75 lines
2.2 KiB
75 lines
2.2 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
'''Import Attachment Point database into a fontforge font'''
__url__ = 'https://github.com/silnrsi/pysilfont'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 SIL International (https://www.sil.org)'
__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)'
__author__ = 'Martin Hosken'
from silfont.core import execute
argspec = [
('ifont', {'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
('ofont', {'help': 'Output font file'}, {'type': 'outfont'}),
('-a','--ap', {'nargs' : 1, 'help': 'Input AP database (required)'}, {})
def assign(varlist, expr) :
"""passes a variable to be assigned as a list and returns the value"""
varlist[0] = expr
return expr
def getuidenc(e, f) :
if 'UID' in e.attrib :
u = int(e.get('UID'), 16)
return f.findEncodingSlot(u)
else :
return -1
def getgid(e, f) :
if 'GID' in e.attrib :
return int(e.get('GID'))
else :
return -1
def doit(args) :
from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse
f = args.ifont
g = None
etree = parse(args.ap)
u = []
for e in etree.getroot().iterfind("glyph") :
name = e.get('PSName')
if name in f :
g = f[name]
elif assign(u, getuidenc(e, f)) != -1 :
g = f[u[0]]
elif assign(u, getgid(e, f)) != -1 :
g = f[u[0]]
elif g is not None : # assume a rename so just take next glyph
g = f[g.encoding + 1]
else :
g = f[0]
g.name = name
g.anchorPoints = ()
for p in e.iterfind('point') :
pname = p.get('type')
l = p[0]
x = int(l.get('x'))
y = int(l.get('y'))
if pname.startswith('_') :
ptype = 'mark'
pname = pname[1:]
else :
ptype = 'base'
g.addAnchorPoint(pname, ptype, float(x), float(y))
comment = []
for p in e.iterfind('property') :
comment.append("{}: {}".format(e.get('name'), e.get('value')))
for p in e.iterfind('note') :
g.comment = "\n".join(comment)
def cmd() : execute("FF",doit,argspec)
if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()