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.. _config:
ABlog Configuration Options
.. post:: May 10, 2014
:tags: config
:author: Ahmet
:category: Manual
:location: Pittsburgh
This post describes ABlog configuration options that go in :ref:`Sphinx build configuration file <sphinx:build-config>`.
General options
.. confval:: blog_path
A path relative to the configuration directory for blog archive pages.
Default is ``'blog'``.
Authors, languages, & locations
.. confval:: blog_authors
A dictionary of author names mapping to author full display names and links.
Dictionary keys are what should be used in ``post`` directive to refer to the author.
Default is ``{}``.
blog_authors = {
'Ahmet': ('Ahmet Bakan', 'http://ahmetbakan.com'),
'Durden': ('Tyler Durden',
.. confval:: blog_default_author
Name of the default author defined in :confval:`blog_authors`.
Default is ``None``.
.. confval:: blog_languages
A dictionary of language code names mapping to full display names and links of these languages.
Similar to :confval:`blog_authors`, dictionary keys should be used in ``post`` directive to refer to the locations.
Default is ``{}``.
blog_languages = {
'en': ('English', None),
.. confval:: blog_default_language
Code name of the default language defined in :confval:`blog_languages`.
Default is ``None``.
.. confval:: blog_locations
A dictionary of location names mapping to full display names and links of these locations.
Similar to :confval:`blog_authors`, dictionary keys should be used in ``post`` directive to refer to the locations.
Default is ``{}``.
.. confval:: blog_default_location
Name of the default location defined in :confval:`blog_locations`.
Default is ``None``.
.. update:: Sep 15, 2014
Added :confval:`blog_languages` and :confval:`blog_default_language` configuration variables.
Post related
.. confval:: post_date_format
Date display format (default is ``'%b %d, %Y'``, e.g., ``12 August 2024``) for published posts that goes as input to :meth:`datetime.date.strftime`.
.. confval:: post_date_format_short
Date display format in recent posts sidebar (default is ``'%d %B'``, e.g., ``12 October``) for published posts that goes as input to :meth:`datetime.date.strftime`.
.. confval:: post_auto_excerpt
Number of paragraphs (default is ``1``) that will be displayed as an excerpt from the post.
Setting this ``0`` will result in displaying no post excerpt in archive pages.
This option can be set on a per post basis using :rst:dir:`post` directive option ``excerpt``.
See :ref:`post-excerpts-and-images` for a more detailed discussion.
.. confval:: post_auto_image
Index of the image that will be displayed in the excerpt of the post.
Default is ``0``, meaning no image.
Setting this to ``1`` will include the first image, when available, to the excerpt.
This option can be set on a per post basis using :rst:dir:`post` directive option ``image``.
.. confval:: post_redirect_refresh
Number of seconds (default is ``5``) that a redirect page waits before refreshing the page to redirect to the post.
.. confval:: post_always_section
When ``True``, post title and excerpt is always taken from the section that contains the :rst:dir:`post` directive, instead of the document.
This is the behavior when :rst:dir:`post` is used multiple times in a document.
Default is ``False``.
.. confval:: post_show_prev_next
When ``True``, links to the previous and next posts will be rendered at the bottom of the page.
Default is ``True``
Blog feeds
Turn feeds on by setting :confval:`blog_baseurl` configuration variable.
.. confval:: blog_baseurl
Base URL for the website, turns on generating feeds. E.g., ``https://ablog.readthedocs.io``.
Then optionally set the following:
.. confval:: blog_title
The “title” for the blog, used in feeds title (not archive web pages title). Default is ``'Blog'``.
.. confval:: blog_archive_titles
Choose to archive only post titles in collection pages, default is ``False``.
.. confval:: blog_feed_archives
Choose to create feeds per author, location, tag, category, and year, default is ``False``.
.. confval:: blog_feed_fulltext
Choose to display full text in blog feeds, default is ``False``.
.. confval:: blog_feed_subtitle
Blog feed subtitle, default is ``None``.
.. confval:: blog_feed_titles
Choose to feed only post titles, default is ``False``.
