753 lines
29 KiB
753 lines
29 KiB
/* Tarlz - Archiver with multimember lzip compression
Copyright (C) 2013-2025 Antonio Diaz Diaz.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
#include <algorithm>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdint.h> // for lzlib.h
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#if !defined __FreeBSD__ && !defined __OpenBSD__ && !defined __NetBSD__ && \
!defined __DragonFly__ && !defined __APPLE__ && !defined __OS2__
#include <sys/sysmacros.h> // for major, minor
#include <sys/types.h> // for major, minor
#include <ftw.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <lzlib.h>
#include "tarlz.h"
#include "arg_parser.h"
#include "create.h"
Archive_attrs archive_attrs; // archive attributes at time of creation
namespace {
const Cl_options * gcl_opts = 0; // local vars needed by add_member
LZ_Encoder * encoder = 0;
const char * archive_namep = 0;
unsigned long long partial_data_size = 0; // size of current block
Resizable_buffer grbuf; // extended header + data
int goutfd = -1;
bool option_C_after_relative_filename( const Arg_parser & parser )
for( int i = 0; i < parser.arguments(); ++i )
if( nonempty_arg( parser, i ) && parser.argument( i )[0] != '/' )
while( ++i < parser.arguments() )
if( parser.code( i ) == 'C' ) return true;
return false;
/* Check archive type. Return position of EOA blocks or -1 if failure.
If remove_eoa, leave fd file pos at beginning of the EOA blocks.
Else, leave fd file pos at 0.
long long check_compressed_appendable( const int fd, const bool remove_eoa )
struct stat st; // fd must be regular
if( fstat( fd, &st ) != 0 || !S_ISREG( st.st_mode ) ) return -1;
if( lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_SET ) != 0 ) return -1;
enum { bufsize = header_size + ( header_size / 8 ) };
uint8_t buf[bufsize];
const int rd = readblock( fd, buf, bufsize );
if( rd == 0 && errno == 0 ) return 0; // append to empty archive
if( rd < min_member_size || ( rd != bufsize && errno ) ) return -1;
const Lzip_header * const p = (const Lzip_header *)buf; // shut up gcc
if( !p->check_magic() || !p->check_version() ) return -1;
LZ_Decoder * decoder = LZ_decompress_open(); // decompress first header
if( !decoder || LZ_decompress_errno( decoder ) != LZ_ok ||
LZ_decompress_write( decoder, buf, rd ) != rd ||
LZ_decompress_read( decoder, buf, header_size ) != header_size )
{ LZ_decompress_close( decoder ); return -1; }
LZ_decompress_close( decoder );
const bool maybe_eoa = block_is_zero( buf, header_size );
if( !check_ustar_chksum( buf ) && !maybe_eoa ) return -1;
const long long end = lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_END );
if( end < min_member_size ) return -1;
Lzip_trailer trailer; // read last trailer
if( seek_read( fd, trailer.data, Lzip_trailer::size,
end - Lzip_trailer::size ) != Lzip_trailer::size ) return -1;
const long long member_size = trailer.member_size();
if( member_size < min_member_size || member_size > end ||
( maybe_eoa && member_size != end ) ) return -1; // garbage after EOA?
Lzip_header header; // read last header
if( seek_read( fd, header.data, Lzip_header::size,
end - member_size ) != Lzip_header::size ) return -1;
if( !header.check_magic() || !header.check_version() ||
!isvalid_ds( header.dictionary_size() ) ) return -1;
// EOA marker in last member must contain between 512 and 32256 zeros alone
const unsigned long long data_size = trailer.data_size();
if( data_size < header_size || data_size > 32256 ) return -1;
const unsigned data_crc = trailer.data_crc();
const CRC32 crc32;
uint32_t crc = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
for( unsigned i = 0; i < data_size; ++i ) crc32.update_byte( crc, 0 );
crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFFU;
if( crc != data_crc ) return -1;
const long long pos = remove_eoa ? end - member_size : 0;
if( lseek( fd, pos, SEEK_SET ) != pos ) return -1;
return end - member_size;
/* Skip all tar headers.
Return position of EOA blocks, -1 if failure, -2 if out of memory.
