2025-02-17 07:08:19 +01:00
import * as Util from '../../../src/util/index.js'
import { noop } from '../../../src/util/index.js'
import { clearFixture , getFixture } from '../../helpers/fixture.js'
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describe ( 'Util' , ( ) => {
let fixtureEl
beforeAll ( ( ) => {
fixtureEl = getFixture ( )
} )
afterEach ( ( ) => {
clearFixture ( )
} )
describe ( 'getUID' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should generate uid' , ( ) => {
const uid = Util . getUID ( 'bs' )
const uid2 = Util . getUID ( 'bs' )
expect ( uid ) . not . toEqual ( uid2 )
} )
} )
describe ( 'getTransitionDurationFromElement' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should get transition from element' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = '<div style="transition: all 300ms ease-out;"></div>'
expect ( Util . getTransitionDurationFromElement ( fixtureEl . querySelector ( 'div' ) ) ) . toEqual ( 300 )
} )
it ( 'should return 0 if the element is undefined or null' , ( ) => {
expect ( Util . getTransitionDurationFromElement ( null ) ) . toEqual ( 0 )
expect ( Util . getTransitionDurationFromElement ( undefined ) ) . toEqual ( 0 )
} )
it ( 'should return 0 if the element do not possess transition' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = '<div></div>'
expect ( Util . getTransitionDurationFromElement ( fixtureEl . querySelector ( 'div' ) ) ) . toEqual ( 0 )
} )
} )
describe ( 'triggerTransitionEnd' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should trigger transitionend event' , ( ) => {
return new Promise ( resolve => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = '<div></div>'
const el = fixtureEl . querySelector ( 'div' )
const spy = spyOn ( el , 'dispatchEvent' ) . and . callThrough ( )
el . addEventListener ( 'transitionend' , ( ) => {
expect ( spy ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( )
resolve ( )
} )
Util . triggerTransitionEnd ( el )
} )
} )
} )
describe ( 'isElement' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should detect if the parameter is an element or not and return Boolean' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<div id="foo" class="test"></div>' ,
'<div id="bar" class="test"></div>'
] . join ( '' )
const el = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '#foo' )
expect ( Util . isElement ( el ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
expect ( Util . isElement ( { } ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
expect ( Util . isElement ( fixtureEl . querySelectorAll ( '.test' ) ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
} )
it ( 'should detect jQuery element' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = '<div></div>'
const el = fixtureEl . querySelector ( 'div' )
const fakejQuery = {
0 : el ,
jquery : 'foo'
expect ( Util . isElement ( fakejQuery ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
} )
} )
describe ( 'getElement' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should try to parse element' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<div id="foo" class="test"></div>' ,
'<div id="bar" class="test"></div>'
] . join ( '' )
const el = fixtureEl . querySelector ( 'div' )
expect ( Util . getElement ( el ) ) . toEqual ( el )
expect ( Util . getElement ( '#foo' ) ) . toEqual ( el )
expect ( Util . getElement ( '#fail' ) ) . toBeNull ( )
expect ( Util . getElement ( { } ) ) . toBeNull ( )
expect ( Util . getElement ( [ ] ) ) . toBeNull ( )
expect ( Util . getElement ( ) ) . toBeNull ( )
expect ( Util . getElement ( null ) ) . toBeNull ( )
expect ( Util . getElement ( fixtureEl . querySelectorAll ( '.test' ) ) ) . toBeNull ( )
const fakejQueryObject = {
0 : el ,
jquery : 'foo'
expect ( Util . getElement ( fakejQueryObject ) ) . toEqual ( el )
} )
} )
describe ( 'isVisible' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should return false if the element is not defined' , ( ) => {
expect ( Util . isVisible ( null ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
expect ( Util . isVisible ( undefined ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
} )
it ( 'should return false if the element provided is not a dom element' , ( ) => {
expect ( Util . isVisible ( { } ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
} )
it ( 'should return false if the element is not visible with display none' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = '<div style="display: none;"></div>'
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( 'div' )
expect ( Util . isVisible ( div ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
} )
it ( 'should return false if the element is not visible with visibility hidden' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = '<div style="visibility: hidden;"></div>'
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( 'div' )
expect ( Util . isVisible ( div ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
} )
it ( 'should return false if an ancestor element is display none' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<div style="display: none;">' ,
' <div>' ,
' <div>' ,
' <div class="content"></div>' ,
' </div>' ,
' </div>' ,
] . join ( '' )
