( "wrong fec_block_size or number of prodata_blocks." ); // compute CRC32 of payload (crc array) set_le( ip + crc_array_o + paysize, crc32_l, crc32.compute_crc( image_ + crc_array_o, paysize ) ); } Fec_packet::Fec_packet( const uint8_t * const prodata, const uint8_t * const lastbuf, const unsigned fbn, const unsigned k, const Coded_fbs coded_fbs, const bool gf16 ) { const unsigned long fbs = coded_fbs.val(); const unsigned long packet_size = header_size + fbs + trailer_size; if( packet_size <= fbs || !fits_in_size_t( packet_size ) ) throw std::bad_alloc(); uint8_t * const ip = new uint8_t[packet_size]; // writable image ptr image_ = ip; std::memcpy( ip, fec_packet_magic, fec_magic_l ); set_le( ip + fbn_o, fbn_l, fbn ); coded_fbs.copy( ip + fbs_o ); set_le( ip + header_crc_o, crc32_l, compute_header_crc( image_ ) ); // fill fec array gf16 ? rs16_encode( prodata, lastbuf, ip + fec_block_o, fbs, fbn, k ) : rs8_encode( prodata, lastbuf, ip + fec_block_o, fbs, fbn, k ); // compute CRC32 of payload (fec array) set_le( ip + fec_block_o + fbs, crc32_l, crc32.compute_crc( image_ + fec_block_o, fbs ) ); } void cleanup_mutex_lock() // make cleanup_and_fail thread-safe { pthread_mutex_lock( &cmutex ); } // ignore errors to avoid loop int gf_check( const unsigned k, const bool cl_gf16, const bool fec_random ) { std::vector< unsigned > fbn_vector; const bool gf16 = cl_gf16 || k > max_k8; if( fec_random ) random_fbn_vector( k, gf16, fbn_vector ); return gf16 ? !gf16_check( fbn_vector, k ) : !gf8_check( fbn_vector, k ); } /* if name contains slash(es), copy name into srcdir up to the last slash, removing a leading dot followed by slash(es) */ void extract_dirname( const std::string & name, std::string & srcdir ) { unsigned i = 0; unsigned j = name.size(); if( j >= 2 && name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '/' ) // remove leading "./" for( i = 2; i < j && name[i] == '/'; ) ++i; while( j > i && name[j-1] != '/' ) --j; // remove last component if any if( j > i ) srcdir.assign( name, i, j - i ); } // replace prefix srcdir with destdir in name and write result to outname void replace_dirname( const std::string & name, const std::string & srcdir, const std::string & destdir, std::string & outname ) { if( srcdir.size() && name.compare( 0, srcdir.size(), srcdir ) != 0 ) { if( verbosity >= 0 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "dirname '%s' != '%s'\n", name.c_str(), srcdir.c_str() ); internal_error( "srcdir mismatch." ); } outname = destdir; outname.append( name, srcdir.size(), name.size() - srcdir.size() ); } bool has_fec_extension( const std::string & name ) { const unsigned ext_len = std::strlen( fec_extension ); return name.size() > ext_len && name.compare( name.size() - ext_len, ext_len, fec_extension ) == 0; } const char * printable_name( const std::string & filename, const bool in ) { if( filename.empty() || filename == "-" ) return in ? "(stdin)" : "(stdout)"; return filename.c_str(); } int fec_create( const std::vector< std::string > & filenames, const std::string & default_output_filename, const unsigned long fb_or_pct, const unsigned cl_block_size, const unsigned num_workers, const char debug_level, const char fctype, const char fec_level, const char recursive, const bool cl_gf16, const bool fec_random, const bool force, const bool to_stdout ) { const bool to_dir = !to_stdout && default_output_filename.size() && default_output_filename.end()[-1] == '/'; const bool to_file = !to_stdout && !to_dir && default_output_filename.size(); if( ( to_stdout || to_file ) && filenames.size() != 1 ) { show_error( "You must specify exactly 1 file when redirecting fec data." ); return 1; } if( ( to_stdout || to_file ) && recursive ) { show_error( "Can't redirect fec data in recursive mode." ); return 1; } if( to_stdout ) { outfd = STDOUT_FILENO; if( !check_tty_out() ) return 1; } else outfd = -1; int retval = 0; const bool one_to_one = !to_stdout && !to_file; for( unsigned i = 0; i < filenames.size(); ++i ) { if( filenames[i] == "-" ) { prot_stdin(); set_retval( retval, 1 ); continue; } std::string srcdir; // dirname to be replaced by '-o dir/' if( to_dir ) extract_dirname( filenames[i], srcdir ); std::list< std::string > filelist( 1U, filenames[i] ); std::string input_filename; while( next_filename( filelist, input_filename, retval, recursive ) ) { struct stat in_stats; const int infd = open_instream2( input_filename, &in_stats ); if( infd < 0 ) { set_retval( retval, 1 ); continue; } const char * const input_filenamep = input_filename.c_str(); const long long file_size = lseek( infd, 0, SEEK_END ); if( file_size <= 0 ) { show_file_error( input_filenamep, "Input file is empty." ); set_retval( retval, 2 ); close( infd ); continue; } if( !fits_in_size_t( file_size ) ) { show_file_error( input_filenamep, large_file_msg ); set_retval( retval, 1 ); close( infd ); continue; } const unsigned long prodata_size = file_size; const uint8_t * const prodata = (const uint8_t *)mmap( 0, prodata_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, infd, 0 ); close( infd ); if( prodata == MAP_FAILED ) { show_file_error( input_filenamep, mmap_msg, errno ); set_retval( retval, 1 ); continue; } if( one_to_one ) { if( to_dir ) replace_dirname( input_filename, srcdir, default_output_filename, output_filename ); else output_filename = input_filename; output_filename += fec_extension; set_signal_handler(); if( !open_outstream( force, true, false, true, to_dir ) ) { munmap( (void *)prodata, prodata_size ); set_retval( retval, 1 ); continue; } if( !check_tty_out() ) { set_retval( retval, 1 ); return retval; } // don't delete a tty } else if( to_file && outfd < 0 ) // open outfd after checking infd { output_filename = default_output_filename; set_signal_handler(); if( !open_outstream( force, false ) || !check_tty_out() ) return 1; // check tty only once and don't try to delete a tty } // write fec data to output file if( !write_fec( input_filenamep, prodata, prodata_size, fb_or_pct, cl_block_size, num_workers, debug_level, fctype, fec_level, cl_gf16, fec_random ) ) { munmap( (void *)prodata, prodata_size ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } /* To avoid '-Fc | -Ft' running out of address space, munmap before closing outfd and mmap after reading fec data from stdin */ munmap( (void *)prodata, prodata_size ); if( !close_outstream( &in_stats ) ) cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } } return retval; }