578 lines
20 KiB
578 lines
20 KiB
/* Tarlz - Archiver with multimember lzip compression
Copyright (C) 2013-2025 Antonio Diaz Diaz.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
#include <algorithm>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdio>
#include <queue>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h> // for lzlib.h
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <ftw.h>
#include <lzlib.h>
#include "tarlz.h"
#include "arg_parser.h"
#include "common_mutex.h"
#include "create.h"
namespace {
const Cl_options * gcl_opts = 0; // local vars needed by add_member_lz
enum { max_packet_size = 1 << 20 };
class Packet_courier;
Packet_courier * courierp = 0;
unsigned long long partial_data_size = 0; // size of current block
class Slot_tally
const int num_slots; // total slots
int num_free; // remaining free slots
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t slot_av; // slot available
Slot_tally( const Slot_tally & ); // declared as private
void operator=( const Slot_tally & ); // declared as private
explicit Slot_tally( const int slots )
: num_slots( slots ), num_free( slots )
{ xinit_mutex( &mutex ); xinit_cond( &slot_av ); }
~Slot_tally() { xdestroy_cond( &slot_av ); xdestroy_mutex( &mutex ); }
bool all_free() { return num_free == num_slots; }
void get_slot() // wait for a free slot
xlock( &mutex );
while( num_free <= 0 ) xwait( &slot_av, &mutex );
xunlock( &mutex );
void leave_slot() // return a slot to the tally
xlock( &mutex );
if( ++num_free == 1 ) xsignal( &slot_av ); // num_free was 0
xunlock( &mutex );
struct Ipacket // filename, file size and headers
const long long file_size;
const std::string filename; // filename.empty() means end of lzip member
const Extended * const extended;
const uint8_t * const header;
Ipacket() : file_size( 0 ), extended( 0 ), header( 0 ) {}
Ipacket( const char * const name, const long long fs,
const Extended * const ext, const uint8_t * const head )
: file_size( fs ), filename( name ), extended( ext ), header( head ) {}
struct Opacket // compressed data to be written to the archive
const uint8_t * data; // data == 0 means end of lzip member
int size; // number of bytes in data (if any)
Opacket() : data( 0 ), size( 0 ) {}
Opacket( uint8_t * const d, const int s ) : data( d ), size( s ) {}
class Packet_courier // moves packets around
unsigned icheck_counter;
unsigned iwait_counter;
unsigned ocheck_counter;
unsigned owait_counter;
int receive_id; // worker queue currently receiving packets
int deliver_id; // worker queue currently delivering packets
Slot_tally slot_tally; // limits the number of input packets
std::vector< std::queue< const Ipacket * > > ipacket_queues;
std::vector< std::queue< Opacket > > opacket_queues;
int num_working; // number of workers still running
const int num_workers; // number of workers
const unsigned out_slots; // max output packets per queue
pthread_mutex_t imutex;
pthread_cond_t iav_or_eof; // input packet available or grouper done
pthread_mutex_t omutex;
pthread_cond_t oav_or_exit; // output packet available or all workers exited
std::vector< pthread_cond_t > slot_av; // output slot available
bool eof; // grouper done
Packet_courier( const Packet_courier & ); // declared as private
void operator=( const Packet_courier & ); // declared as private
Packet_courier( const int workers, const int in_slots, const int oslots )
: icheck_counter( 0 ), iwait_counter( 0 ),
ocheck_counter( 0 ), owait_counter( 0 ),
receive_id( 0 ), deliver_id( 0 ), slot_tally( in_slots ),
ipacket_queues( workers ), opacket_queues( workers ),
num_working( workers ), num_workers( workers ),
out_slots( oslots ), slot_av( workers ), eof( false )
xinit_mutex( &imutex ); xinit_cond( &iav_or_eof );
xinit_mutex( &omutex ); xinit_cond( &oav_or_exit );
for( unsigned i = 0; i < slot_av.size(); ++i ) xinit_cond( &slot_av[i] );
for( unsigned i = 0; i < slot_av.size(); ++i ) xdestroy_cond( &slot_av[i] );
xdestroy_cond( &oav_or_exit ); xdestroy_mutex( &omutex );
xdestroy_cond( &iav_or_eof ); xdestroy_mutex( &imutex );
/* Receive an ipacket from grouper.