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '.content' )
expect ( Util . isVisible ( div ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
} )
it ( 'should return false if an ancestor element is visibility hidden' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<div style="visibility: hidden;">' ,
' <div>' ,
' <div>' ,
' <div class="content"></div>' ,
' </div>' ,
' </div>' ,
] . join ( '' )
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '.content' )
expect ( Util . isVisible ( div ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
} )
it ( 'should return true if an ancestor element is visibility hidden, but reverted' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<div style="visibility: hidden;">' ,
' <div style="visibility: visible;">' ,
' <div>' ,
' <div class="content"></div>' ,
' </div>' ,
' </div>' ,
] . join ( '' )
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '.content' )
expect ( Util . isVisible ( div ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
} )
it ( 'should return true if the element is visible' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<div>' ,
' <div id="element"></div>' ,
] . join ( '' )
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '#element' )
expect ( Util . isVisible ( div ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
} )
it ( 'should return false if the element is hidden, but not via display or visibility' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<details>' ,
' <div id="element"></div>' ,
] . join ( '' )
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '#element' )
expect ( Util . isVisible ( div ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
} )
it ( 'should return true if its a closed details element' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = '<details id="element"></details>'
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '#element' )
expect ( Util . isVisible ( div ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
} )
it ( 'should return true if the element is visible inside an open details element' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<details open>' ,
' <div id="element"></div>' ,
] . join ( '' )
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '#element' )
expect ( Util . isVisible ( div ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
} )
it ( 'should return true if the element is a visible summary in a closed details element' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<details>' ,
' <summary id="element-1">' ,
' <span id="element-2"></span>' ,
' </summary>' ,
] . join ( '' )
const element1 = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '#element-1' )
const element2 = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '#element-2' )
expect ( Util . isVisible ( element1 ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
expect ( Util . isVisible ( element2 ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
} )
} )
describe ( 'isDisabled' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should return true if the element is not defined' , ( ) => {
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( null ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( undefined ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
} )
it ( 'should return true if the element provided is not a dom element' , ( ) => {
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( { } ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( 'test' ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
} )
it ( 'should return true if the element has disabled attribute' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<div>' ,
' <div id="element" disabled="disabled"></div>' ,
' <div id="element1" disabled="true"></div>' ,
' <div id="element2" disabled></div>' ,
] . join ( '' )
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '#element' )
const div1 = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '#element1' )
const div2 = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '#element2' )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( div ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( div1 ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( div2 ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
} )
it ( 'should return false if the element has disabled attribute with "false" value, or doesn\'t have attribute' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<div>' ,
' <div id="element" disabled="false"></div>' ,
' <div id="element1" ></div>' ,
] . join ( '' )
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '#element' )
const div1 = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '#element1' )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( div ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( div1 ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
} )
it ( 'should return false if the element is not disabled ' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<div>' ,
' <button id="button"></button>' ,
' <select id="select"></select>' ,
' <select id="input"></select>' ,
] . join ( '' )
