2022-03-08 12:00:19 Progress: Running:  psfcheckbasicchars tests/input/font-psf-test/source/PsfTest-Regular.ufo -l local/testresults/ufo/psfcheckbasicchars.log
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Progress: Reading UFO: tests/input/font-psf-test/source/PsfTest-Regular.ufo
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Progress: Checking fontinfo.plist metadata
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  note is present - it's use is discouraged
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  openTypeOS2FamilyClass would be removed from fontinfo  Old value: [0, 0]
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  openTypeOS2Selection would be added  New value: [7]
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Progress: Checking lib.plist metadata
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  com.schriftgestaltung.disablesAutomaticAlignment would be deleted - obsolete key Old value: True
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  com.schriftgestaltung.disablesLastChange would be deleted - obsolete key Old value: True
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Progress: Check & fix results:- Errors: 0, Changes to make: 4, Other warnings: 1
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Progress: See log file for details
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+005A from the basic set has no representative glyph (Z)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+007A from the basic set has no representative glyph (z)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00A0 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni00A0, nbspace)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00A1 from the basic set has no representative glyph (exclamdown)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00A2 from the basic set has no representative glyph (cent)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00A3 from the basic set has no representative glyph (sterling)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00A4 from the basic set has no representative glyph (currency)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00A5 from the basic set has no representative glyph (yen)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00A6 from the basic set has no representative glyph (brokenbar)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00A7 from the basic set has no representative glyph (section)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00A8 from the basic set has no representative glyph (dieresis)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00A9 from the basic set has no representative glyph (copyright)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00AA from the basic set has no representative glyph (ordfeminine)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00AB from the basic set has no representative glyph (guillemotleft, guillemetleft)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00AC from the basic set has no representative glyph (logicalnot)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00AE from the basic set has no representative glyph (registered)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00AF from the basic set has no representative glyph (macron)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00B0 from the basic set has no representative glyph (degree)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00B1 from the basic set has no representative glyph (plusminus)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00B2 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni00B2, twosuperior)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00B3 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni00B3, threesuperior)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00B4 from the basic set has no representative glyph (acute)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00B5 from the basic set has no representative glyph (mu, micro)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00B6 from the basic set has no representative glyph (paragraph)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00B7 from the basic set has no representative glyph (periodcentered)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00B8 from the basic set has no representative glyph (cedilla)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00B9 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni00B9, onesuperior)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00BA from the basic set has no representative glyph (ordmasculine)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00BB from the basic set has no representative glyph (guillemotright, guillemetright)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00BC from the basic set has no representative glyph (onequarter)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00BD from the basic set has no representative glyph (onehalf)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00BE from the basic set has no representative glyph (threequarters)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00BF from the basic set has no representative glyph (questiondown)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00C0 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Agrave)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00C1 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Aacute)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00C2 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Acircumflex)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00C3 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Atilde)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00C5 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Aring)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00C6 from the basic set has no representative glyph (AE)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00C7 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Ccedilla)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00C8 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Egrave)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00C9 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Eacute)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00CA from the basic set has no representative glyph (Ecircumflex)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00CB from the basic set has no representative glyph (Edieresis)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00CC from the basic set has no representative glyph (Igrave)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00CD from the basic set has no representative glyph (Iacute)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00CE from the basic set has no representative glyph (Icircumflex)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00CF from the basic set has no representative glyph (Idieresis)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00D0 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Eth)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00D1 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Ntilde)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00D2 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Ograve)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00D3 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Oacute)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00D4 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Ocircumflex)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00D5 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Otilde)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00D6 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Odieresis)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00D7 from the basic set has no representative glyph (multiply)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00D8 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Oslash)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00D9 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Ugrave)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00DA from the basic set has no representative glyph (Uacute)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00DB from the basic set has no representative glyph (Ucircumflex)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00DC from the basic set has no representative glyph (Udieresis)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00DD from the basic set has no representative glyph (Yacute)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00DE from the basic set has no representative glyph (Thorn)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00DF from the basic set has no representative glyph (germandbls)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00E6 from the basic set has no representative glyph (ae)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00E7 from the basic set has no representative glyph (ccedilla)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00E8 from the basic set has no representative glyph (egrave)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00E9 from the basic set has no representative glyph (eacute)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00EA from the basic set has no representative glyph (ecircumflex)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00EB from the basic set has no representative glyph (edieresis)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00EC from the basic set has no representative glyph (igrave)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00ED from the basic set has no representative glyph (iacute)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00EE from the basic set has no representative glyph (icircumflex)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00EF from the basic set has no representative glyph (idieresis)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00F0 from the basic set has no representative glyph (eth)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00F1 from the basic set has no representative glyph (ntilde)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00F2 from the basic set has no representative glyph (ograve)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00F3 from the basic set has no representative glyph (oacute)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00F4 from the basic set has no representative glyph (ocircumflex)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00F5 from the basic set has no representative glyph (otilde)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00F6 from the basic set has no representative glyph (odieresis)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00F7 from the basic set has no representative glyph (divide)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00F8 from the basic set has no representative glyph (oslash)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00F9 from the basic set has no representative glyph (ugrave)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00FA from the basic set has no representative glyph (uacute)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00FB from the basic set has no representative glyph (ucircumflex)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00FC from the basic set has no representative glyph (udieresis)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00FD from the basic set has no representative glyph (yacute)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00FE from the basic set has no representative glyph (thorn)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+00FF from the basic set has no representative glyph (ydieresis)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+0131 