108 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable file
108 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable file
import json
import shutil
import socket
import logging
import unittest
import ipaddress
import subprocess
from staslib import iputil, log, stas, trid
IP = shutil.which('ip')
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
'''iputil.py unit tests'''
def setUp(self):
self.logger = logging.getLogger()
# Retrieve the list of Interfaces and all the associated IP addresses
# using standard bash utility (ip address). We'll use this to make sure
# iputil.get_interface() returns the same data as "ip address".
cmd = [IP, '-j', 'address', 'show']
p = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
self.ifaces = json.loads(p.stdout.decode().strip())
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
self.ifaces = []
def test_get_interface(self):
'''Check that get_interface() returns the right info'''
ifaces = iputil.net_if_addrs()
for iface in self.ifaces:
for addr_entry in iface['addr_info']:
addr = ipaddress.ip_address(addr_entry['local'])
# Link local addresses may appear on more than one interface and therefore cannot be used.
if not addr.is_link_local:
self.assertEqual(iface['ifname'], iputil.get_interface(ifaces, addr))
self.assertEqual('', iputil.get_interface(ifaces, iputil.get_ipaddress_obj('')))
self.assertEqual('', iputil.get_interface(ifaces, ''))
self.assertEqual('', iputil.get_interface(ifaces, None))
def _is_ok_for_mac2iface(iface) -> bool:
'''mac2iface can only work with interfaces that have a proper MAC
address. One can use this function to filter out other interfaces
configured on the system.'''
if iface['link_type'] != 'ether':
# Some esoteric interface types (e.g., gre) use the address
# field to store something that is not a MAC address. Skip
# them.
return False
if 'address' not in iface:
return False
if iface['address'] == '00:00:00:00:00:00':
# All 0's is an invalid MAC address so do not bother.
# In practice, it often appears as the address of the loopback
# interface but it can also appear for other things like a gretap
# or erspan interface.
return False
return True
def test_mac2iface(self):
# We only test the interfaces that have a MAC address, and a valid one.
candidate_ifaces = [iface for iface in self.ifaces if self._is_ok_for_mac2iface(iface)]
for iface in candidate_ifaces:
if len([x for x in candidate_ifaces if x['address'] == iface['address']]) >= 2:
# We need to be careful, sometimes we can have the same MAC address
# on multiple interfaces. This happens with VLAN interfaces for
# instance. mac2iface will obviously be confused when dealing with
# those so let's skip the interfaces that have duplicate MAC.
logging.warning('[%s] is not the only interface with address [%s]', iface['ifname'], iface['address'])
self.assertEqual(iface['ifname'], iputil.mac2iface(iface['address']))
def test_remove_invalid_addresses(self):
good_tcp = trid.TID({'transport': 'tcp', 'traddr': '', 'subsysnqn': '', 'trsvcid': '8009'})
bad_tcp = trid.TID({'transport': 'tcp', 'traddr': '555.555.555.555', 'subsysnqn': '', 'trsvcid': '8009'})
any_fc = trid.TID({'transport': 'fc', 'traddr': 'blah', 'subsysnqn': ''})
bad_trtype = trid.TID({'transport': 'whatever', 'traddr': 'blah', 'subsysnqn': ''})
l1 = [
l2 = stas.remove_invalid_addresses(l1)
self.assertNotEqual(l1, l2)
self.assertIn(good_tcp, l2)
self.assertIn(any_fc, l2) # We currently don't check for invalid FC (all FCs are allowed)
self.assertNotIn(bad_tcp, l2)
self.assertNotIn(bad_trtype, l2)
def test__data_matches_ip(self):
self.assertFalse(iputil.ip_equal(None, None))
if __name__ == "__main__":