If filename.empty() (end of lzip member token), move to next queue. */
void receive_packet( const Ipacket * const ipacket )
if( !ipacket->filename.empty() )
slot_tally.get_slot(); // wait for a free slot
xlock( &imutex );
ipacket_queues[receive_id].push( ipacket );
if( ipacket->filename.empty() && ++receive_id >= num_workers )
receive_id = 0;
xbroadcast( &iav_or_eof );
xunlock( &imutex );
// distribute an ipacket to a worker
const Ipacket * distribute_packet( const int worker_id )
const Ipacket * ipacket = 0;
xlock( &imutex );
while( ipacket_queues[worker_id].empty() && !eof )
xwait( &iav_or_eof, &imutex );
if( !ipacket_queues[worker_id].empty() )
ipacket = ipacket_queues[worker_id].front();
xunlock( &imutex );
if( ipacket )
{ if( !ipacket->filename.empty() ) slot_tally.leave_slot(); }
// notify muxer when last worker exits
xlock( &omutex );
if( --num_working == 0 ) xsignal( &oav_or_exit );
xunlock( &omutex );
return ipacket;
// collect an opacket from a worker
void collect_packet( const Opacket & opacket, const int worker_id )
xlock( &omutex );
if( opacket.data )
while( opacket_queues[worker_id].size() >= out_slots )
xwait( &slot_av[worker_id], &omutex );
opacket_queues[worker_id].push( opacket );
if( worker_id == deliver_id ) xsignal( &oav_or_exit );
xunlock( &omutex );
/* Deliver opackets to muxer.
If opacket.data == 0, skip opacket and move to next queue. */
void deliver_packets( std::vector< Opacket > & opacket_vector )
xlock( &omutex );
do {
while( opacket_queues[deliver_id].empty() && num_working > 0 )
{ ++owait_counter; xwait( &oav_or_exit, &omutex ); }
while( !opacket_queues[deliver_id].empty() )
Opacket opacket = opacket_queues[deliver_id].front();
if( opacket_queues[deliver_id].size() + 1 == out_slots )
xsignal( &slot_av[deliver_id] );
if( opacket.data ) opacket_vector.push_back( opacket );
else if( ++deliver_id >= num_workers ) deliver_id = 0;
while( opacket_vector.empty() && num_working > 0 );
xunlock( &omutex );
void finish() // grouper has no more packets to send
xlock( &imutex );
eof = true;
xbroadcast( &iav_or_eof );
xunlock( &imutex );
bool finished() // all packets delivered to muxer
if( !slot_tally.all_free() || !eof || num_working != 0 ) return false;
for( int i = 0; i < num_workers; ++i )
if( !ipacket_queues[i].empty() ) return false;
for( int i = 0; i < num_workers; ++i )
if( !opacket_queues[i].empty() ) return false;
return true;
// send one ipacket with tar member metadata to courier and print filename
int add_member_lz( const char * const filename, const struct stat *,
const int flag, struct FTW * )
if( Exclude::excluded( filename ) ) return 0; // skip excluded files
long long file_size;
// metadata for extended records
Extended * const extended = new( std::nothrow ) Extended;
uint8_t * const header = extended ? new( std::nothrow ) Tar_header : 0;
if( !header )
{ show_error( mem_msg ); if( extended ) delete extended; return 1; }
if( !fill_headers( filename, *extended, header, file_size, flag ) )
{ delete[] header; delete extended; return 0; }
print_removed_prefix( extended->removed_prefix );
if( gcl_opts->solidity == bsolid )
const int ebsize = extended->full_size();
if( ebsize < 0 ) { show_error( extended->full_size_error() ); return 1; }
if( block_is_full( ebsize, file_size, gcl_opts->data_size,
partial_data_size ) )
courierp->receive_packet( new Ipacket ); // end of group
courierp->receive_packet( new Ipacket( filename, file_size, extended, header ) );
if( gcl_opts->solidity == no_solid ) // one tar member per group
courierp->receive_packet( new Ipacket );
if( verbosity >= 1 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", filename );
return 0;
struct Grouper_arg
const Cl_options * cl_opts;
Packet_courier * courier;
/* Package metadata of the files to be archived and pass them to the
courier for distribution to workers.
extern "C" void * grouper( void * arg )
const Grouper_arg & tmp = *(const Grouper_arg *)arg;
const Cl_options & cl_opts = *tmp.cl_opts;
Packet_courier & courier = *tmp.courier;
for( int i = 0; i < cl_opts.parser.arguments(); ++i ) // parse command line
const int ret = parse_cl_arg( cl_opts, i, add_member_lz );
if( ret == 0 ) continue; // skip arg
if( ret == 1 ) exit_fail_mt(); // error
if( cl_opts.solidity == dsolid ) // end of group
courier.receive_packet( new Ipacket );
if( cl_opts.solidity == bsolid && partial_data_size ) // finish last block
{ partial_data_size = 0; courierp->receive_packet( new Ipacket ); }
courier.finish(); // no more packets to send
return 0;
/* Write ibuf to encoder. To minimize dictionary size, do not read from
encoder until encoder's input buffer is full or finish is true.