const el = selector => fixtureEl . querySelector ( selector )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( el ( '#button' ) ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( el ( '#select' ) ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( el ( '#input' ) ) ) . toBeFalse ( )
} )
it ( 'should return true if the element has disabled attribute' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<div>' ,
' <input id="input" disabled="disabled">' ,
' <input id="input1" disabled="disabled">' ,
' <button id="button" disabled="true"></button>' ,
' <button id="button1" disabled="disabled"></button>' ,
' <button id="button2" disabled></button>' ,
' <select id="select" disabled></select>' ,
' <select id="input" disabled></select>' ,
] . join ( '' )
const el = selector => fixtureEl . querySelector ( selector )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( el ( '#input' ) ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( el ( '#input1' ) ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( el ( '#button' ) ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( el ( '#button1' ) ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( el ( '#button2' ) ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( el ( '#input' ) ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
} )
it ( 'should return true if the element has class "disabled"' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<div>' ,
' <div id="element" class="disabled"></div>' ,
] . join ( '' )
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '#element' )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( div ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
} )
it ( 'should return true if the element has class "disabled" but disabled attribute is false' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<div>' ,
' <input id="input" class="disabled" disabled="false">' ,
] . join ( '' )
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '#input' )
expect ( Util . isDisabled ( div ) ) . toBeTrue ( )
} )
} )
describe ( 'findShadowRoot' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should return null if shadow dom is not available' , ( ) => {
// Only for newer browsers
if ( ! document . documentElement . attachShadow ) {
expect ( ) . nothing ( )
fixtureEl . innerHTML = '<div></div>'
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( 'div' )
spyOn ( document . documentElement , 'attachShadow' ) . and . returnValue ( null )
expect ( Util . findShadowRoot ( div ) ) . toBeNull ( )
} )
it ( 'should return null when we do not find a shadow root' , ( ) => {
// Only for newer browsers
if ( ! document . documentElement . attachShadow ) {
expect ( ) . nothing ( )
spyOn ( document , 'getRootNode' ) . and . returnValue ( undefined )
expect ( Util . findShadowRoot ( document ) ) . toBeNull ( )
} )
it ( 'should return the shadow root when found' , ( ) => {
// Only for newer browsers
if ( ! document . documentElement . attachShadow ) {
expect ( ) . nothing ( )
fixtureEl . innerHTML = '<div></div>'
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( 'div' )
const shadowRoot = div . attachShadow ( {
mode : 'open'
} )
expect ( Util . findShadowRoot ( shadowRoot ) ) . toEqual ( shadowRoot )
shadowRoot . innerHTML = '<button>Shadow Button</button>'
expect ( Util . findShadowRoot ( shadowRoot . firstChild ) ) . toEqual ( shadowRoot )
} )
} )
describe ( 'noop' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should be a function' , ( ) => {
expect ( Util . noop ) . toEqual ( jasmine . any ( Function ) )
} )
} )
describe ( 'reflow' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should return element offset height to force the reflow' , ( ) => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = '<div></div>'
const div = fixtureEl . querySelector ( 'div' )
const spy = spyOnProperty ( div , 'offsetHeight' )
Util . reflow ( div )
expect ( spy ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( )
} )
} )
describe ( 'getjQuery' , ( ) => {
const fakejQuery = { trigger ( ) { } }
beforeEach ( ( ) => {
Object . defineProperty ( window , 'jQuery' , {
value : fakejQuery ,
writable : true
} )
} )
afterEach ( ( ) => {
window . jQuery = undefined
} )
it ( 'should return jQuery object when present' , ( ) => {
expect ( Util . getjQuery ( ) ) . toEqual ( fakejQuery )
} )
it ( 'should not return jQuery object when present if data-bs-no-jquery' , ( ) => {
document . body . setAttribute ( 'data-bs-no-jquery' , '' )
expect ( window . jQuery ) . toEqual ( fakejQuery )
expect ( Util . getjQuery ( ) ) . toBeNull ( )
document . body . removeAttribute ( 'data-bs-no-jquery' )
} )
it ( 'should not return jQuery if not present' , ( ) => {
window . jQuery = undefined
expect ( Util . getjQuery ( ) ) . toBeNull ( )
} )
} )
describe ( 'onDOMContentLoaded' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should execute callbacks when DOMContentLoaded is fired and should not add more than one listener' , ( ) => {
const spy = jasmine . createSpy ( )
const spy2 = jasmine . createSpy ( )
const spyAdd = spyOn ( document , 'addEventListener' ) . and . callThrough ( )
spyOnProperty ( document , 'readyState' ) . and . returnValue ( 'loading' )
Util . onDOMContentLoaded ( spy )
Util . onDOMContentLoaded ( spy2 )
document . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( 'DOMContentLoaded' , {