If remove_eoa, leave fd file pos at beginning of the EOA blocks.
Else, leave fd file pos at 0.
long long check_uncompressed_appendable( const int fd, const bool remove_eoa )
struct stat st; // fd must be regular
if( fstat( fd, &st ) != 0 || !S_ISREG( st.st_mode ) ) return -1;
if( lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_SET ) != 0 ) return -1;
if( st.st_size <= 0 ) return 0; // append to empty archive
long long eoa_pos = 0; // pos of EOA blocks
Extended extended; // metadata from extended records
Resizable_buffer rbuf; // extended records buffer
bool prev_extended = false; // prev header was extended
if( !rbuf.size() ) return -2;
while( true ) // process one tar header per iteration
Tar_header header;
const int rd = readblock( fd, header, header_size );
if( rd == 0 && errno == 0 ) break; // missing EOA blocks
if( rd != header_size ) return -1;
if( !check_ustar_chksum( header ) ) // maybe EOA block
{ if( block_is_zero( header, header_size ) ) break; else return -1; }
const Typeflag typeflag = (Typeflag)header[typeflag_o];
if( typeflag == tf_extended || typeflag == tf_global )
if( prev_extended ) return -1;
const long long edsize = parse_octal( header + size_o, size_l );
const long long bufsize = round_up( edsize );
if( edsize <= 0 || edsize >= 1LL << 33 || bufsize > max_edata_size )
return -1; // overflow or no extended data
if( !rbuf.resize( bufsize ) ) return -2;
if( readblock( fd, rbuf.u8(), bufsize ) != bufsize )
return -1;
if( typeflag == tf_extended )
{ if( !extended.parse( rbuf(), edsize, false ) ) return -1;
prev_extended = true; }
prev_extended = false;
eoa_pos = lseek( fd, round_up( extended.get_file_size_and_reset( header ) ),
if( eoa_pos <= 0 ) return -1;
if( prev_extended ) return -1;
const long long pos = remove_eoa ? eoa_pos : 0;
if( lseek( fd, pos, SEEK_SET ) != pos ) return -1;
return eoa_pos;
bool archive_write( const uint8_t * const buf, const int size )
static bool flushed = true; // avoid flushing empty lzip members
if( size <= 0 && flushed ) return true;
flushed = size <= 0;
if( !encoder ) // uncompressed
return writeblock_wrapper( goutfd, buf, size );
enum { obuf_size = 65536 };
uint8_t obuf[obuf_size];
int sz = 0;
if( size <= 0 ) LZ_compress_finish( encoder ); // flush encoder
while( sz < size || size <= 0 )
const int wr = LZ_compress_write( encoder, buf + sz, size - sz );
if( wr < 0 ) internal_error( "library error (LZ_compress_write)." );
sz += wr;
if( sz >= size && size > 0 ) break; // minimize dictionary size
const int rd = LZ_compress_read( encoder, obuf, obuf_size );
if( rd < 0 ) internal_error( "library error (LZ_compress_read)." );
if( rd == 0 && sz >= size ) break;
if( !writeblock_wrapper( goutfd, obuf, rd ) ) return false;
if( LZ_compress_finished( encoder ) == 1 &&
LZ_compress_restart_member( encoder, LLONG_MAX ) < 0 )
internal_error( "library error (LZ_compress_restart_member)." );
return true;
// Return true if it stores filename in the ustar header.