.. confval:: blog_feed_templates
A dictionary of feed filename roots mapping to nested dictionaries of feed entry
elements, ``title``, ``summary``, and/or ``content``, and a `Jinja2`_ template which will be
used to render the value used for that element in that feed. Templates are rendered
with the the following context:
- ``feed_length``
- ``feed_fulltext``
- ``feed_posts``
- ``pagename``
- ``feed_title``
- ``feed_url``
- ``feed``
- ``post``
- ``post_url``
- ``content``
- ``feed_entry``
- ``title``
- ``summary``
- ``blog``
- ``url``
- ``app``
Default is: ``{"atom": {}}``
Example to add an additional feed for posting to social media::
blog_feed_templates = {
# Use defaults, no templates
"atom": {},
# Create content text suitable posting to social media
"social": {
# Format tags as hashtags and append to the content
"content": "{{ title }}{% for tag in post.tags %}"
" #{{ tag.name|trim()|replace(' ', '') }}"
"{% endfor %}",
.. confval:: blog_feed_length
Specify number of recent posts to include in feeds, default is ``None`` for all posts.
.. update:: Aug 24, 2014
Added :confval:`blog_feed_archives`, :confval:`blog_feed_fulltext`, :confval:`blog_feed_subtitle`, and :confval:`post_always_section` options.
.. update:: Nov 27, 2014
Added :confval:`blog_feed_titles`, :confval:`blog_feed_length`, and :confval:`blog_archive_titles` options.
.. update:: Mar 20, 2021
Added :confval:`blog_feed_templates` option.
.. _fa:
.. _Jinja2: https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/
.. _font-awesome:
Font awesome
ABlog templates will use of `Font Awesome`_ icons if one of the following is set:
.. _Font Awesome: https://fontawesome.com/
.. confval:: fontawesome_link_cdn
URL to `Font Awesome`_ :file:`.css` hosted at `Bootstrap CDN`_ or anywhere else.
Default: ``None``
.. _Bootstrap CDN: https://www.bootstrapcdn.com/fontawesome/
.. update:: Jul 29, 2015
:confval:`fontawesome_link_cdn` was a *boolean* option, and now became a *string* to enable using desired version of `Font Awesome`_.
To get the old behavior, use ``https://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.0.3/css/font-awesome.min.css'``.
.. confval:: fontawesome_included
Sphinx_ theme already links to `Font Awesome`_.
Default: ``False``
Alternatively, you can provide the path to `Font Awesome`_ :file:`.css` with the following configuration option:
.. confval:: fontawesome_css_file
Path to `Font Awesome`_ :file:`.css` (default is ``None``) that will be linked to in HTML output by ABlog.
.. _disqus-integration:
Disqus integration
Of course one cannot think of a blog that doesn't allow for visitors to comment.
You can enable Disqus_ by setting :confval:`disqus_shortname` and :confval:`blog_baseurl` variables.
The reason for requiring :confval:`blog_baseurl` to be specified as of v0.7.2 is to ensure that Disqus associates correct URLs with threads when you serve new posts locally for the first time.
.. confval:: disqus_shortname
Disqus_ short name for the website.
.. confval:: disqus_pages
Choose to disqus pages that are not posts, default is ``False``.
.. confval:: disqus_drafts
Choose to disqus posts that are drafts (without a published date), default is ``False``.
Isso integration
An alternative to Disqus, is `Isso <https://isso-comments.de/>`__.
Integration is provided by `sphinxnotes-isso`_ and the instructions there.
.. _sphinxnotes-isso: https://sphinx-notes.github.io/isso/
Command Options
.. update:: Apr 7, 2015
Added :ref:`commands` options.
.. confval:: ablog_website
Directory name for build output files. Default is ``_website``.
.. confval:: ablog_doctrees
Directory name for build cache files. Default is ``.doctrees``.
.. confval:: ablog_builder
HTML builder, default is ``dirhtml``. Build HTML pages, but with a single directory per document.
Makes for prettier URLs (no .html) if served from a webserver. Alternative is ``html`` to build one HTML file per document.
.. confval:: github_pages
GitHub user name used by ``ablog deploy`` command.
See :ref:`deploy` and :ref:`deploy-to-github-pages` for more information.