bubbles : true ,
cancelable : true
} ) )
expect ( spy ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( )
expect ( spy2 ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( )
expect ( spyAdd ) . toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( 1 )
} )
it ( 'should execute callback if readyState is not "loading"' , ( ) => {
const spy = jasmine . createSpy ( )
Util . onDOMContentLoaded ( spy )
expect ( spy ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( )
} )
} )
describe ( 'defineJQueryPlugin' , ( ) => {
const fakejQuery = { fn : { } }
beforeEach ( ( ) => {
Object . defineProperty ( window , 'jQuery' , {
value : fakejQuery ,
writable : true
} )
} )
afterEach ( ( ) => {
window . jQuery = undefined
} )
it ( 'should define a plugin on the jQuery instance' , ( ) => {
const pluginMock = Util . noop
pluginMock . NAME = 'test'
pluginMock . jQueryInterface = Util . noop
Util . defineJQueryPlugin ( pluginMock )
expect ( fakejQuery . fn . test ) . toEqual ( pluginMock . jQueryInterface )
expect ( fakejQuery . fn . test . Constructor ) . toEqual ( pluginMock )
expect ( fakejQuery . fn . test . noConflict ) . toEqual ( jasmine . any ( Function ) )
} )
} )
describe ( 'execute' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should execute if arg is function' , ( ) => {
const spy = jasmine . createSpy ( 'spy' )
Util . execute ( spy )
expect ( spy ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( )
} )
2025-02-17 07:08:19 +01:00
it ( 'should execute if arg is function & return the result' , ( ) => {
const functionFoo = ( num1 , num2 = 10 ) => num1 + num2
const resultFoo = Util . execute ( functionFoo , [ 4 , 5 ] )
expect ( resultFoo ) . toBe ( 9 )
const resultFoo1 = Util . execute ( functionFoo , [ 4 ] )
expect ( resultFoo1 ) . toBe ( 14 )
const functionBar = ( ) => 'foo'
const resultBar = Util . execute ( functionBar )
expect ( resultBar ) . toBe ( 'foo' )
} )
it ( 'should not execute if arg is not function & return default argument' , ( ) => {
const foo = 'bar'
expect ( Util . execute ( foo ) ) . toBe ( 'bar' )
expect ( Util . execute ( foo , [ ] , 4 ) ) . toBe ( 4 )
} )
2025-02-17 07:02:47 +01:00
} )
describe ( 'executeAfterTransition' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should immediately execute a function when waitForTransition parameter is false' , ( ) => {
const el = document . createElement ( 'div' )
const callbackSpy = jasmine . createSpy ( 'callback spy' )
const eventListenerSpy = spyOn ( el , 'addEventListener' )
Util . executeAfterTransition ( callbackSpy , el , false )
expect ( callbackSpy ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( )
expect ( eventListenerSpy ) . not . toHaveBeenCalled ( )
} )
it ( 'should execute a function when a transitionend event is dispatched' , ( ) => {
const el = document . createElement ( 'div' )
const callbackSpy = jasmine . createSpy ( 'callback spy' )
spyOn ( window , 'getComputedStyle' ) . and . returnValue ( {
transitionDuration : '0.05s' ,
transitionDelay : '0s'
} )
Util . executeAfterTransition ( callbackSpy , el )
el . dispatchEvent ( new TransitionEvent ( 'transitionend' ) )
expect ( callbackSpy ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( )
} )
it ( 'should execute a function after a computed CSS transition duration and there was no transitionend event dispatched' , ( ) => {
return new Promise ( resolve => {
const el = document . createElement ( 'div' )
const callbackSpy = jasmine . createSpy ( 'callback spy' )
spyOn ( window , 'getComputedStyle' ) . and . returnValue ( {
transitionDuration : '0.05s' ,
transitionDelay : '0s'
} )
Util . executeAfterTransition ( callbackSpy , el )
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
expect ( callbackSpy ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( )
resolve ( )
} , 70 )
} )
} )
it ( 'should not execute a function a second time after a computed CSS transition duration and if a transitionend event has already been dispatched' , ( ) => {
return new Promise ( resolve => {
const el = document . createElement ( 'div' )
const callbackSpy = jasmine . createSpy ( 'callback spy' )
spyOn ( window , 'getComputedStyle' ) . and . returnValue ( {
transitionDuration : '0.05s' ,
transitionDelay : '0s'
} )
Util . executeAfterTransition ( callbackSpy , el )
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
el . dispatchEvent ( new TransitionEvent ( 'transitionend' ) )
} , 50 )
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
expect ( callbackSpy ) . toHaveBeenCalledTimes ( 1 )
resolve ( )
} , 70 )
} )
} )
it ( 'should not trigger a transitionend event if another transitionend event had already happened' , ( ) => {
return new Promise ( resolve => {
const el = document . createElement ( 'div' )
spyOn ( window , 'getComputedStyle' ) . and . returnValue ( {
transitionDuration : '0.05s' ,
transitionDelay : '0s'
} )
Util . executeAfterTransition ( noop , el )
// simulate a event dispatched by the browser
el . dispatchEvent ( new TransitionEvent ( 'transitionend' ) )
const dispatchSpy = spyOn ( el , 'dispatchEvent' ) . and . callThrough ( )
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
// setTimeout should not have triggered another transitionend event.