bool store_name( const char * const filename, Extended & extended,
Tar_header header, const bool force_extended_name )
const char * const stored_name =
remove_leading_dotslash( filename, &extended.removed_prefix, true );
if( !force_extended_name ) // try storing filename in the ustar header
const int len = std::strlen( stored_name );
enum { max_len = prefix_l + 1 + name_l }; // prefix + '/' + name
if( len <= name_l ) // stored_name fits in name
{ std::memcpy( header + name_o, stored_name, len ); return true; }
if( len <= max_len ) // find shortest prefix
for( int i = len - name_l - 1; i < len && i <= prefix_l; ++i )
if( stored_name[i] == '/' ) // stored_name can be split
std::memcpy( header + name_o, stored_name + i + 1, len - i - 1 );
std::memcpy( header + prefix_o, stored_name, i );
return true;
// store filename in extended record, leave name zeroed in ustar header
extended.path( stored_name );
return false;
// add one tar member to the archive and print filename
int add_member( const char * const filename, const struct stat *,
const int flag, struct FTW * )
if( Exclude::excluded( filename ) ) return 0; // skip excluded files
long long file_size;
Extended extended; // metadata for extended records
Tar_header header;
if( !fill_headers( filename, extended, header, file_size, flag ) ) return 0;
print_removed_prefix( extended.removed_prefix );
const int infd = file_size ? open_instream( filename ) : -1;
if( file_size && infd < 0 ) { set_error_status( 1 ); return 0; }
const int ebsize = extended.format_block( grbuf ); // may be 0
if( ebsize < 0 ) { show_error( extended.full_size_error() ); return 1; }
if( encoder && gcl_opts->solidity == bsolid &&
block_is_full( ebsize, file_size, gcl_opts->data_size,
partial_data_size ) && !archive_write( 0, 0 ) ) return 1;
// write extended block to archive
if( ebsize > 0 && !archive_write( grbuf.u8(), ebsize ) ) return 1;
if( !archive_write( header, header_size ) ) return 1;
if( file_size )
const long long bufsize = 32 * header_size;
uint8_t buf[bufsize];
long long rest = file_size;
while( rest > 0 )
int size = std::min( rest, bufsize );
const int rd = readblock( infd, buf, size );
rest -= rd;
if( rd != size )
show_atpos_error( filename, file_size - rest, false );
close( infd ); return 1;
if( rest == 0 ) // last read
const int rem = file_size % header_size;
if( rem > 0 )
{ const int padding = header_size - rem;
std::memset( buf + size, 0, padding ); size += padding; }
if( !archive_write( buf, size ) ) { close( infd ); return 1; }
if( close( infd ) != 0 )
{ show_file_error( filename, eclosf_msg, errno ); return 1; }
if( encoder && gcl_opts->solidity == no_solid && !archive_write( 0, 0 ) )
return 1;
if( gcl_opts->warn_newer && archive_attrs.is_newer( filename ) )
{ show_file_error( filename, "File is newer than the archive." );
set_error_status( 1 ); }
if( verbosity >= 1 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", filename );
return 0;
bool check_tty_out( const char * const archive_namep, const int outfd,
const bool to_stdout )
if( isatty( outfd ) ) // for example /dev/tty
{ show_file_error( archive_namep, to_stdout ?
"I won't write archive data to a terminal (missing -f option?)" :
"I won't write archive data to a terminal." );
return false; }
return true;
} // end namespace
// infd and outfd can refer to the same file if copying to a lower file
// position or if source and destination blocks don't overlap.
// max_size < 0 means no size limit.
bool copy_file( const int infd, const int outfd, const char * const filename,
const long long max_size )
const long long buffer_size = 65536;
// remaining number of bytes to copy
long long rest = ( max_size >= 0 ) ? max_size : buffer_size;
long long copied_size = 0;
uint8_t * const buffer = new uint8_t[buffer_size];
bool error = false;
while( rest > 0 )
const int size = std::min( buffer_size, rest );
if( max_size >= 0 ) rest -= size;
const int rd = readblock( infd, buffer, size );
if( rd != size && errno )
{ show_file_error( filename, rd_err_msg, errno ); error = true; break; }
if( rd > 0 )
if( !writeblock_wrapper( outfd, buffer, rd ) ) { error = true; break; }
copied_size += rd;
if( rd < size ) break; // EOF
delete[] buffer;
return !error && ( max_size < 0 || copied_size == max_size );
bool writeblock_wrapper( const int outfd, const uint8_t * const buffer,
const int size )
if( writeblock( outfd, buffer, size ) != size )
{ show_file_error( archive_namep, wr_err_msg, errno ); return false; }
return true;
// write End-Of-Archive records
bool write_eoa_records( const int outfd, const bool compressed )
if( compressed )
enum { eoa_member_size = 44 };
const uint8_t eoa_member[eoa_member_size] = {
0x4C, 0x5A, 0x49, 0x50, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6F, 0xFD, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xA3, 0xB7, 0x80, 0x0C, 0x82, 0xDB, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00,
0x2E, 0xAF, 0xB5, 0xEF, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x2C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
return writeblock_wrapper( outfd, eoa_member, eoa_member_size );
enum { bufsize = 2 * header_size };
uint8_t buf[bufsize];
std::memset( buf, 0, bufsize );
return writeblock_wrapper( outfd, buf, bufsize );
/* Remove any amount of leading "./" and '/' strings from filename.
