Fork 0
Daniel Baumann e40b3259c1
Adding upstream version 1.8.0.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <daniel@debian.org>
2025-02-10 05:17:32 +01:00

133 lines
5.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
__doc__ = '''Warn for differences in glyph inventory and encoding between UFO and input file (e.g., glyph_data.csv).
Input file can be:
- simple text file with one glyph name per line
- csv file with headers, using headers "glyph_name" and, if present, "USV"'''
__url__ = 'https://github.com/silnrsi/pysilfont'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2020-2023 SIL International (https://www.sil.org)'
__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)'
__author__ = 'Bob Hallissy'
from silfont.core import execute
argspec = [
('ifont', {'help': 'Input UFO'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
('-i', '--input', {'help': 'Input text file, default glyph_data.csv in current directory', 'default': 'glyph_data.csv'}, {'type': 'incsv'}),
('--indent', {'help': 'size of indent (default 10)', 'type': int, 'default': 10}, {}),
('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_checkinventory.log'})]
def doit(args):
font = args.ifont
incsv = args.input
logger = args.logger
indent = ' '*args.indent
if not (args.quiet or 'scrlevel' in args.paramsobj.sets['command line']):
logger.raisescrlevel('W') # Raise level to W if not already W or higher
def csvWarning(msg, exception=None):
m = f'glyph_data line {incsv.line_num}: {msg}'
if exception is not None:
m += '; ' + exception.message
logger.log(m, 'W')
# Get glyph names and encoding from input file
glyphFromCSVuid = {}
uidsFromCSVglyph = {}
# Identify file format (plain text or csv) from first line
# If csv file, it must have headers for "glyph_name" and "USV"
fl = incsv.firstline
if fl is None: logger.log('Empty input file', 'S')
numfields = len(fl)
incsv.numfields = numfields
usvCol = None # Use this as a flag later to determine whether to check USV inventory
if numfields > 1: # More than 1 column, so must have headers
# Required columns:
nameCol = fl.index('glyph_name');
except ValueError as e:
logger.log('Missing csv input field: ' + e.message, 'S')
except Exception as e:
logger.log('Error reading csv input field: ' + e.message, 'S')
# Optional columns:
usvCol = fl.index('USV') if 'USV' in fl else None
next(incsv.reader, None) # Skip first line with headers in
glyphList = set()
for line in incsv:
gname = line[nameCol]
if len(gname) == 0 or line[0].strip().startswith('#'):
continue # No need to include cases where name is blank or comment
if gname in glyphList:
csvWarning(f'glyph name {gname} previously seen; ignored')
if usvCol:
# Process USV field, which can be:
# empty string -- unencoded glyph
# single USV -- encoded glyph
# USVs connected by '_' -- ligature (in glyph_data for test generation, not glyph encoding)
# space-separated list of the above, where presence of multiple USVs indicates multiply-encoded glyph
for usv in line[usvCol].split():
if '_' in usv:
# ignore ligatures -- these are for test generation, not encoding
uid = int(usv, 16)
except Exception as e:
csvWarning("invalid USV '%s' (%s); ignored: " % (usv, e.message))
if uid in glyphFromCSVuid:
csvWarning('USV %04X previously seen; ignored' % uid)
# Remember this glyph encoding
glyphFromCSVuid[uid] = gname
uidsFromCSVglyph.setdefault(gname, set()).add(uid)
elif numfields == 1: # Simple text file.
glyphList = set(line[0] for line in incsv)
logger.log('Invalid csv file', 'S')
# Get the list of glyphs in the UFO
ufoList = set(font.deflayer.keys())
notInUFO = glyphList - ufoList
notInGlyphData = ufoList - glyphList
if len(notInUFO):
logger.log('Glyphs present in glyph_data but missing from UFO:\n' + '\n'.join(indent + g for g in sorted(notInUFO)), 'W')
if len(notInGlyphData):
logger.log('Glyphs present in UFO but missing from glyph_data:\n' + '\n'.join(indent + g for g in sorted(notInGlyphData)), 'W')
if len(notInUFO) == 0 and len(notInGlyphData) == 0:
logger.log('No glyph inventory differences found', 'P')
if usvCol:
# We can check encoding of glyphs in common
inBoth = glyphList & ufoList # Glyphs we want to examine
csvEncodings = set(f'{gname}|{uid:04X}' for gname in filter(lambda x: x in uidsFromCSVglyph, inBoth) for uid in uidsFromCSVglyph[gname] )
ufoEncodings = set(f'{gname}|{int(u.hex, 16):04X}' for gname in inBoth for u in font.deflayer[gname]['unicode'])
notInUFO = csvEncodings - ufoEncodings
notInGlyphData = ufoEncodings - csvEncodings
if len(notInUFO):
logger.log('Encodings present in glyph_data but missing from UFO:\n' + '\n'.join(indent + g for g in sorted(notInUFO)), 'W')
if len(notInGlyphData):
logger.log('Encodings present in UFO but missing from glyph_data:\n' + '\n'.join(indent + g for g in sorted(notInGlyphData)), 'W')
if len(notInUFO) == 0 and len(notInGlyphData) == 0:
logger.log('No glyph encoding differences found', 'P')
logger.log('Glyph encodings not compared', 'P')
def cmd(): execute('UFO', doit, argspec)
if __name__ == '__main__': cmd()