Send opacket to courier and allocate new obuf each time obuf is full.
void loop_encode( const uint8_t * const ibuf, const int isize,
uint8_t * & obuf, int & opos, Packet_courier & courier,
LZ_Encoder * const encoder, const int worker_id,
const bool finish = false )
int ipos = 0;
if( opos < 0 || opos > max_packet_size )
internal_error( "bad buffer index in loop_encode." );
while( true )
if( ipos < isize )
const int wr = LZ_compress_write( encoder, ibuf + ipos, isize - ipos );
if( wr < 0 ) internal_error( "library error (LZ_compress_write)." );
ipos += wr;
if( ipos >= isize ) // ibuf is empty
{ if( finish ) LZ_compress_finish( encoder ); else break; }
const int rd =
LZ_compress_read( encoder, obuf + opos, max_packet_size - opos );
if( rd < 0 )
if( verbosity >= 0 )
std::fprintf( stderr, "LZ_compress_read error: %s\n",
LZ_strerror( LZ_compress_errno( encoder ) ) );
opos += rd;
// obuf is full or last opacket in lzip member
if( opos >= max_packet_size || LZ_compress_finished( encoder ) == 1 )
if( opos > max_packet_size )
internal_error( "opacket size exceeded in worker." );
courier.collect_packet( Opacket( obuf, opos ), worker_id );
opos = 0; obuf = new( std::nothrow ) uint8_t[max_packet_size];
if( !obuf ) { show_error( mem_msg2 ); exit_fail_mt(); }
if( LZ_compress_finished( encoder ) == 1 )
if( LZ_compress_restart_member( encoder, LLONG_MAX ) >= 0 ) break;
show_error( "LZ_compress_restart_member failed." ); exit_fail_mt();
if( ipos > isize ) internal_error( "ipacket size exceeded in worker." );
if( ipos < isize ) internal_error( "input not fully consumed in worker." );
struct Worker_arg
Packet_courier * courier;
int dictionary_size;
int match_len_limit;
int worker_id;
/* Get ipackets from courier, compress headers and file data, and give the
opackets produced to courier.
extern "C" void * cworker( void * arg )
const Worker_arg & tmp = *(const Worker_arg *)arg;
Packet_courier & courier = *tmp.courier;
const int dictionary_size = tmp.dictionary_size;
const int match_len_limit = tmp.match_len_limit;
const int worker_id = tmp.worker_id;
LZ_Encoder * encoder = 0;
uint8_t * data = 0;
Resizable_buffer rbuf; // extended header + data
if( !rbuf.size() ) { show_error( mem_msg2 ); exit_fail_mt(); }
int opos = 0;
bool flushed = true; // avoid producing empty lzip members
while( true )
const Ipacket * const ipacket = courier.distribute_packet( worker_id );
if( !ipacket ) break; // no more packets to process
if( ipacket->filename.empty() ) // end of group
if( !flushed ) // this lzip member is not empty
loop_encode( 0, 0, data, opos, courier, encoder, worker_id, true );
courier.collect_packet( Opacket(), worker_id ); // end of member token
flushed = true; delete ipacket; continue;
const char * const filename = ipacket->filename.c_str();
const int infd = ipacket->file_size ? open_instream( filename ) : -1;
if( ipacket->file_size && infd < 0 ) // can't read file data
{ delete[] ipacket->header; delete ipacket->extended; delete ipacket;
set_error_status( 1 ); continue; } // skip file
flushed = false;
if( !encoder ) // init encoder just before using it
data = new( std::nothrow ) uint8_t[max_packet_size];
encoder = LZ_compress_open( dictionary_size, match_len_limit, LLONG_MAX );
if( !data || !encoder || LZ_compress_errno( encoder ) != LZ_ok )
if( !data || !encoder || LZ_compress_errno( encoder ) == LZ_mem_error )
show_error( mem_msg2 );
internal_error( "invalid argument to encoder." );
const int ebsize = ipacket->extended->format_block( rbuf ); // may be 0
if( ebsize < 0 )
{ show_error( ipacket->extended->full_size_error() ); exit_fail_mt(); }
if( ebsize > 0 ) // compress extended block
loop_encode( rbuf.u8(), ebsize, data, opos, courier, encoder, worker_id );
// compress ustar header
loop_encode( ipacket->header, header_size, data, opos, courier,
encoder, worker_id );
delete[] ipacket->header; delete ipacket->extended;
if( ipacket->file_size )
const long long bufsize = 32 * header_size;
uint8_t buf[bufsize];
long long rest = ipacket->file_size;
while( rest > 0 )
int size = std::min( rest, bufsize );
const int rd = readblock( infd, buf, size );
rest -= rd;
if( rd != size )
show_atpos_error( filename, ipacket->file_size - rest, false );
close( infd ); exit_fail_mt();
if( rest == 0 ) // last read
const int rem = ipacket->file_size % header_size;
if( rem > 0 )
{ const int padding = header_size - rem;
std::memset( buf + size, 0, padding ); size += padding; }
// compress size bytes of file
loop_encode( buf, size, data, opos, courier, encoder, worker_id );
if( close( infd ) != 0 )
{ show_file_error( filename, eclosf_msg, errno ); exit_fail_mt(); }
if( gcl_opts->warn_newer && archive_attrs.is_newer( filename ) )
{ show_file_error( filename, "File is newer than the archive." );
set_error_status( 1 ); }
delete ipacket;
if( data ) delete[] data;
if( encoder && LZ_compress_close( encoder ) < 0 )
{ show_error( "LZ_compress_close failed." ); exit_fail_mt(); }
return 0;
/* Get from courier the processed and sorted packets, and write
their contents to the output archive.