Optionally also remove prefixes containing a ".." component.
Return the removed prefix in *removed_prefixp.
const char * remove_leading_dotslash( const char * const filename,
std::string * const removed_prefixp,
const bool dotdot )
const char * p = filename;
if( dotdot )
for( int i = 0; filename[i]; ++i )
if( dotdot_at_i( filename, i ) ) p = filename + i + 2;
while( *p == '/' || ( *p == '.' && p[1] == '/' ) ) ++p;
if( p != filename ) removed_prefixp->assign( filename, p - filename );
else removed_prefixp->clear(); // no prefix was removed
if( *p == 0 && *filename != 0 ) p = ".";
return p;
// set file_size != 0 only for regular files
bool fill_headers( const char * const filename, Extended & extended,
Tar_header header, long long & file_size, const int flag )
struct stat st;
if( hstat( filename, &st, gcl_opts->dereference ) != 0 )
{ show_file_error( filename, cant_stat, errno );
set_error_status( 1 ); return false; }
if( archive_attrs.is_the_archive( st ) )
{ show_file_error( archive_namep, "Archive can't contain itself; not dumped." );
return false; }
init_tar_header( header );
bool force_extended_name = false;
const mode_t mode = st.st_mode;
print_octal( header + mode_o, mode_l - 1,
mode & ( S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_ISVTX |
const long long uid = ( gcl_opts->uid >= 0 ) ? gcl_opts->uid : st.st_uid;
const long long gid = ( gcl_opts->gid >= 0 ) ? gcl_opts->gid : st.st_gid;
if( uid_in_ustar_range( uid ) ) print_octal( header + uid_o, uid_l - 1, uid );
else if( extended.set_uid( uid ) ) force_extended_name = true;
if( uid_in_ustar_range( gid ) ) print_octal( header + gid_o, gid_l - 1, gid );
else if( extended.set_gid( gid ) ) force_extended_name = true;
const long long mtime = gcl_opts->mtime_set ? gcl_opts->mtime : st.st_mtime;
if( time_in_ustar_range( mtime ) )
print_octal( header + mtime_o, mtime_l - 1, mtime );
else { extended.set_atime( gcl_opts->mtime_set ? mtime : st.st_atime );
extended.set_mtime( mtime ); force_extended_name = true; }
Typeflag typeflag;
if( S_ISREG( mode ) ) typeflag = tf_regular;
else if( S_ISDIR( mode ) )
typeflag = tf_directory;
if( flag == FTW_DNR )
{ show_file_error( filename, "Can't open directory", errno );
set_error_status( 1 ); return false; }
else if( S_ISLNK( mode ) )
typeflag = tf_symlink;
long len, sz;
if( st.st_size <= linkname_l )
len = sz = readlink( filename, (char *)header + linkname_o, linkname_l );
while( len > 1 && header[linkname_o+len-1] == '/' ) // trailing '/'
{ --len; header[linkname_o+len] = 0; }
char * const buf = new char[st.st_size+1];
len = sz = readlink( filename, buf, st.st_size );
if( sz == st.st_size )
while( len > 1 && buf[len-1] == '/' ) --len; // trailing '/'
if( len <= linkname_l ) std::memcpy( header + linkname_o, buf, len );
else { buf[len] = 0; extended.linkpath( buf );
force_extended_name = true; }
delete[] buf;
if( sz != st.st_size )
if( sz < 0 )
show_file_error( filename, "Error reading symbolic link", errno );
show_file_error( filename, "Wrong size reading symbolic link.\n"
"Please, send a bug report to the maintainers of your filesystem, "
"mentioning\n'wrong st_size of symbolic link'.\nSee "
