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.. _quick-start:
ABlog Quick Start
.. post:: Mar 1, 2015
:tags: config, tips
:author: Mehmet, Ahmet
:category: Manual
:location: SF
This short walk through of blogging work flow assumes that you have already installed ABlog. If not, see :ref:`installation` guide.
*Note that this post is a working draft. Feel free to revise it on GitHub.*
Start a Project
To start a new project, run ``ablog start`` command in a directory where you want to keep your project source files.
This command will ask you a few questions and create the following files:
* :file:`conf.py` that contains project configuration for building HTML pages.
* :file:`first-post.rst`, a blog post example.
* :file:`index.rst` that contains content for the *landing* page of your website.
* :file:`about.rst`, another non-post page example.
Build and View
With no further delay, let's see what your project will look like.
First run ``ablog build``, in your project folder, to have HTML pages built in :file:`_website` folder.
Then, call ``ablog serve`` to view them in your default web browser.
See :ref:`commands` for more information about these commands.
Your landing page is built from :file:`index.rst` and contains links to your first post and about page.
Take a look at :file:`index.rst` for some tips on navigation links within the project.
Write Content
If you are new to Sphinx_ and reStructuredText markup language, you might find `reStructuredText Primer <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html>`__ useful.
Pages in your project are :file:`.rst` files that are only a :rst:dir:`post` directive short of becoming blog posts.
To make regular pages accessible from the navigation bar, you need to list them in a :rst:dir:`toctree`.
This is shown for *about* page into :file:`index.rst`.
You can convert any page to a post with a :rst:dir:`post` directive.
ABlog will take care of listing posts in specified archives and sidebars.
Blog posts
You can start new blog posts with either a front-matter or a directive using ABlog.
Simply use something based on the following template as the front-matter::
:blogpost: true
:date: January 1, 2020
:author: A. Author
:location: World
:category: Blog
:language: English
:tags: blog
Simply use something based on the following template as the directive for ABlog::
.. post:: January 1, 2020
:author: A. Author
:location: World
:category: Blog
:language: English
:tags: blog
For more information, see :ref:`posting-directive` and :ref:`posting-front-matter`.
You can enable comments in your website by creating a Disqus_ account and obtaining a unique identifier, i.e. :confval:`disqus_shortname`.
See :ref:`disqus-integration` for configuration options.
ABlog uses Alabaster_ theme by default. You can use theme options to set your `Google Analytics`__ identifier to enable tracking.
__ https://www.google.com/analytics/
There are four major groups of configuration options that can help you customize how your website looks:
* :ref:`config` - add blog authors, post locations and languages to your blog, adjust archive and feed content, etc.
* `General configuration <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#general-configuration>`__ and `project information <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#project-information>`__
* :ref:`html-options` - configure appearance of your website.
* Alabaster_ theme options - link to your GitHub account and project, set up tracking, etc.
Other Folders
You might have noticed that your project contains three folders that we have not mention yet.
Here they are:
* :file:`_static` is for keeping image, :file:`.js`, and :file:`.css` files.
:confval:`html_static_path` Sphinx option for more information.
* :file:`_templates` is for custom HTML templates.
See :confval:`templates_path` for more information.
* :file:`.doctree` folder, created after build command is called, is where Sphinx_ stores the state of your project.
Files in this folder saves time when you rebuild your project.