void muxer( Packet_courier & courier, const int outfd )
std::vector< Opacket > opacket_vector;
while( true )
courier.deliver_packets( opacket_vector );
if( opacket_vector.empty() ) break; // queue is empty. all workers exited
for( unsigned i = 0; i < opacket_vector.size(); ++i )
Opacket & opacket = opacket_vector[i];
if( !writeblock_wrapper( outfd, opacket.data, opacket.size ) )
delete[] opacket.data;
} // end namespace
// init the courier, then start the grouper and the workers and call the muxer
int encode_lz( const Cl_options & cl_opts, const char * const archive_namep,
const int outfd )
const int in_slots = 65536; // max small files (<=512B) in 64 MiB
const int num_workers = cl_opts.num_workers;
const int total_in_slots = ( INT_MAX / num_workers >= in_slots ) ?
num_workers * in_slots : INT_MAX;
const int dictionary_size = option_mapping[cl_opts.level].dictionary_size;
const int match_len_limit = option_mapping[cl_opts.level].match_len_limit;
gcl_opts = &cl_opts;
/* If an error happens after any threads have been started, exit must be
called before courier goes out of scope. */
Packet_courier courier( num_workers, total_in_slots, cl_opts.out_slots );
courierp = &courier; // needed by add_member_lz
Grouper_arg grouper_arg;
grouper_arg.cl_opts = &cl_opts;
grouper_arg.courier = &courier;
pthread_t grouper_thread;
int errcode = pthread_create( &grouper_thread, 0, grouper, &grouper_arg );
if( errcode )
{ show_error( "Can't create grouper thread", errcode ); return 1; }
Worker_arg * worker_args = new( std::nothrow ) Worker_arg[num_workers];
pthread_t * worker_threads = new( std::nothrow ) pthread_t[num_workers];
if( !worker_args || !worker_threads )
{ show_error( mem_msg ); exit_fail_mt(); }
for( int i = 0; i < num_workers; ++i )
worker_args[i].courier = &courier;
worker_args[i].dictionary_size = dictionary_size;
worker_args[i].match_len_limit = match_len_limit;
worker_args[i].worker_id = i;
errcode = pthread_create( &worker_threads[i], 0, cworker, &worker_args[i] );
if( errcode )
{ show_error( "Can't create worker threads", errcode ); exit_fail_mt(); }
muxer( courier, outfd );
for( int i = num_workers - 1; i >= 0; --i )
errcode = pthread_join( worker_threads[i], 0 );
if( errcode )
{ show_error( "Can't join worker threads", errcode ); exit_fail_mt(); }
delete[] worker_threads;
delete[] worker_args;
errcode = pthread_join( grouper_thread, 0 );
if( errcode )
{ show_error( "Can't join grouper thread", errcode ); exit_fail_mt(); }
// write End-Of-Archive records
int retval = !write_eoa_records( outfd, true );
if( close( outfd ) != 0 && retval == 0 )
{ show_file_error( archive_namep, eclosa_msg, errno ); retval = 1; }
if( cl_opts.debug_level & 1 )
std::fprintf( stderr,
"any worker tried to consume from grouper %8u times\n"
"any worker had to wait %8u times\n"
"muxer tried to consume from workers %8u times\n"
"muxer had to wait %8u times\n",
courier.owait_counter );
if( !courier.finished() ) internal_error( conofin_msg );
return final_exit_status( retval );