"http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9799919799/basedefs/sys_stat.h.html" );
set_error_status( 1 ); return false;
else if( S_ISCHR( mode ) || S_ISBLK( mode ) )
typeflag = S_ISCHR( mode ) ? tf_chardev : tf_blockdev;
if( (unsigned)major( st.st_rdev ) >= 2 << 20 ||
(unsigned)minor( st.st_rdev ) >= 2 << 20 )
{ show_file_error( filename, "devmajor or devminor is larger than 2_097_151." );
set_error_status( 1 ); return false; }
print_octal( header + devmajor_o, devmajor_l - 1, major( st.st_rdev ) );
print_octal( header + devminor_o, devminor_l - 1, minor( st.st_rdev ) );
else if( S_ISFIFO( mode ) ) typeflag = tf_fifo;
else { show_file_error( filename, "Unknown file type." );
set_error_status( 2 ); return false; }
header[typeflag_o] = typeflag;
if( uid == (long long)( (uid_t)uid ) ) // get name if uid is in range
{ const struct passwd * const pw = getpwuid( uid );
if( pw && pw->pw_name )
std::strncpy( (char *)header + uname_o, pw->pw_name, uname_l - 1 ); }
if( gid == (long long)( (gid_t)gid ) ) // get name if gid is in range
{ const struct group * const gr = getgrgid( gid );
if( gr && gr->gr_name )
std::strncpy( (char *)header + gname_o, gr->gr_name, gname_l - 1 ); }
file_size = ( typeflag == tf_regular && st.st_size > 0 &&
st.st_size <= max_file_size ) ? st.st_size : 0;
if( file_size >= 1LL << 33 )
{ extended.file_size( file_size ); force_extended_name = true; }
else print_octal( header + size_o, size_l - 1, file_size );
store_name( filename, extended, header, force_extended_name );
print_octal( header + chksum_o, chksum_l - 1, ustar_chksum( header ) );
return true;
bool block_is_full( const int extended_size,
const unsigned long long file_size,
const unsigned long long target_size,
unsigned long long & partial_data_size )
const unsigned long long member_size = // may overflow 'long long'
extended_size + header_size + round_up( file_size );
if( partial_data_size >= target_size ||
( partial_data_size >= min_data_size &&
partial_data_size + member_size / 2 > target_size ) )
{ partial_data_size = member_size; return true; }
partial_data_size += member_size; return false;
unsigned ustar_chksum( const Tar_header header )
unsigned chksum = chksum_l * 0x20; // treat chksum field as spaces
for( int i = 0; i < chksum_o; ++i ) chksum += header[i];
for( int i = chksum_o + chksum_l; i < header_size; ++i ) chksum += header[i];
return chksum;
bool check_ustar_chksum( const Tar_header header )
{ return check_ustar_magic( header ) &&
ustar_chksum( header ) == parse_octal( header + chksum_o, chksum_l ); }
bool has_lz_ext( const std::string & name )
return ( name.size() > 3 &&
name.compare( name.size() - 3, 3, ".lz" ) == 0 ) ||
( name.size() > 4 &&
name.compare( name.size() - 4, 4, ".tlz" ) == 0 );
int Cl_options::compressed() const // tri-state bool with error (-2)
const int lz_ext = archive_name.empty() ? -1 : has_lz_ext( archive_name );
if( !level_set ) return lz_ext; // no level set in command line
const bool cl_compressed = !uncompressed();
if( lz_ext < 0 || lz_ext == cl_compressed ) return cl_compressed;
show_file_error( archive_name.c_str(), lz_ext ?
