Fork 0
Daniel Baumann c2a4b9519f
Merging upstream version 2.4.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <daniel@debian.org>
2025-03-17 07:17:50 +01:00

108 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable file

import json
import shutil
import socket
import logging
import unittest
import ipaddress
import subprocess
from staslib import iputil, log, stas, trid
IP = shutil.which('ip')
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
'''iputil.py unit tests'''
def setUp(self):
self.logger = logging.getLogger()
# Retrieve the list of Interfaces and all the associated IP addresses
# using standard bash utility (ip address). We'll use this to make sure
# iputil.get_interface() returns the same data as "ip address".
cmd = [IP, '-j', 'address', 'show']
p = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
self.ifaces = json.loads(p.stdout.decode().strip())
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
self.ifaces = []
def test_get_interface(self):
'''Check that get_interface() returns the right info'''
ifaces = iputil.net_if_addrs()
for iface in self.ifaces:
for addr_entry in iface['addr_info']:
addr = ipaddress.ip_address(addr_entry['local'])
# Link local addresses may appear on more than one interface and therefore cannot be used.
if not addr.is_link_local:
self.assertEqual(iface['ifname'], iputil.get_interface(ifaces, addr))
self.assertEqual('', iputil.get_interface(ifaces, iputil.get_ipaddress_obj('')))
self.assertEqual('', iputil.get_interface(ifaces, ''))
self.assertEqual('', iputil.get_interface(ifaces, None))
def _is_ok_for_mac2iface(iface) -> bool:
'''mac2iface can only work with interfaces that have a proper MAC
address. One can use this function to filter out other interfaces
configured on the system.'''
if iface['link_type'] != 'ether':
# Some esoteric interface types (e.g., gre) use the address
# field to store something that is not a MAC address. Skip
# them.
return False
if 'address' not in iface:
return False
if iface['address'] == '00:00:00:00:00:00':
# All 0's is an invalid MAC address so do not bother.
# In practice, it often appears as the address of the loopback
# interface but it can also appear for other things like a gretap
# or erspan interface.
return False
return True
def test_mac2iface(self):
# We only test the interfaces that have a MAC address, and a valid one.
candidate_ifaces = [iface for iface in self.ifaces if self._is_ok_for_mac2iface(iface)]
for iface in candidate_ifaces:
if len([x for x in candidate_ifaces if x['address'] == iface['address']]) >= 2:
# We need to be careful, sometimes we can have the same MAC address
# on multiple interfaces. This happens with VLAN interfaces for
# instance. mac2iface will obviously be confused when dealing with
# those so let's skip the interfaces that have duplicate MAC.
logging.warning('[%s] is not the only interface with address [%s]', iface['ifname'], iface['address'])
self.assertEqual(iface['ifname'], iputil.mac2iface(iface['address']))
def test_remove_invalid_addresses(self):
good_tcp = trid.TID({'transport': 'tcp', 'traddr': '', 'subsysnqn': '', 'trsvcid': '8009'})
bad_tcp = trid.TID({'transport': 'tcp', 'traddr': '555.555.555.555', 'subsysnqn': '', 'trsvcid': '8009'})
any_fc = trid.TID({'transport': 'fc', 'traddr': 'blah', 'subsysnqn': ''})
bad_trtype = trid.TID({'transport': 'whatever', 'traddr': 'blah', 'subsysnqn': ''})
l1 = [
l2 = stas.remove_invalid_addresses(l1)
self.assertNotEqual(l1, l2)
self.assertIn(good_tcp, l2)
self.assertIn(any_fc, l2) # We currently don't check for invalid FC (all FCs are allowed)
self.assertNotIn(bad_tcp, l2)
self.assertNotIn(bad_trtype, l2)
def test__data_matches_ip(self):
self.assertFalse(iputil.ip_equal(None, None))
if __name__ == "__main__":