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#!/usr/bin/env python3
'''FontForge: Copy glyphs from one font to another, without using ffbuilder'''
__url__ = 'https://github.com/silnrsi/pysilfont'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015-2019 SIL International (https://www.sil.org)'
__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)'
__author__ = 'Martin Hosken'
from silfont.core import execute
import psMat
import io
''' This will need updating, since FontForge is no longer supported as a tool by execute() So:
- ifont and ofont will need to be changed to have type 'filename'
- ifont will then need to be opened using fontforge.open
- The font will need to be saved with font.save
- execute will need to be called with the tool set to None instead of "FF"
argspec = [
('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont', 'def': 'new'}),
('-i','--input',{'help': 'Font to get glyphs from', 'required' : True}, {'type': 'infont'}),
('-r','--range',{'help': 'StartUnicode..EndUnicode no spaces, e.g. 20..7E', 'action' : 'append'}, {}),
('--rangefile',{'help': 'File with USVs e.g. 20 or a range e.g. 20..7E or both', 'action' : 'append'}, {}),
('-n','--name',{'help': 'Include glyph named name', 'action' : 'append'}, {}),
('--namefile',{'help': 'File with glyph names', 'action' : 'append'}, {}),
('-a','--anchors',{'help' : 'Copy across anchor points', 'action' : 'store_true'}, {}),
('-f','--force',{'help' : 'Overwrite existing glyphs in the font', 'action' : 'store_true'}, {}),
('-s','--scale',{'type' : float, 'help' : 'Scale glyphs by this factor'}, {})
def copyglyph(font, infont, g, u, args) :
extras = set()
if args.scale is None :
scale = psMat.identity()
else :
scale = psMat.scale(args.scale)
o = font.findEncodingSlot(u)
if o == -1 :
glyph = font.createChar(u, g.glyphname)
else :
glyph = font[o]
if len(g.references) == 0 :
pen = glyph.glyphPen()
else :
for r in g.references :
t = psMat.compose(r[1], scale)
newt = psMat.compose(psMat.identity(), psMat.translate(t[4], t[5]))
glyph.addReference(r[0], newt)
glyph.width = g.width * scale[0]
if args.anchors :
for a in g.anchorPoints :
try :
l = font.getSubtableOfAnchor(a[1])
except EnvironmentError :
font.addAnchorClass("", a[0]*scale[0], a[1]*scale[3])
glyph.anchorPoints = g.anchorPoints
return list(extras)
def doit(args) :
font = args.ifont
infont = args.input
font.encoding = "Original"
infont.encoding = "Original" # compact the font so findEncodingSlot will work
infont.layers["Fore"].is_quadratic = font.layers["Fore"].is_quadratic
# list of glyphs to copy
glist = list()
# glyphs specified on the command line
for n in args.name or [] :
# glyphs specified in a file
for filename in args.namefile or [] :
namefile = io.open(filename, 'r')
for line in namefile :
# ignore comments
line = line.partition('#')[0]
line = line.strip()
# ignore blank lines
if (line == ''):
# copy glyphs by name
reportErrors = True
while len(glist) :
tglist = glist[:]
glist = []
for n in tglist:
if n in font and not args.force :
if reportErrors :
print("Glyph {} already present. Skipping".format(n))
if n not in infont :
print("Can't find glyph {}".format(n))
g = infont[n]
glist.extend(copyglyph(font, infont, g, -1, args))
reportErrors = False
# list of characters to copy
ulist = list()
# characters specified on the command line
for r in args.range or [] :
(rstart, rend) = [int(x, 16) for x in r.split('..')]
for u in range(rstart, rend + 1) :
# characters specified in a file
for filename in args.rangefile or [] :
rangefile = io.open(filename, 'r')
for line in rangefile :
# ignore comments
line = line.partition('#')[0]
line = line.strip()
# ignore blank lines
if (line == ''):
# obtain USVs
(rstart, rend) = line.split('..')
except ValueError:
rstart = line
rend = line
rstart = int(rstart, 16)
rend = int(rend, 16)
for u in range(rstart, rend + 1):
# copy the characters from the generated list
for u in ulist:
o = font.findEncodingSlot(u)
if o != -1 and not args.force :
print("Glyph for {:x} already present. Skipping".format(u))
e = infont.findEncodingSlot(u)
if e == -1 :
print("Can't find glyph for {:04x}".format(u))
g = infont[e]
copyglyph(font, infont, g, u, args)
return font
def cmd() : execute("FF",doit,argspec)
if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()