"Uncompressed archive can't have .lz or .tlz extension." :
"Compressed archive requires .lz or .tlz extension." );
return -2;
int concatenate( const Cl_options & cl_opts )
if( cl_opts.num_files <= 0 )
{ if( verbosity >= 1 ) show_error( "Nothing to concatenate." ); return 0; }
int compressed = cl_opts.compressed(); // tri-state bool
if( compressed == -2 ) return 1;
const bool to_stdout = cl_opts.archive_name.empty();
archive_namep = to_stdout ? "(stdout)" : cl_opts.archive_name.c_str();
const int outfd =
to_stdout ? STDOUT_FILENO : open_outstream( cl_opts.archive_name, false );
if( outfd < 0 ) return 1;
if( !check_tty_out( archive_namep, outfd, to_stdout ) )
{ close( outfd ); return 1; }
if( !to_stdout && !archive_attrs.init( outfd ) )
{ show_file_error( archive_namep, "Can't stat", errno ); return 1; }
if( !to_stdout && compressed >= 0 ) // level or ext are set in cl
const long long pos = compressed ?
check_compressed_appendable( outfd, true ) :
check_uncompressed_appendable( outfd, true );
if( pos == -2 ) { show_error( mem_msg ); close( outfd ); return 1; }
if( pos < 0 )
{ show_file_error( archive_namep, compressed ?
"This does not look like an appendable tar.lz archive." :
"This does not look like an appendable tar archive." );
close( outfd ); return 2; }
int retval = 0;
bool eoa_pending = false;
for( int i = 0; i < cl_opts.parser.arguments(); ++i ) // copy archives
if( !nonempty_arg( cl_opts.parser, i ) ) continue; // skip opts, empty names
const char * const filename = cl_opts.parser.argument( i ).c_str();
if( Exclude::excluded( filename ) ) continue; // skip excluded files
const int infd = open_instream( filename );
if( infd < 0 ) { retval = 1; break; }
struct stat st;
if( !to_stdout && fstat( infd, &st ) == 0 &&
archive_attrs.is_the_archive( st ) )
{ show_file_error( filename, "Archive can't contain itself; "
"not concatenated." ); close( infd ); continue; }
long long size;
if( compressed < 0 ) // not initialized yet
if( ( size = check_compressed_appendable( infd, false ) ) > 0 )
compressed = true;
else if( ( size = check_uncompressed_appendable( infd, false ) ) > 0 )
compressed = false;
else if( size != -2 ) { size = -1; compressed = has_lz_ext( filename ); }
else size = compressed ? check_compressed_appendable( infd, false ) :
check_uncompressed_appendable( infd, false );
if( size == -2 )
{ show_error( mem_msg ); close( infd ); retval = 1; break; }
if( size < 0 )
{ show_file_error( filename, compressed ?
"Not an appendable tar.lz archive." :
"Not an appendable tar archive." );
close( infd ); retval = 2; break; }
if( !copy_file( infd, outfd, filename, size ) || close( infd ) != 0 )
{ show_file_error( filename, "Error concatenating archive", errno );
eoa_pending = false; retval = 1; break; }
eoa_pending = true;
if( verbosity >= 1 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", filename );
if( eoa_pending && !write_eoa_records( outfd, compressed ) && retval == 0 )
retval = 1;
if( close( outfd ) != 0 && retval == 0 )
{ show_file_error( archive_namep, eclosa_msg, errno ); retval = 1; }
return retval;
// Return value: 0 = skip arg, 1 = error, 2 = arg done
int parse_cl_arg( const Cl_options & cl_opts, const int i,
int (* add_memberp)( const char * const filename,
const struct stat *, const int flag, struct FTW * ) )
const int code = cl_opts.parser.code( i );
const std::string & arg = cl_opts.parser.argument( i );
const char * filename = arg.c_str(); // filename from command line
if( code == 'C' && chdir( filename ) != 0 )
{ show_file_error( filename, chdir_msg, errno ); return 1; }
if( code ) return 0; // skip options
if( cl_opts.parser.argument( i ).empty() ) return 0; // skip empty names
std::string deslashed; // filename without trailing slashes
unsigned len = arg.size();
while( len > 1 && arg[len-1] == '/' ) --len;
if( len < arg.size() )
{ deslashed.assign( arg, 0, len ); filename = deslashed.c_str(); }