from the basic set has no representative glyph (dotlessi, idotless)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+0152 from the basic set has no representative glyph (OE)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+0153 from the basic set has no representative glyph (oe)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+0160 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Scaron)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+0161 from the basic set has no representative glyph (scaron)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+0178 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Ydieresis)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+017D from the basic set has no representative glyph (Zcaron)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+017E from the basic set has no representative glyph (zcaron)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+0192 from the basic set has no representative glyph (florin)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+02C6 from the basic set has no representative glyph (circumflex)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+02C7 from the basic set has no representative glyph (caron)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+02D8 from the basic set has no representative glyph (breve)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+02D9 from the basic set has no representative glyph (dotaccent)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+02DA from the basic set has no representative glyph (ring)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+02DB from the basic set has no representative glyph (ogonek)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+02DC from the basic set has no representative glyph (tilde)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+02DD from the basic set has no representative glyph (hungarumlaut)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+034F from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni034F, graphemejoinercomb)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+03C0 from the basic set has no representative glyph (pi)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2000 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2000, enquad)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2001 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2001, emquad)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2002 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2002, enspace)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2003 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2003, emspace)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2004 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2004, threeperemspace)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2005 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2005, fourperemspace)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2006 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2006, sixperemspace)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2007 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2007, figurespace)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2008 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2008, punctuationspace)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2009 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2009, thinspace)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+200A from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni200A, hairspace)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+200B from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni200B, zerowidthspace)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+200C from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni200C, zerowidthnonjoiner)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+200D from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni200D, zerowidthjoiner)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2012 from the basic set has no representative glyph (figuredash)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2013 from the basic set has no representative glyph (endash)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2014 from the basic set has no representative glyph (emdash)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2015 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2015, horizontalbar)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2018 from the basic set has no representative glyph (quoteleft)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2019 from the basic set has no representative glyph (quoteright)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+201A from the basic set has no representative glyph (quotesinglbase)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+201C from the basic set has no representative glyph (quotedblleft)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+201D from the basic set has no representative glyph (quotedblright)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+201E from the basic set has no representative glyph (quotedblbase)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2020 from the basic set has no representative glyph (dagger)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2021 from the basic set has no representative glyph (daggerdbl)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2022 from the basic set has no representative glyph (bullet)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2026 from the basic set has no representative glyph (ellipsis)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2027 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2027, hyphenationpoint)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2028 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2028, lineseparator)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2029 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2029, paragraphseparator)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+202F from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni202F, narrownbspace)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2030 from the basic set has no representative glyph (perthousand)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2039 from the basic set has no representative glyph (guilsinglleft)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+203A from the basic set has no representative glyph (guilsinglright)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2044 from the basic set has no representative glyph (fraction)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2060 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2060, wordjoiner)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2074 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2074, foursuperior)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+20AC from the basic set has no representative glyph (Euro, euro)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2122 from the basic set has no representative glyph (trademark)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2126 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Omega, Ohm)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2202 from the basic set has no representative glyph (partialdiff)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2206 from the basic set has no representative glyph (Delta)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+220F from the basic set has no representative glyph (product)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2211 from the basic set has no representative glyph (summation)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2212 from the basic set has no representative glyph (minus)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2215 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2215, divisionslash)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2219 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2219, bulletoperator)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+221A from the basic set has no representative glyph (radical)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+221E from the basic set has no representative glyph (infinity)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+222B from the basic set has no representative glyph (integral)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2248 from the basic set has no representative glyph (approxequal)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2260 from the basic set has no representative glyph (notequal)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2264 from the basic set has no representative glyph (lessequal)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2265 from the basic set has no representative glyph (greaterequal)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+2423 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uni2423, blank)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+25CA from the basic set has no representative glyph (lozenge)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FB01 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFB01, fi)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FB02 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFB02, fl)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE00 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE00, VS1)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE01 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE01, VS2)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE02 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE02, VS3)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE03 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE03, VS4)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE04 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE04, VS5)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE05 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE05, VS6)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE06 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE06, VS7)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE07 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE07, VS8)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE08 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE08, VS9)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE09 from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE09, VS10)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE0A from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE0A, VS11)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE0B from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE0B, VS12)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE0C from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE0C, VS13)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE0D from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE0D, VS14)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE0E from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE0E, VS15)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FE0F from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFE0F, VS16)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FEFF from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFEFF, zeroWidthNoBreakSpace)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FFFC from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFFFC, objectReplacementCharacter)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Warning:  U+FFFD from the basic set has no representative glyph (uniFFFD, replacementCharacter)
2022-03-08 12:00:19 Error:    There are 187 required characters missing