expect ( dispatchSpy ) . not . toHaveBeenCalled ( )
resolve ( )
} , 70 )
} )
} )
it ( 'should ignore transitionend events from nested elements' , ( ) => {
return new Promise ( resolve => {
fixtureEl . innerHTML = [
'<div class="outer">' ,
' <div class="nested"></div>' ,
] . join ( '' )
const outer = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '.outer' )
const nested = fixtureEl . querySelector ( '.nested' )
const callbackSpy = jasmine . createSpy ( 'callback spy' )
spyOn ( window , 'getComputedStyle' ) . and . returnValue ( {
transitionDuration : '0.05s' ,
transitionDelay : '0s'
} )
Util . executeAfterTransition ( callbackSpy , outer )
nested . dispatchEvent ( new TransitionEvent ( 'transitionend' , {
bubbles : true
} ) )
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
expect ( callbackSpy ) . not . toHaveBeenCalled ( )
} , 20 )
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
expect ( callbackSpy ) . toHaveBeenCalled ( )
resolve ( )
} , 70 )
} )
} )
} )
describe ( 'getNextActiveElement' , ( ) => {
it ( 'should return first element if active not exists or not given and shouldGetNext is either true, or false with cycling being disabled' , ( ) => {
const array = [ 'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' ]
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , '' , true , true ) ) . toEqual ( 'a' )
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , 'g' , true , true ) ) . toEqual ( 'a' )
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , '' , true , false ) ) . toEqual ( 'a' )
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , 'g' , true , false ) ) . toEqual ( 'a' )
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , '' , false , false ) ) . toEqual ( 'a' )
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , 'g' , false , false ) ) . toEqual ( 'a' )
} )
it ( 'should return last element if active not exists or not given and shouldGetNext is false but cycling is enabled' , ( ) => {
const array = [ 'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' ]
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , '' , false , true ) ) . toEqual ( 'd' )
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , 'g' , false , true ) ) . toEqual ( 'd' )
} )
it ( 'should return next element or same if is last' , ( ) => {
const array = [ 'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' ]
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , 'a' , true , true ) ) . toEqual ( 'b' )
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , 'b' , true , true ) ) . toEqual ( 'c' )
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , 'd' , true , false ) ) . toEqual ( 'd' )
} )
it ( 'should return next element or first, if is last and "isCycleAllowed = true"' , ( ) => {
const array = [ 'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' ]
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , 'c' , true , true ) ) . toEqual ( 'd' )
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , 'd' , true , true ) ) . toEqual ( 'a' )
} )
it ( 'should return previous element or same if is first' , ( ) => {
const array = [ 'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' ]
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , 'b' , false , true ) ) . toEqual ( 'a' )
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , 'd' , false , true ) ) . toEqual ( 'c' )
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , 'a' , false , false ) ) . toEqual ( 'a' )
} )
it ( 'should return next element or first, if is last and "isCycleAllowed = true"' , ( ) => {
const array = [ 'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' ]
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , 'd' , false , true ) ) . toEqual ( 'c' )
expect ( Util . getNextActiveElement ( array , 'a' , false , true ) ) . toEqual ( 'd' )
} )
} )
} )