if( Exclude::excluded( filename ) ) return 0; // skip excluded files
struct stat st;
if( lstat( filename, &st ) != 0 )
{ show_file_error( filename, cant_stat, errno );
set_error_status( 1 ); return 0; }
if( nftw( filename, add_memberp, 16, cl_opts.dereference ? 0 : FTW_PHYS ) )
return 1; // write error or OOM
return 2;
int encode( const Cl_options & cl_opts )
if( !grbuf.size() ) { show_error( mem_msg ); return 1; }
int compressed = cl_opts.compressed(); // tri-state bool
if( compressed == -2 ) return 1;
const bool to_stdout = cl_opts.archive_name.empty();
archive_namep = to_stdout ? "(stdout)" : cl_opts.archive_name.c_str();
gcl_opts = &cl_opts;
const bool append = cl_opts.program_mode == m_append;
if( cl_opts.num_files <= 0 )
if( !append && !to_stdout ) // create archive
{ show_error( "Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive.", 0, true );
return 1; }
else // create/append to stdout or append to archive
{ if( verbosity >= 1 ) show_error( "Nothing to append." ); return 0; }
if( to_stdout ) // create/append to stdout
else // create/append to archive
if( ( goutfd = open_outstream( cl_opts.archive_name, !append ) ) < 0 )
return 1;
if( !check_tty_out( archive_namep, goutfd, to_stdout ) )
{ close( goutfd ); return 1; }
if( append && !to_stdout )
long long pos;
if( compressed < 0 ) // not initialized yet
if( ( pos = check_compressed_appendable( goutfd, true ) ) > 0 )
compressed = true;
else if( ( pos = check_uncompressed_appendable( goutfd, true ) ) > 0 )
compressed = false;
else if( pos != -2 ) { pos = -1; compressed = false; } // unknown
else pos = compressed ? check_compressed_appendable( goutfd, true ) :
check_uncompressed_appendable( goutfd, true );
if( pos == -2 ) { show_error( mem_msg ); close( goutfd ); return 1; }
if( pos < 0 )
{ show_file_error( archive_namep, compressed ?
"This does not look like an appendable tar.lz archive." :
"This does not look like an appendable tar archive." );
close( goutfd ); return 2; }
if( !archive_attrs.init( goutfd ) )
{ show_file_error( archive_namep, "Can't stat", errno );
close( goutfd ); return 1; }
if( compressed )
/* CWD is not per-thread; multi-threaded --create can't be used if a
-C option appears after a relative filename in the command line. */
if( cl_opts.solidity != asolid && cl_opts.solidity != solid &&
cl_opts.num_workers > 0 &&
!option_C_after_relative_filename( cl_opts.parser ) )
// show_file_error( archive_namep, "Multi-threaded --create" );
return encode_lz( cl_opts, archive_namep, goutfd );
encoder = LZ_compress_open( option_mapping[cl_opts.level].dictionary_size,
option_mapping[cl_opts.level].match_len_limit, LLONG_MAX );
if( !encoder || LZ_compress_errno( encoder ) != LZ_ok )
if( !encoder || LZ_compress_errno( encoder ) == LZ_mem_error )
show_error( mem_msg2 );
internal_error( "invalid argument to encoder." );
close( goutfd ); return 1;
int retval = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < cl_opts.parser.arguments(); ++i ) // parse command line
const int ret = parse_cl_arg( cl_opts, i, add_member );
if( ret == 0 ) continue; // skip arg
if( ret == 1 ) { retval = 1; break; } // error
if( encoder && cl_opts.solidity == dsolid && // end of group
!archive_write( 0, 0 ) ) { retval = 1; break; }
if( retval == 0 ) // write End-Of-Archive records
enum { bufsize = 2 * header_size };
uint8_t buf[bufsize];
std::memset( buf, 0, bufsize );
if( encoder &&
( cl_opts.solidity == asolid ||
( cl_opts.solidity == bsolid && partial_data_size ) ) &&
!archive_write( 0, 0 ) ) retval = 1; // flush encoder
else if( !archive_write( buf, bufsize ) ||
( encoder && !archive_write( 0, 0 ) ) ) retval = 1;
if( encoder && LZ_compress_close( encoder ) < 0 )
{ show_error( "LZ_compress_close failed." ); retval = 1; }
if( close( goutfd ) != 0 && retval == 0 )
{ show_file_error( archive_namep, eclosa_msg, errno ); retval = 1; }
return final_exit_status( retval );